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REVELATIONS 2012-10 (Oct)

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Rory writes...

Is Apokolips and New Genesis in a dimension connected to all DC Universe's or is their a unique version of the two planets in each universe?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Marty writes...

Hi Greg! Thanks for answering our questions!!

In the comic book world, Superman's ability to freeze things can be fully explained by the "Joule-Thomson effect" in physics - Where the release of highly compressed air through a valve (such as pursed lips) causes it to drop radically in temperature. (Wikipedia!)
With HIS level of muscle strength doing the exhaling, he could freeze things easily.

Also, a major by-product of invulnerability should be that his lungs are alot tougher than normal humans and even other superhumans. So logically, his lungs should be able to COMPRESS and store much more air than normal people because he can handle higher levels of air pressure.

Sometime last year, you said the reason why Superman doesn't have his freeze breath in your show was because it wasn't believable enough.
It's a very fair point and i do respect your opinion, but which part was it exactly that's not believable?

In a way, his freeze breath can be explained by real-world science better than his heat vision. :)

That's my fanboy moment done!!!
Thanks for your time. Your doing a brilliant job.

Greg responds...

Yeah... I'm still not buying it.

I buy heat vision (for Superman, not Superboy) because the guy is solar-powered, and who's to say what Kryptonian eyes are like.

But the ability for a lung to compress air just doesn't play for me. Volume is limited. So being able to take in enough volume of air to create "super-breath" isn't working for me. And the ability for pursed lips to than take this "compressed air" (which again I'm not buying into) and "valve" it into something truly freezing still isn't working for me.

And that's on top of the fact, that it's just too goofy for me visually and conceptually.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg, great job so far. Ignore the people who whine or think they know better than you do. The effrontery and rudeness and arrogance of some fans always amaze me. Your show is successful because of the way YOU are writing and plotting and not because what they think something ought to play out. I know I don't want to see something that has been done over and over in comics and in former cartoons. What is the point of that? I like YJ because it offers up something fresh and modern and it is part of the multi-verse? Earth-16? So nothing has to follow anything that is on other earths or continuity, right?

Greg responds...

Right. Thanks. (Though I should point out that I'm not a one-man show here.)

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi there! I have two questions, if you don't mind my asking.

1.Why did you decide to call Hawkgirl "Hawkwoman" instead of "Hawkgirl?"
2. I recently learned that in some continuties, Thanagarians' wings are attached to some sort of harness. Are their wings genetic or artifical in this world?

Greg responds...

1. Since both names are legit, we wanted to push the adult characters toward names with "man" and "woman", to save the "boy"s and "girl"s and "lad"s and "kid"s for the Team.

2. Genetic.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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mortaltype writes...

Young Justice Questions - Atlanteans and Fish:

1. In episode 3 of season 2 was Black Manta eating fish (1b: with hollandaise sauce and white wine)?

2. Do Atlanteans (in this continuity/earth 16) generally eat fish?

3. If so, is this something subject to regional variation?

4. What sort of reasoning is there behind the choice to eat/not eat fish?

5. Do Atlanteans supplement their diet with vegetation (i.e. seaweed)?

(Thank you - and the whole team - for this wonderful show. It serves as my weekly bribe for making progress towards completing my dissertation and has honestly helped me through a rough couple of months. By the way, searching the archives for the word 'fish' produces some interesting results.=)

Greg responds...

1. I don't recall.

2. I would think so.

3. Doubtlessly.

4. No different from real life reasons.

5. Of course.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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JAC writes...

Mr. Greg,

Quick question after reading some of your responses (which seem to ba all over the place on this issue)...when recreating a charicter that has a firmly established history in the DCu (as apposed to say Lagoon boy, who existed but didnt even have a real name until now), how MUCH of that history - if any - do you feel "obligated" (for lack of a better word) to include "nods" to that history?
For instance...and if this seems like a spoiler question, im sure you can think of another example that isnt...the Clark/Lois relationship is practically written in DC stone (as it should be!)...basically my question is: are you the kind of writer that respects the CHARACHTER when writing them, only what you petsonally like about them from the past, or do you like "leave your own mark" even if that means totally reimagining them?
Using the Clark/Lois idea as a beromiter, where do you stand? (ie, if you would never change anything THAT iconic, where do you draw the line?
Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

I have no interest in "leaving my own mark" and every interest in trying to get to the core of each individual character and portraying them with (what I see as my version of the) truth.

