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REVELATIONS 2012-11 (Nov)

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Paul writes...

In the Mount Justice scene at the end of "Depths", who was the girl standing next to Jaime Reyes, and who was the girl being comforted by Barbara Gordon?

Greg responds...

I don't remember who exactly was standing next to whom. And I don't have access to the visual here at L.A. Studios. But from memory, the girls in the room were M'gann, Zatanna, Raquel, Cassie, Barbara and Karen.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Linda Park writes...

Hi Greg! Does Dick see Artemis as a dear friend, a sister or anything more? I'm sure he wouldn't do anything to hurt Wally but... after watching "Depths" I don't know what to think.

Greg responds...

Dick sees Artemis as a dear friend. A sister of sorts, I suppose, as they're very close, but I'm not sure what the difference is between "sister" (in quotation marks) and dear friend.

I don't see how "Depths" changes that.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Cooper writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman I have 2 questions:

1. Does Aquaman's telepathy in the show only affect fish life or can it also affect mammals/humans in some way?

2. If Aquaman can affect humans does Black Manta's helmet protect him from telepathy?

Greg responds...

1. Can't effect fish. Really only marine mammals.

2. He's not really a human telepath.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Yolymar writes...

No question. Just praise.

I finished watching "Depths" well over two hours ago, and I am still buzzing as if I were on a sugar rush. It was BRILLIANT. BRILLIANT, BRILLIANT, BRILLIANT. Loved it!

I was sure after "Happy New Year!" that if we gave this new season a chance we'd love it. "Alienated" and "Salvage" made me start loving it officially. This episode just sealed it; I am head-over-heels in love with this episode.

Kudos to everyone involved in its creation!

Greg responds...

Thank you very much for the praise - and your faith in us.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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dailyplanetintern writes...

Wow... That's all I have to say... WOW! What an episode! You promised that it was the most dramatic one to date and you weren't kidding!

This series' writing has been superb since the beginning but you've REALLY kicked it into high gear this season! "Depths" was FLAWLESS! Applause for you and the whole team that bring this show to the small screen!

A lot of things were touched on this week that people have wondered about. Is Kaldar truly bad? What exactly was the reason that Conner broke up with M'Gann, and what was meant by her giving him no choice? (Although I had pretty much guessed that it had to do with her new "interrogation" technique. But who would have thought that M'Gann would have tried to tamper with Conner's mind? No wonder he broke up with her!) Did Nightwing (Robin then, maybe?) ever date Zatanna?

All those little nuances were answered tying off all the loose ends. Something that you rarely see on TV especially in an animated series.

And I have to say that I completely agree with Conner. La'Gann is a jerk. At least to Conner. It's like he just loves to rub it in Conner's face that he's with his ex. Although I think it's just a reflex mechanism. He knows that Conner is major competition for M'Gann's heart, so he's trying to stake his claim to her.

Although I do find it surprising that as close as M'Gann and Conner were that she did pick up with La' Gann so quickly. He may not be a rebound now, but he had to have been at the start. No one falls in love again that quickly after a long term relationship. But who knows? Maybe Martians do?

Q1. How long was it actually between Conner dumping her that M'Gann started dating La'Gann?

I had been wondering as many people had if Kaldar really had turned to the dark side or if it was part of a deep undercover operation. (I'm personally glad that he's not evil! Even though I have to admit that it would have been equally good story telling to have had him really turn. There's noting more dramatic than having someone who was once a teammate; someone who once watched your back to then turn around and try to stab it.)

Once I saw "Alienated" I was for sure he had turned his back on the team especially after the bomb went off, but I always have had doubts since then and these were my reasons:

R1. Kaldar was the most level headed person on the team. It seemed odd that out of everyone he would be the one to go off the deep end.

R2. When you're doing the hero gig, before long you're going to loose a teammate in death. And at its worst it may end up being someone you love romantically. That's just something that you have to be prepared for.

R3. He learning that his father was Black Manta didn't seem like a good enough reason for him to turn either. It wasn't like he didn't know anyone on his own team that was in a similar situation. Both Artemis and Conner have biological connections to villains and mercenaries.

R4. And this is the best one: He warned Nightwing and Superboy of the presence of the bomb and how much time was left before it was to go off. What villain would do that? That had stuck with me ever since I watched that episode. Now I've seen villains call attention to bombs in the past but NO villain ever says how much time is left on the clock to the hero... good to know that you left is some bread crumbs to follow if we were smart enough to pay attention. ^_~.

