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Anonymous writes...

Why couldn't Miss Martian remember she could phase through doors in Before the Dawn?

Greg responds...

It's not that she couldn't remember. It's that, in general, she was in shock. And she couldn't focus on anything.

Response recorded on February 28, 2013

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Amanda writes...

Queen Bee claimed that after the team steals the cycle, that more tech would appear that would put it, and possibly Superboy, to shame.
Has this tech been shown yet?

Greg responds...

Some of it.

Response recorded on February 28, 2013

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Anon writes...

In the comic it showed Captain Atom lecturing the team, does he or nightwing still do that with the new recruits?

Greg responds...

Cap's been a bit busy recently, but the general policy is training from the top down. If it's stuff that the senior members of the Team can handle, they do. But specialists are still specialists, and Cap has espionage experience that I'm sure he'd still be willing to pass down.

Response recorded on February 28, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Soo I loved #23! (And I'm totally buying that T-shirt btw) I just had one question about what Batman said to Robin in the issue: "We exist to stand up where and when others can't or won't-not to consider ourselves matchless" ...I don't quite understand what that's supposed to mean...and judging by the art Tim looked annoyed at that but I could be misreading the facial expression. Thanks!

Greg responds...

I think you're misreading the expression.

Anyway, Batman means that he and Robin do NOT exist out of some misguided belief that no one else is capable of doing the job.

Response recorded on February 27, 2013

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A fan writes...

Do you think you can at least give me a hint as to what Cassie and Bart want to do in the future. I am not really familiar with the comic-verse, but I recall Cassie having barely any life outside the Titans. Is it the same in earth-16?

Sorry if this is a spoiler by the way. I really appreciate the incredible amount of effort you and the entire crew place into this show. I can't wait for the fifth!

Greg responds...

Cassie does have a life outside the Team. She has a mom and goes to school and has other friends, etc. Any plans for the future, would be a SPOILER REQUEST.

Bart is just starting to have a life outside of the Team. He lives with the Garricks and has started school. But he's much more focused on PREVENTING the future he knows than on figuring out what he might do should a more positive future arrive.

Response recorded on February 27, 2013

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Paul writes...

Was the manner of Artemis's 'death' in Depths a reference to last year's Doctor Who episode The Impossible Astronaut, in which an assailant rose up out of the water and 'killed' the Doctor?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 27, 2013

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Craig writes...

Hi Greg, love the show. Brilliant stuff!

Quick question: Did Wally and Artemis know about Kaldur being undercover from day one, or did Dick only let them in on the secret when he realized he could use her in his plan?

Greg responds...

The latter.

Response recorded on February 27, 2013

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Batboy writes...

1. Why is it that, even after five years of being on the team, Dick still hides his identity?
2. In Happy New Year, Dick told Tim "Just don't die, okay?" Was this a subtle reminder of Jason, that Dick was more hurt by Jason's death then we have seen? (If this is a spoiler I apologize)

Greg responds...

1. He hides it from newbies, perhaps out of habit and/or policy. Again, revealing his identity as good as reveals Batman's, so it's not strictly his choice to make.


Response recorded on February 27, 2013

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Kelly writes...

Do Red Arrow and Artemis get along now?
Does Artemis know her sister and Red Arrow were married? Does she know they have a child?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on February 27, 2013

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Finister2 writes...

You say that while making the Gargoyles comics you like to pretent to cast a voice actor in your head. (or something like that.) With that in mind, did you "cast" anyone as the voice of...
1) Hawkman
2) Selena Gonzalez
3) Psycho-Pirate
4) Henry Yarrow
5) The Collector of Worlds (AKA Brainiac)
...in the Young Justice comic book series.

Greg responds...

1. I haven't written any issue where Hawkman speaks.

2. I didn't write that issue.

3. I didn't write that issue.

4. Charles Hallahan. (I realize that's not a practical choice, but that's who I heard.)

5. Patrick Stewart.

Response recorded on February 27, 2013

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