The trouble, of course, is that most of these characters have decades of continuity, created and supervised by dozens of individuals that weren't always in perfect synch with each other or - frankly - even with the character.

So, yes, Brandon and Phil and I get to make choices about what we believe is "right" for any given character. Keeping what's essential. Leaving out what may not be, and ditching what we flat-out feel doesn't work. There's no doubt that my personal biases come into play. (NO SUPER-COLD BREATH EVER!) But I try to be as objective as possible (given what a subjective topic we're dealing with here) about what plays to the core of each character.

But events in a pre-established comic book continuity, i.e. "a firlmly established history" are more up for grabs. We're in a different parallel universe, and some things did happen... and some did not. And some things that never happened in comic book continuity DID happen on Earth-16. I'd hope the character's responses to any given event would be on target, whether or not the event happened in DC's (many) pre-existing continuities.

Relationships are even more complicated. I'm not going to guarantee any character exists on Earth-16 that hasn't been seen or mentioned in canon. So how can I guarantee a relationship between two characters, when one might not exist? But to use your example, we've seen in the comics that Lois exists. And of course Superman exists. So then the question is what if any relationship do they have and does it match up with continuity. And the answer is... YES. But what does that mean? Superman and Lois have (since 1938) had all sorts of different relationships at all sorts of different stages, ranging from strangers to marriage. And both have, at times, dated other people. So I would try to be true to BOTH characters, but I'm not going to guarantee where they are in their relationship at this moment in time.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is it true that Linda Parks name is written on a list somewhere in one of season one's episodes?

Greg responds...

Does this rumor even exist, or are you starting it here and now?

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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J writes...

Two questions
1- has the term 'meta(human)' ever been used to describe a superpowered being on E-16?
2-Is this BeastBoy a vegetarian like most other versions of him?

Greg responds...

1. It's only now coming into vogue. The Kroloteans and the Reach basically introduced the term "Meta" to this context.

2. I'm gonna say... yes.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Celestia writes...

1.-Is there a version of you on earth 16
2.-Is there a an alternate version of every one in real life on earth 16?
2b Is there a version of me on earth 16?
3.-Is there a version of marvel comics (as a coomic book company) on earth 16?

Greg responds...

1. <sigh> I suppose.

2. Not EVERYone.

2b. I don't have a complete list handy.

3. Coomics are very popular on Earth-16.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Tymiko writes...

1. If a Child of Oberon were to be imprisoned in a cell, box, room, or cage of iron, what effect might it have on them (if they can even be contained in one)?

2. Would that depend on the length of time they were imprisoned in such a cell?

3. Could they die from it, or only be weakened by it?

4.Does it physically pain them?

Greg responds...

1. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

2. See above.

3. See above.

4. See above.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Young Justice Legacy Voice Recordings

Taking a little break between voice recordings for Young Justice Legacy. Kelly Hu just left; she was great, as always.

So far, we've recorded Stephanie Lemelin, Khary Payton, Bruce Greenwood (had to miss that one unfortunately, because it was during our last sound mix for episode 220), Yuri Lowenthal, Jason Spisak and Thom Adcox. Later today, Danica McKellar, Nolan North, Vanessa Marshall, Phil LaMarr and Lacey Chabert.

Plus more later in the week.

It's been a lot of fun. It's a little weird - given YJ's usual modus operandi - to record one actor at a time, but that's how they do it in the gaming world. Too bad there's no Lucas Carr in this game. (I could use the scratch, you know.) ;)

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People's Choice Awards

Would anyone like to see Young Justice win a People's Choice Award?

Write in your vote for our nomination here: http://www.peopleschoice.com/pca/nominations/vote.jsp?pollId=120024

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NIck writes...

1) Why is Guardian's Armor in the Hall of Justice?
2) Is Sandman still alive?

Greg responds...

1. He donated it.


Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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J the Drafter writes...

Does being Nabu's host prevent someone from sending or recieving thoughts via telepathic link? For example, if Martian Manhunter linked up the Justice League, would Zatara be able to talk to Dr.Fate's teammates?

Greg responds...

Honestly, not sure.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Sarai writes...

Hola Greg,

Alright I went through the archives and I didn't see this question (sorry if I missed it/or if it's a Spoiler request but I don't think so)

1. On Earth 16, does the whole concept of "if an Amazon is bound to a man, she loses her powers" still true?

2. In the comics there's various versions as to why Amazons wear the cuffs/silver bracelets, why do Amazons wear them on Earth 16 (besides using them to dodge bullets and what not...I mean does it have to do with a reminder to be enslaved...or something of the like?)

