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VELATIONS 2013-03 (Mar)

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Naomi writes...

In the Young Justice comic #7, in the beginning, right after Artemis' first crime fighting moment, when the robber said, "She didn't take the money... What kind of masked thief doesn't take the money?" Did he think she was a robber herself? I guess he didn't really know, but I just wanted to clarify. Sorry for the stupid question, but thank you for answering it :)

Greg responds...

Yes, that's what he assumed.

AND WITH THAT ANSWER, I have finally begun answering questions from 2013!!!

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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Isaac Reyes writes...

1. Who is the strongest in Team right now? 2. Over the past years, has Superboy been training with Superman?

Greg responds...

1. Superboy, probably.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

You've said before that Beast Boy's suit is Martian technology, but yet martians can create clothes organically. So how was his costume made? And what do they use it for?

Greg responds...

Martians don't "create clothes organically". They use organic clothes native to Mars.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hi,i'm from latin america so if i make a spelling mistake i'm sorry.I want to know why artemis did't touch Kid flash's shoulder? as zatanna did with robin as a sign of support when batman told the team that maaybe the real roy harper was dead(episode 26 season 1 )

Greg responds...

I think at that moment, she was afraid that comfort from her would not have been welcome.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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Jason Curtis writes...

Hi i have a question, When did Dick aka Nightwing become such a womanizer?!! Zatanna, then Raquel aka Rocket (When did he start dating Raquel?), Bette Kane and who else? Guess bruce wayne aka Batman trained his sidekick in all fields very well or just rubbed of some of that bruce wayne charm on him. lol

Greg responds...

I'm not sure I'd call him a womanizer at all. He does love women. He connects with them. He doesn't cheat on them either. But at this moment in his life (he's still a teenager, after all), he's just not ready to settle down. I don't think that's wrong, as long as everyone is honest with each other and themselves, which admittedly isn't always easy. But since he's still friends with all his exes, Dick must be doing something right.

As to all your "when" or "who else" questions, they're SPOILER REQUESTS. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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Eileanna writes...

Hey, Greg! I have just a quick question on Lexington's biological parents. I do realize Gargoyles don't care about that sort of thing, but for some reason I do. (so human, I know) So, I noticed the only web-winged Gargoyle we actually see is "Sacrifice" I am wondering if

1. She and her mate "Second" are Lex's biological parents, maybe?
2. And if not then would that mean there were a different pairing we haven't been able to see?

Thanks for taking the time to look at this question. Cheers!!!

Greg responds...


2. See above.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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btgr writes...

1. Favourite Simon Pegg movie besides JJ Abrams' Star Trek movies? My favourite is Hot Fuzz.

2. Favourite Karl Urban movie besides JJ Abrams' Star Trek movies? My favourite is Out Of The Blue. Out Of The Blue is a 2006 New Zealand movie that was based on the terrible 1990 Aramoana Massacre. If you do watch the movie on youtube, keep an eye out for a police officer named "Nick Harvey", that is in fact Karl playing that officer. Plus in 2008 Karl won a New Zealand Film and TV Award for his role in that movie.

Greg responds...

1. Um. Well, I haven't seen Hot Fuzz. I'm going to have to probably say Narnia, because I haven't seen a lot of Simon Pegg films.

2. Haven't seen Out of the Blue. I guess The Two Towers.

Clearly, I don't get to the movies very much.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Is Superman's enhanced speed faster than a speeding bullet. ( Please say yes. I loved the classic powers. It is the whole reason that I love that Connor can leap tall buildings in a single bound)

Who is faster Superman or Captain Marvel?

Greg responds...

1. I honestly would love to say that Superman is faster than a speeding bullet. But I don't think he is. Or at any rate, maybe he can be given enough acceleration time. But, no, not off the dime.

2. It depends whether you're talking about Season One Captain Marvel or Season Two Captain Marvel.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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superman fan writes...

I would like to ask if superman has gotten interested in batman's "dead parent's issue".

If so have they talked about Bruce's pain and trauma's?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by interested, but if you're asking if these two friends have had frank discussions about their mutual origins (and the tragedies behind them), I think the answer is a cautionary yes. Yes, they've discussed it. But I'm not sure how deep the discussions went for either of them (for very differernt reasons).

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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superman fan writes...

1.-How common is kryptonite on earth 16?.

On some interpretation like smallville, it is so common that it is probably cheaper than a rock while in others kryptonite is so rare that only the richest of men like Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor can afford to buy even a pebble.

2.-Is superman's vulnerability to kryptonite common knowledge in earth 16? or just known by a selected few?

Greg responds...

1. Very un.

2. Only a select few even know Kryptonite exists.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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