Q2. What kind of pill did Artemis bite down on that made her heart stop beating?

I also have one question regarding "Alienated" that was brought to the fore in this episode.

Q3. Who was it that set the bomb in "Alienated"?

I always thought that it was Kaldar who set the bomb but was it him or the mysterious "Partner"?

This season is going SOOOOOOOO well! I'm surprised a third season hasn't been announced.

Q4. Are you and your team getting nervous that you haven't been picked back up yet? (I hope by the time you get to my questions that you have been picked up for another season and that the question will me moot.)

It seems to me that if you lost any viewers that they should come back. Some were enraged over the time jump, but more or less because Kaldar, Artemis, and Wally were missing, but since then it's been shown that they are all alive and well and still very much in the game at some level or another. Pretty much the only thing that we missed in not seeing the past 5 years is seeing some of the characters date and Conner's relationship with Superman progress. Which when you think about it isn't all that important. Heroics usually come first, love and family are a close second. Besides the scenes between Wally and Artemis contain enough love to go around. I especially loved seeing them hold hands.

Ohhh! And we got to see Carol Farris today! Very nice. Don't know if she's in a relationship with Hal on Earth 16 or not but it was nice to see her anyway.

I just have one more thing to say. I'm still waiting VERY patiently to see Lois Lane, Perry White, and Jimmy Olsen. Still waiting... I just hope I don't have to wait much longer. ^_~.

Greg responds...

"Did Nightwing (Robin then, maybe?) ever date Zatanna?" As established in issue 20 of our companion comic, yes.


Q2 - It's called "Friar Lawrence Compound".

Q3 - If you managed to see Episode 210 on iTunes, then you know. If not, it's a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Q3a - I don't know how you could think it was Kaldur. It was the Partner.

Q4 - I can't comment on this.

Perry, Lois and Jimmy have all appeared in the comic. Lois was just a fantasy cameo, but Perry's had a few BG appearances, and Jimmy actually has had a small supporting role in our latest issues.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Flat out awesome episode in Depths!!!

Aqualad is the man!

I really really felt for Superboy and I really just want him to move on with his life. Megan and him are young and they are not on the same page anymore. That much is clear. Heartbreak is a part of growing up and I really hope the writers don't just sweep it all under the carpet and just make them all lovely dovey again. It would feel so forced and feels like Lagoon Boy is the one who is being set up as the chum. I think he's a fun character.

keep up the awesome work. This show is really really tops. It treats the heroes with a lot of respect. It is better than the Justice League show some years back which was more about pimping Batman than anything else. I would love to see you and Brandon do a Justice League series.

Greg responds...

Thanks. Of course, I'm a big fan of JL and JLU, but I appreciate the kind words.

And we're all about respecting the characters.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Janey writes...

I just wanted to tell you I am in love with this show!!!
I have 2 questions.
1. I noticed in S1 in episode Downtime, Black Manta called his troops Gamma Squad, Beta Squad and the new team in Season 2 does the same thing. Was this coincidence? I'm sure if its not I will find out before you get a chance to answer :)
2. If you get a season 3(I know there will be a time skip I'm completley fine with it) how long before the fans will know if it is renewed?
And again thanks for making such a great show I love it!!!

Greg responds...

1. It's not a coincidence. Good catch.

2. I can't comment on this.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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EXALT writes...

In Season Two, the average age of the members of the Team seems to have augmented: was this intentional, or it was just a coincidence?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Moe writes...

It has been confirmed for a very long time that next year there will be a new batman series for DC nation. But recent information says there will also be a new Teen Titans go series[which is supposed to be comedy heavy..not sure how I feel about that. And it looks like its animation went very down]

Anyway my point is next year 2013 if those two shows will be on DC nation block what does that mean for Young Justice? Will DC nation be extended to two hours. Or maybe every week they will switch up the shows?

Greg responds...

I can't comment on this.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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el kid writes...

Can Zatanna Learn Atlantean Sorcery?

Greg responds...

Perhaps she could adapt to it. (It hasn't come up.)

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

On Earth-16, if you had to make an educated guess, which ocean would Atlantis be located on the world map?

Greg responds...

