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REVELATIONS 2012-12 (Dec)

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, you've mentioned several times here and elsewhere that Wally was a very insecure person during the first season, but I never got that feeling from watching the show. I don't deny that he seemed to be overcompensating for something at times, but I never understood why he felt the need to. In comparison, I thought the show did a great job with Artemis as we saw her tough girl facade crack a few times, and got a good feeling for why she put up that facade.

So my question is; did the show actually explore Wally's insecurities as a person during the first season? And if not, what exactly was he insecure about and why did he feel that way?

He's my favorite character on the show, and I just feel like I missed something somewhere along the way. Thanks!

Greg responds...

1. I think we explored it, but whether we succeeded is not for me alone to judge.

2. I think, during Season One, he's insecure about his speed relative to the Flash. He's insecure about the fact that Flash didn't initially want him as a sidekick/protege. He's insecure with girls/women. Etc.

Response recorded on December 26, 2012

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Nina writes...

1. How old is Jim Daniels?
2. How old is Ultra-Humanite?
3. How old is Ripley?
4. How old is Norman?
5. How old is Jason Bard?

Greg responds...

1. By the end of Season One, Jim is 34.

2. By the end of Season One, his brain is 92.

3. Who?

4. I haven't done the math on him yet.

5. I'm not confirming or denying whether Jason Bard is still alive.

Response recorded on December 26, 2012

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Tom writes...

Young Justice: Invasion is the only comic series I've bought regularly (came close with the Jaime/Blue Beetle one couple of years ago). Like the TV series it's got a great mix of characters and tells a bunch of engaging stories at an all ages level. I love being able to read a series and share it with my younger brother (So many of the 'normal' series are intensely violent and feature sexual assault so often...).

So, thank you and your staff for making this series so great! It's always sold out at our local store. I'm sorry to hear that it's ending in two months.

What are your thoughts on how to keep comics relevant and get them to people, particularly younger crowds? Are downloads making a difference? Would releasing more series as longer graphic novels twice a year rather than shorter monthlies help? What about the content? Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

I don't claim to be an expert on these topics. Generally, I just write the kind of stories that _I_ would like to read.

Response recorded on December 26, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Alan Scott?
2. How old is Sandman?
3. How old is Bibbo?
4. How old is Banks?
5. How old is Shirley Mason?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not going to confirm that Alan Scott is alive or dead.

2. Ditto. But also ASKED AND ANSWERED.

3. By the end of Season One, Bibbo was 50.

4. Who?

5. She's less old than dead.

Response recorded on December 26, 2012

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Jurgan writes...

I just wanted to thank you for something else. Your lengthy rambles are what got me to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and from there most of Whedon's other work. Thank you so much for that- I have experienced many hours of enjoyment thus. I was surprised that you haven't commented on any of his post-Firefly work, as far as I can tell from searching the archives. If you don't mind, assuming you've seen the following, what did you think of:

1. Dollhouse?
2. The Avengers?
3. Cabin in the Woods?

Thanks again! Oh, and I've completely missed the boat on Young Justice, but I may be getting season 1 for Christmas. I'll let you know what I think!

Greg responds...

Please do.

1. I watched all of Dollhouse and will admit to mixed feelings. But it was long enough ago that I don't think I remember it clearly enough to speak to what exactly wasn't working for me. (And there was a lot I liked about it too.)

2. Great. There are little things I could quibble with, but in general, great.

3. Haven't seen it.

Response recorded on December 23, 2012

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Anonymous Writes writes...

Why Quit Kid Flash the Hero life

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 23, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

In the YJ universe, is Blue Devil a man in a costume or an actual demon?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 23, 2012

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I <3 Young Justice writes...

Issue 23 was awesome! I really liked the new depth that was giving to La'gann's and M'gann's relationship

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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GhostDog401 writes...

Why doesn't Superboy have any mirrors?

Greg responds...

He doesn't want any.

Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Calvin Durham?
2. How old is Sha'lain'a?
3. How old is Psycho-Pirate?
4. How old is Riker ?
5. How old is Wade Eiling?

Greg responds...

1. Don't know yet.

2. Don't know yet.

3. Don't know.

4. William Riker from Star Trek?

5. At the end of Season One, he was 74.

Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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