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Michael Morningstar writes...

Hey Greg!

Today, I just saw the first two episodes of Young Justice: Phantoms on HBO Max and I have to say, I am completely blown away by the animation quality of this season! Studio Mir really nailed it with this season and the animation is on par with the first two seasons (not to say the animation companies who did Outsiders was bad but still could've been better) and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season and pray that Warner Bros. Animation or HBO Max renews the show for a fifth season.

Now, when I was rewatching the show a few weeks ago in preparations for its fourth season's debut this year, something interesting popped up in my mind while I was watching the first three seasons:

1. In the first episode of Season 2, John Stewart/Green Lantern explained to the Justice League and The Team that Kroloteans's culture revolves around stolen alien tech. If this species is so involved in stealing technology from other alien races, how were they even able to travel outside their home planet in the first place? Were they originally an intelligent race like the Rannians and the Kryptonians that successfully managed to travel outside their homeworld and establish first contact but eventually became jealous of other alien species advanced technology so much so that eventually caused them to cease all homemade Krolotean tech and resorted to stealing alien technology for themselves?

2. A decade ago when the first season of Young Justice was going strong on Cartoon Network, you responded to a question stating that New Gods are ageless beings. What does this mean exactly? Are they immune to the effects of aging and disease and can potentially live forever? The reason I'm asking is because Dreamer stated to Superboy that fellow New God Serifan grew up watching Earth Western movies on New Genesis. Does this mean that New Gods like Serifan are born similar to Humans and age like them but at some point in their lives, they hit a certain milestone and effectively stopped aging like regular Humans and become Ageless beings?

3. Regarding Lords of Order and Chaos. In Season 3's episode Evolution, it showed that Nabu/Doctor Fate was originally a human but after he died, he somehow ascended to become a Lord of Order. How is it possible that Nabu became a Lord of Order in the first place? Are certain humans capable of becoming a Lord of Order after death? Can this also apply to Lords of Chaos like Klarion? Was Klarion originally born a human like Nabu but became a Lord of Chaos after his death?

4. You mention that everything that has happened in real life has also happened in Young Justice like 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, the 2008 Financial Crisis, and the COVID-19 Pandemic. I guess this means that certain Islamic terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram, and Hezbollah also exist in Young Justice? How do these groups react to groups like the Justice League and certain events on Earth like the Reach Invasion and Meta-Human Trafficking? Do they believe these events shook their faith in their religion and their supporters in the Middle East? Or do they use them to their advantage to bolster their plans against the West and the rest of the world?

5. How does a Lord of Chaos like Klarion view the state of Earth it is in? I can imagine that he must be thrilled with events like the Syrian Civil War and the collapse of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in 2021 since they bring Chaos to the world. Has he secretly pulled strings behind the scenes to bring Chaos to Earth or does he let events transpire on its own without getting involved?

Greg responds...

1. I can think of a couple of possible scenarios, but I'm not going to tell a story here at ASK GREG. As always, NO SPOILERS.

2. Did I really say "Ageless beings"? Well, that doesn't make much sense to me now, assuming it ever did. Some New Gods are clearly older than others. Relative to Earthlings, they may SEEM ageless, though.

3. No spoilers.

4. I'll leave that to your interpretation. As for Covid, our show was too far into production to be able to incorporate Covid into our storytelling. So maybe on Earth-16, the pandemic hit a year later. Maybe.

5. Again, I'm not telling stories here. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on October 28, 2021

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Jim writes...

Continuing on from my previous post:

1) When (in terms of which Team Year) did Freddy Freeman debut as Lieutenant Marvel?

2) When (in terms of which Team Year) did Mary Bromfield debut as Sergeant Marvel?

3) When (in terms of which Team Year) did Lieutenant Marvel join the Team?

4) When (in terms of which Team Year) did Sergeant Marvel join the Team?

5) When (in terms of which Team Year) did Troia leave the Team?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

3. Team Year Three.

4. Team Year Three.

5. Team Year Five.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Jim writes...

Since you've been so kind as to answer questions about when Arrowette, Spoiler and Thirteen debuted as heroes and joined the Team (the Team Years in which they did so...), I wonder if I could try my hand at asking the following questions, please:

1) When (in terms of which Team Year) did Garth debut as Tempest?