(sorry if these are questions asked but not responded to but there's over a 1000 of those...and I just finished going through over 200 related Wondy posts...)

Greg responds...



Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Neil Cailey writes...

Hi Greg,

I've finally hunted you down,im a 30 year old weight trainning coach from Manchester England uk and i wanted to say that Young Justice is'nt just a great show it's the best show (animated or not). ALSO ....

Hope you don't pay any attention to all the "where is K.F" and "we dont like the chances in the show comments" Young Justice is the cleverest show i've ever seen i love how your twenty steps ahead of the audicence.

My question is ..... Where do you come up with Robin's fantastic quotes like "feeling the Aster" (oppisite to disaster) "whelmed" and "well get taught" oppiste to distaught)

Thank You
Neil Cailey

Greg responds...

I came up with "whelmed". It's something that's always made me wonder. After that, a number of folks contributed, including our writing staff and even my wife and kids. Try it. It's fun.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Purple writes...

In Season 1's "Infiltrator", I noticed that Miss Martian's eyes glowed red while she lifted Kid Flash out of the pool. So far in Season 2, her eyes are glowing green whenever she uses her powers.

My questions:

1) Does a red glow mean telepathic inexperience?

2) Can her teammates see the colour of the eye glow as well? Or is it used to tell the audience that she's using her powers?

Greg responds...

1. Um... maybe.

2. Yes, they can.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg,

I find it extremely out of character for Batman not to say anything after M'gann lobotomized that Krolotean right in front of him. What's up with that?

Greg responds...

You're assuming a lot.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Nobody Liked Jason Todd Anyway writes...

Greetings people of the past. I am from 5 years in your future. I traveled to this backwater time period to warn you of the perils you will face in the next 75 months. I cannot go into the specifics on what led to this tumultuous point in human history. But I have traced the cause and have determined that it was the unfortunate decision to skip 5 years ahead in the Young Justice cartoon. The International League of 'Shippers will launch a massive attack on The Legion of Timeskip Apologists and the resulting battles will tear the DC Nation apart. There will be mass hysteria. People painting finger stripes on their hands. People holding large crowds hostage at Power Ring point until Weisman and Vietti tells them, once and for all, the exact age, astrological signs and favorite foods of everyone in the DC Universe. The streets will run red (blue, yellow, purple, green and sometimes puce) with cartoon ink. It will be CHAOS. Skip backwards 5 years in the Young Justice storyline before all is lost and may The Spectre have mercy on your souls. (Drink Slurm™)

Greg responds...

I'm probably less amused than you were hoping I'd be.

You must see that even if Brandon and I suddenly agreed that the timeskip was a mistake - and we don't - there was literally NO WAY at the time you posted this that we could have taken it back. Not unless you didn't want to see ANY episodes for another year.

That's not me being an "Apologist". That's just me stating facts. We did the timeskip. We liked the timeskip. By the time you found out about it, it was way too late to do anything but go forward. WAY to late.

And of course, as of this moment, literally the entire first two seasons are now in the can. DONE. FINITO. No turning back now. And by the way, I wouldn't want to.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Alex Roggio writes...

I searched through many of the unanswered questions using the Find-feature and couldn't find this one so forgive me if you'd already answered it by now, but:

If Roy Harper's clone was Speedy for 3 years before becoming Red Arrow, this me means he must have been 14-to-15 when he replaced the original Roy Harper. In YJ:I, we learned through Superboy that the Cadmus clones cannot age. So how did Roy Harper's clone go from being approximately 14/15 to the 17/19 year old we know as Red Arrow? All this while Superboy spent 5 years without aging.

Can Red Arrow age? If so, what makes him different than Superboy?

Greg responds...

NO, we did NOT learn "that the Cadmus clones cannot age". We learned that SUPERBOY doesn't visibly age. That's a result of his specific origins. It has nothing to do with the various clones of Roy Harper.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

Is Klarion literally Chaos given form, or is he like Dr. Fate in that he's just a host?

Greg responds...

He's a Lord of Chaos. But not the only one. But, yes, he is Chaos personified.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Alex Roggio writes...

The Justice League in the comics seemed more like an American organization while the Justice League you presented in Young Justice is an International organization with U.N. approval that operates all over the world. I like this version of the Justice League, but I wonder why all the members are based in United States.