Atlantis. Atlantic. Make sense?

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Spencer writes...

Does Mal Duncan have powers like he did in the comics or is he just support staff for the team

Greg responds...

The latter.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Spencer writes...

In invasion how much older did Miss Martian biologically get get biologigly, did she just grow 1 1/4 years or did did she grow 5 years

Greg responds...

"biologically get get biologigly"?

Anyway, if we're talking her Martian base form, she matured 5 years divided by 3.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Beka writes...

Is G. Gordon Godfrey's "Bonehead List" based on Anderson Cooper's "RidicuList?"

Greg responds...

Not specifically. But it's all in that "News Commentator" family.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

A few more questions, this time about Bumblebee:

1. Does she only have the two "modes"...regular size & "bee" size, or like Atom, can she be any size in between?

2. do her wings only allow flight at reduced size? Thats the only time weve seen her fly.

3. Why does she have electric "stingers"? Real Bumblebees dont sting. The sonic blasters she used in her origional comics appearance made more sense to me than the newer idea of electrical.


Greg responds...

1. In theory, her suit is capable of shrinking to any size, but Atom has put safety locks on it, so that she basically only has one size she can shrink to, at least for the time being.

2. Yes. Wings only show up when she shrinks.

3. And REAL bumblebees have sonic stings?

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why does Miss Martian act so much more mature than she did in the first season if is barely a year older by Martian standards?
Do Martians mentally mature much faster than they do physically, as compared to Humans?

And wouldn't Lagoon Boy be considered a creepo by the others since he is physically in his early twenties, and they are aware that she is still relatively a teenager? (they are aware of that, arent they?)

Greg responds...

1. It hasn't actually been "barely a year". It's been five. She's still physically a teen. But she's absolutely gained in experience and wisdom.

2. Much? No. But experience allows for more maturity, certainly.

3. Lagoon Boy is 17. (Where did you get the idea that he's in his early twenties?)

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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EXALT writes...

What is the origin of Superboy's kryptonian name on YJ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Ivan Alms writes...

How would Lexington react to all the alien technology we've seen in Younh Justice: Invasion? Would he be all giddy like a schoolgirl?

Greg responds...

Shrug. I guess.

An iPhone would probably make him salivate.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Kyle Reece writes...

I was wondering, was Blade a possible inspiration for Macbeth's modern design?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Zodisgod writes...

I was wondering if you could shed some light on the process of breaking a story for young justice. Does the storyline come first with characters who you feel will suit the story being plugged in afterwards, or do you decide on certain characters being spotlighted then working a story around them?

Greg responds...

ASKED AND ANSWERED. Check the archives. Then if you have specific questions, you can post those.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Nelson writes...

Are you aware that Peter David has actally written several Ben 10 episodes?

I'll list the following episodes he has currently written:

Alien Force:
1. In Charm's Way

Ultimate Alien:
1. Reflected Glory
2. Prisoner #775 is Missing
3. Solitary Alignment

Greg responds...

I knew he wrote some, yes. Why?

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

Greg!, did you know that George Eads actually "killed" Justin Bieber on CSI? It happened in "Targets of Obsession" (Season 11 episode 15). You should talk to George about it, if you and him have time.

Greg responds...

Um, I'm not sure why that's a topic of discussion for us. Plus, I won't pretend that George and I are socializing.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If there were any cartoon series that eventually become spin-offs of Young Justice (though I'm not saying that I'm thinking that it might actually happen), then would the unofficial term for all shows that take place on Earth-16 then be collectively called the "Weismanverse?"

Greg responds...

No. It would be called Earth-16.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Reiena Grayson writes...

I was just thinking about George Eads.

I loved him on CSI, and when I found out he was voicing Barry/Flash, I was happy to see him working on something that dealt with DC Comics.

Really my question is, what was it like working with him, and what was your reason for choosing him as Barry. I love Flash in this, and well my curiosity is getting the best of me.

Greg responds...

George was great. We cast him - frankly - to type. George is this midwestern good looking hero type, who plays a CSI operative on television. That's just Barry all over. As Flash said, "I was CSI before anyone ever heard of CSI."

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Daniel writes...

3. Has DC approached you guys yet with the possibility of a spin-off series in the Earth 16 continuity (JLA, JLI, Green Lantern Corps, LoSH perhaps)?

Greg responds...

Not so far.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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