2) When (in terms of which Team Year) did Tula debut as Aquagirl?

3) When (in terms of which Team Year) did Tempest join the Team?

4) When (in terms of which Team Year) did Aquagirl join the Team?

5) When (in terms of which Team Year) did Troia join the Team?

Greg responds...

1. Team Year One.

2. Team Year One.

3. Team Year One.

4. Team Year One.

5. Team Year Two.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Nick writes...

Hi, Greg! I just wanted to take a second to thank you for taking the time to go through the queue this summer (including my many taxing age questions). It’s awesome that you’re still taking the time to answer us fans’ questions DECADES after starting this site. Seeing you go through all the answers these past couple of months has been super exciting as we've looked ahead to Season 4. Seeing the premiere today was incredibly exciting and I'm having a blast talking with the community again as we prepare for all the exciting stuff to come with PHANTOMS. Rest assured, we are campaigning for Season 5.

I have... several questions that I've built up over these past few months as you've been answering the queue, and thankfully, this time most of them aren't age questions.

1. In the interest of age/debuts questions: I know you don’t always love to reference the real years for YJ and prefer to operate on the ‘Team Year’ system. Still, for the sake of saving you some math, would it be okay if I started phrasing my questions as ‘What year was x born?’ instead of ‘How old is x?’ Just want to know if that’s faster since it could make things easier on your end.

For this question (https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=24832), you weren’t sure whether or not you had confirmed that Bruce Wayne was Tim Drake’s legal guardian in the past. In this 2012 answer from quite a while ago (https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=17071), you said: “Batman is [Barbara’s] mentor, but not her legal guardian (unlike Dick & TIM).”
2. Is Bruce Wayne the legal guardian of Tim Drake as you implied in the above answer, or have plans changed since then?

If yes, would you now be willing to answer:
3. Was Bruce Wayne the legal guardian of Jason Todd?
4. Is Bruce Wayne the legal guardian of Orphan/Cassandra Cain?

And just for my own understanding of the legal terminology:
5. Has Bruce Wayne legally ADOPTED any children, or was Dick, for example, simply a ward like in the classic comics?

I'm incredibly excited to see what you, Brandon, and the team has been cooking up these past couple years and I'm very excited for the future. Hope you're having a great one!

Greg responds...

1. Probably.

2. Nothing is truly canon until it appears in the show (or the comics, etc.). Plans haven't changed. But the way the Barbara question was asked, I may have been lured into answering the way I did. So... no spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

5. There's a difference between being a ward and being adopted. But whether or not Dick was adopted is also a spoiler.

I feel like this is probably a disappointing set of responses. But I am extremely grateful for your enthusiasm!!

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Shamrock Holmes writes...

1. Has Martha Kent met Superboy?

2. Was there ever any talk of sanctions against Kaldur and Artemis for their actions while undercover?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Which actions?

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Did Phil Bourassa work on Young Justice: Phantoms?

Greg responds...

No, though of course many of his designs are still being used in the series, and what new designs that were created for S4 by Model Supervisor Dou Hong and Character Designers Jerome K. Moore and Austin Reinkins were designed based on the template and design style Phil set for the series. Also, Dou worked with Phil on Season Three, and Jerome worked with him on Seasons One and Two.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Thanks So Much For Season 4, Have A Great Day writes...

1. Why does Barry have Blue eyes as flash in season 3 but green Eyes as a civilian, is he wearing contacts as the Flash and if not then what's the reason?
2. This questions has been asked once before but you weren't sure if it has happened, in True Colors Tim wears a stealth suit But Dick has never needed it so why did Tim wear it was it because he is nervous?
3. What do you consider the cut off point for till the point you know about the DC mythos cause I recall you saying you weren't familiar with new stuff like how you didn't know about new stuff like Chris Kent.

Greg responds...

