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REVELATIONS 2012-10 (Oct)

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Chip writes...

Can Parasite absorb Red Tornado's power, or is he restricted to organic beings?

Greg responds...


I'd think organic only. But I honestly hadn't considered it until this second.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Superboy is sexy writes...

When Superboy was being "educated", was there any anti-gay stuff being "taught" to him? Such as, if Miss Martian was never introduced, would Superboy have been attracted to, say Kid Flash?

Greg responds...

There wasn't any "anti-gay" stuff. But Superboy's not gay, so, no.

I don't for a second believe that one's sexual orientation has anything to do with "education".

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Avery writes...

Hi Greg! Just want to say that I LOVE all of your work!
And now, a question about Miss. Martian: After usual suspects, I understand that she would want to keep her human form, but why does she stay green? Wouldn't she perhaps change her skin tone to white to take pride in her alien origins? I hope this doesn't come off as a criticism or a suggestion, I'm just quite curious.
Once again, love all of your shows and I'm really excited to see the next episode of Young Justice!

Greg responds...

That's not where she is.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

In the end of the Season One finale, Superman finally decided to accept Superboy and started the "father/son" relationship by telling Superboy his own secret identity as Clark Kent. Five years later, in Season Two, Superman and
Superboy's relationship has grown to the point where they treat each other like brothers instead of father and son. As their relationship strengthened during the five-year gap, has Superman told Superboy everything about himself?

Greg responds...

"Everything" is a big world, but most of everything, certainly.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Tupka writes...

I have a whole slew of questions about Zeta-Beam transport. I doubt I can bring it down to five...

1. Why do the Cave and the Watchtower have two portals next to each other? Also, the Cave has two portals, and the Watchtower at least three. Is this for logistic reasons, or does the Watchtower have no elevators?
2. What's the maximum capacity of a tube? On multiple occasions, three people entered at the same time. Could the entire League fit, or is that why there's two portals next to each other?
3. Because we'll possibly never definitively learn with the time skip, and the comics won't reach December for another two years: was Rocket's designation B09?
4. In Misplaced, Billy had to speak an override code before being scanned, but on all other instances (the phone booth, the TARDIS, the main portals) the computer scanned people as soon as they were in range. What if a stranger entered the booth, would he/she be scanned?
5. Is the Manhattan portal under the bridge in "Secrets" only an exit? It doesn't look practical for an entrance.

Greg responds...

1. Why do some buildings have multiple elevators? To handle the traffic.

1a. The Watchtower has elevators.

2. I'm sure there's a limit. It also has to do with the number of destinations.

3. Yes. (Which I'm NOT revealing here. It was already revealed in the comics.)

4. Scans take place automatically, silently and without any visible sign that they are taking place. If the computer doesn't recognize the subject (as with Billy in "Misplaced") it says nothing, unless a code is spoken, asking for a follow-up scan.

5. It's both.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Sandman writes...

1. Is the show's Sandman based on the Golden Age version of a Bruce Wayne-lookalike, or the Sandman Mystery Theatre-version of a bespectacled investment banker?
2. What year was he born, does he still live, and if not, when did he die?
3. Did Sandy the Golden Boy (or any of the Golden Age sidekicks) exist, or was Robin truly the first kid sidekick?

Greg responds...


2a. 1914.



Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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longbowhunter writes...

Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for Lian. Her fate in the mainstream comics is one of the things that made me stop reading the mainstream DC books....her appearance was a touching surprise. Thank you.

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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celestia raven writes...

1. what is zatanna's best subject

2. is zatanna considered an above average student

3. wats her GPA

Greg responds...

She's very bright. Beyond that, I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Sett writes...

A simple question re the "Golem" from Salvage. Was it suppose to be a homage to Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man?

Greg responds...

It was a homage to the Appellaxian Golems.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Demitri writes...

Hi, Greg, quick question. As season two goes on, i can't help but notice Megan's radically different personality. She's no longer the slightly naive Hello Megan fangirl, and is instead alot darker, thinking nothing of labotimizing others for her own gain.
First of all, why does no one call her out on it. Martian Manhunter was right there, telepathically linked the guy to boot.
Second, does her self-acceptance have something to do with this? In season one we see her afraid of having the others see her as a monster, but, now that she knows she doesn't have to worry about it anymore, is she now turning into one?
If I see you've answered this, then thanks a ton! If you don't, well, do it anyway ;). Thanks!

Greg responds...

First of all, if you look carefully, you'll see that Manhunter had severed his link just before Miss Martian did her thing.

Second, I'll leave to your interpretation.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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