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Weisman, Sue

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very_omphalophobic writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,
As for being the writer and producer of several wonderful and genuinely intriguing shows, I thank you for inspiring generations of viewers and readers to find their personal creativity and curiosity about the world. BUT...

As a result of this curiosity, and on behalf of such fans everywhere, I am compelled to ask: How do you remain so SUSPICIOUSLY, almost MAGICALLY youthful-looking?! Is there something you'd like to spoil *cough* accidentally let slip *cough*to us, Greg? *DA DA DUNN!

Greg responds...

Assuming what you say is true - and also assuming it's actually a serious question - it's mostly just good genes. My paternal grandmother lived until she was nearly 102. My dad's a very youthful 80. My mom, a very youthful 78.

If I've done anything to help myself out, it's probably this: I don't smoke. I never have smoked. And I try to avoid being around second-hand-smoke.

Response recorded on February 05, 2016

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Alex Weitzman writes...

Mr. Weisman, while you will undoubtedly get to this message months afterwards at best, given the backlog of questions thus far, I wanted to give my condolences for you and your family's loss in Sue Weisman. I also wanted to thank you for the honest and touching small commentary you made on the subject, highlighting the complex emotional situation of watching an older loved one lose themselves to either Alzheimer's, senility, or just age itself (I would not want to make a definite assumption, based on what you described). It sounds to me like she lived a long, fascinating life populated by people she loved, and nobody could ask for more than that. I send my sorrow regarding her passing, and my hope that your upcoming family gathering will provide you some emotional closure or insight to help you through this time.

Thank you for the many years of excellent entertainment, as well. I look forward to many more.

Greg responds...

Thank you.

The actual celebration didn't really effect my mood, though it was wonderful to see the extended family come to celebrate her.

I think I got more out of a later event: a handful of us took her ashes and illegally scattered them in a location that she loved. That was fun and sneaky and silly, and felt more like her spirit was with her.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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Martin Muse-Amiel writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman
How are you?

I hope everything goes well for you and your family. Sorry about your grandmother's passing. She be miss but not forgotten.

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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SpideyFan writes...

I've just gotten a chance to sit down and watch Spectacular Spidey, and it was absolutely mind-blowing. Between it and YJ, I am totally sold on your work. I love the way you structure your stories (on an episode-by-episode basis, and the way you build up longer arcs), and how you manage to present only the most pertinent/interesting information, and trim the narrative fat. It makes your shows a total joy to watch; the stories have such a deliberate sense of movement, everything seems to have purpose. Watching your work inspires me!

Here's the "Ask" part:
In the series finale (S2E13 "The Final Curtain"), Spidey's big confrontation sees him fighting pumpkin-headed grunts in little flying goop-shooting ships. Was this something the creative team was gung-ho about putting in the series, or was it more related to pressures from the powers-that-be about opportunities to sell toys?
Also, how often is marketing, or promoting the DC/Marvel/what-have-you brand a consideration for you when you're creating a show?
Finally: how did you start writing? I don't mean on the level of occupation (i.e. what jobs got you started), but how did you establish for yourself the discipline and confidence in your skills necessary to write professionally?

And I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. It sounds like it was her time. My own great-grandmother just passed on, and I can tell you she was as ready for it as we were resistant to it. It certainly made the mourning process a lot harder to initiate, since there was this enormous sense of relief that she wasn't in any more pain, or so lonely anymore. I think a sort of hollow initial response is natural. Hope this is some condolences.

Thank you and adieu,


Greg responds...

1. These were our creations, and as far as I know Hasbro never made any toys based on them. Which is too bad, don't you think?

2. I don't know how to answer this. It doesn't go into the development of our series at all. But I'm hired to do these shows, and whether or not this was a factor in what shows the studios and networks and comic book companies choose to do, is not something I'm privy to.

3. In sixth grade, I started writing my first (of many) unfinished novels. Most of the time I need a real deadline to get work done. By nature, I'm both lazy and a procrastinator. But with a deadline, I get the job done.

Thank you for the condolences.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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Blaise writes...

Hey, Greg. Just read your post about the loss of your grandmother, Sue Weisman.

Naturally, you have my sympathies for your loss (though you probably won't read this until months after the post, I'm still sending them). And, from personal experience, I understand what you mean about losing someone before they die. I think you've hit the nail on the head there.

Still, over a century. Dang, but that's quite a life to celebrate.

For what it's worth, my best to you and yours.

Greg responds...

Thank you, Blaise.

She was an amazing woman.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012