1. Color questions to the colorblind guy seem somewhat fruitless.

2. Again, I'd have to check and confirm.

3. I have gaps. I'm pretty damn familiar with a lot of DC Comics between 1938-1979, though there's plenty I haven't read. On the other hand, I read nearly everything from 1980 through 1996. 1996 is where my big gaps start. I stopped reading then. I came back in 2009, reading a bit here and a bit there, so I'm semi-familiar with a lot of stuff between 2009 and New 52. But I missed ALL of the New 52 before Rebirth, and quite a bit before New 52, as well. I've read everything from Rebirth through 2019. For 2020 and 2021, I'm still reading everything now, but there's a lot, so I'm a bit behind on some series.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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FlashKnight writes...

1. Is there any difference in the way Barry or Bart's power work.
2. I am very curious like how would you describe the personality of Jay Garrick, like Barry you described as straight man Gary Cooper like, Wally is a bit more wisecracking and well we have had 2 seeasons of him so his personality is pretty clear, similarly Bart is also pretty easy to understand but like if you had to compare Jay and Barry how would you describe Jay.
3. Do the powers of Jaculi and Trajectory work the same way as Barry or Wally or Jay or Bart, essentially could you tell me the mechanics of their powers like how their speed compares to the flash family, metabolism problems and if acccelerating and deaccelerating is required.

Greg responds...

1. How they work? No, I don't think so.

2. I'm inclined to leave this to your interpretation. But I guess I see Jay as more Spencer Tracy than Gary Cooper.

3. It basically worked/works the same way for them both, but Jaculi was and Trajectory is even less powerful than Wally.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Kevin writes...

1. Since the X designations seem to have been discontinued would it be possible for you to reveal what they were? I agree with you about leaving the rest to be discovered it's just seems implausible for these to be revealed naturally because of the end of Season 3.
2. Prior to Season 2 have we seen the characters who made up the A08 A09 and A14?
3. Does Brucely have a Designation? (I know kinda of a silly question but I think he deserves one.)
4. Did Arsenal gain an A designation after he left the Team similar to how Zatanna gained a B and Justice League Designation?

Greg responds...

1. X-Designations? We don't have X-Designations.

2. Prior to Season 2? Well, I shouldn't answer, but no.

3. He does.

4. No.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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magicmanzach writes...

Well here's a couple of magic themed questions-
1. The Sword of Beowulf had the arm of Grendel as a scabbard and I have been very curious as to which sword it was, in the archives you have mentioned that it had been long since you read the novel and that you don't remember, but after reading it the only option that makes sense to me is the Giant sword which melts in the blood of Grendel's mother. Now this might seem convoluted logic on my part and it most probably is but the sword although melted the hilt remained and that melting bound the magical sword or rather only the hilt at this point and was bounded to the another thing of the same blood the arm of Grendel and thus the sword becoming whole again or maybe the story happened a little differently on earth 16. Is this guess right and if not is there anything you can recollect about the sword or the story of how it happened on earth 16?
2. In Early Warnings was Zatanna channeling the power of Dr Fate and summoned his Ankh the symbol of fate's power because Klarion said that doesn't belong to you, So are Humans Sorceres just capable of channeling the power of Lord of Orders wihtout any conduit like the helmet?
3. Why couldn't klarion escape from the tower of fate in Early Warnings despite the fact that he easily escaped in Denial, was it because he was on the top of the tower in Denial and so it was easy to understand for him where he is in space and time as opposed to early warnings where he is inside the tower so it is difficult to teleport since space and time are weird inside the tower or maybe Nabu just upped the security in the tower since Denial?
4. The magic in Young Justice perplexes as it should since well it's magic, but how can Zatanna train Thirteen who does magic without the use of any words are there two different types of magic, I thought only immortal sorcerers could do that. Like are their multiple types of magic because well they aren't rules or restriction that I recall on magic on young justice all we have is experience levels and the power gap between immortal and mortal sorcerers. Basically is there a 101 to magic in young justice if you plan to reveal that season 4 or future I get it but if there are no spoilers then that would really ease my confusion otherwise Spoiler Request No Spoilers is fine by me.

Greg responds...

1. I'm sorry. I'm in the same spot I was in before. It's just been too long since I've read Beowulf.

2. She cheats.

3. Yep. Easier to find one's way off the roof than out of the interior. But he wasn't eternally trapped. Just lost. It's hard for him to focus sometimes.

4. There are indeed multiple types of magic. But it is all about channeling mystic energies.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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