1. Sure, Wonder Woman is from the Amazons, Superman is from Krypton, Martian Man Hunter is from Mars, Hawkman and Hawkwoman are from God-knows-where, but they are all based in America. Why aren't there any African, European, South American or Asian heroes in the supposedly international Justice League?

2. In a world where there are so many ways to become a superhero, how come China, Russia, Japan, India, Spain, Italy, Egypt and others haven't had superheroes who could join the Justice League? And how come the U.N. accepted them so easily knowing they were ALL American heroes? Having American citizens serving as worldwide policemen must be uncomfortable for most countries.

3. Also, there are a lot of evil villains with different countries of origin that have appeared on the show like Count Vertigo, Vandal Savage, Bane, Ra's Al Ghul and Queen Bee, but you haven't presented any superhero from any other country at all. Why is that? And even if there were one, why isn't there more?

4. One final question concerning the same issue. Why did the Green Lantern Corps choose three American citizens to defend Earth? I'm not trying to disrespect John Stewart, Kyle Rayner and Hal Jordan, but there certainly has to be a lot of willful and heroic people across the globe that could do wonders with a Green Lantern ring. Why these three? And why all from USA?

Thank you for giving the time to answer these questions and many others! Love the site. Thanks.

Greg responds...

1. Okay, I think this is simultaneously a legit question and a bit of a specious one. To some extent, you know the answer already. We weren't going to ditch out on the greatest heroes of the DC Universe simply because they're all based in the U.S. (Though if I wanted to nitpick, I could say that Aquaman absolutely is not, and that we haven't established where the Hawks are based on Earth or whether Wonder Woman is currently based in the U.S. or elsewhere.) I'm not saying that DC doesn't have international heroes to choose from, but they aren't the classic ones that we were using to create a pantheon in contrast to our teens. As the series progresses (especially given enough episodes and/or issues), we'll be introducing more heroes from across the globe. As for an in-Universe answer, let's just say that the League was formed by seven American base heroes who came together to face an alien threat on American soil. Currently, America is where most of the heroes live. Just as America is (or at least until very recently was) where most baseball, basketball and (American) football players live. These things spread, but not overnight. And, all things considered - source material, especially - I think our series is more diverse than most.

2a. See the answer(s) to question 1.

2b. Who said they accepted them easily?

3. See above.

4. We haven't seen Kyle on this series. Only Hal, John and Guy. But keep in mind, the Corps didn't pick the Lanterns. The RINGS chose the Lanterns. And proximity was absolutely a factor.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Tammie writes...

Did you make Aqualad evil as a way to phase him out of the show? I mean, I don't understand how he can turn evil so quickly after being the team leader. He was so calm and level headed, it just doesn't make since to me that he would have allowed the secret about his father and the death of Tula to affect him that much. I liked him as team leader, it showed that a different kind of person could be leader in the superhero world ... but alas, i digress.

Greg responds...

I don't think you're digressing. You're just sort of... jumping the gun. By now, you should have a better view of the big picture.

But, even so, I do take issue with your "so quickly" comment. It's been FIVE YEARS since you last saw him. Five years is plenty of time.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

You made me really like Lagoon Boy in this episode of Alienated. He is not a "jerk" at all. I feel sorry for what may happen regarding the future regarding Megan. His respect/love for his King was the thing that won me over. I almost wish we have an episode with him and Conner alone on a mission (no megan please...too much of her as it is) and just guy to guy/hero to hero.

And good show on Superman. It's funny how awesome he was in this and he did not even detract from time of the kids or other heroes. That's a sign of great writing.

Greg responds...

Thanks. Credit for the script goes to Kevin Hopps.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

Watched Alienated yesterday and DARN YOU! You raise a question, answer it, then replace it with more questions! Aqualad's working with Black Manta? Oh that's why but Tula? When? How? What?! And the worst is I know you won't ansswer any of my questions!

But anyway, loved the episode. I enjoyed seeing the interaction between the Bat-Family, Connor & Clark, Cassie & Diana. Very cool. and I'm starting to really like Jaime & the scarab arguing. Am I correct in assuming he hasn't told anyone the scarab telepathically talks to him? Oh yeah, I like the foreshadowing of "The Competitor". I mean, I know it's the Reach, which is why they freak out when they see Blue Beetle.
Anyway, eagerly awaiting next week!

Greg responds...

"Am I correct in assuming he hasn't told anyone the scarab telepathically talks to him?": As of 'Alienated', no.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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