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Jon Weisman's 100 Things Dodger Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die - Revised and Updated Edition

While I'm in the mode of pimping books, I'd like to pimp the recently released book by my brother, Jon Weisman, which I ordered on Amazon and received today:

100 Things Dodger Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die - Revised and Updated Edition

If you love baseball, the Dodgers and/or history, this is a great, fascinating and massively informative book, now revised and updated since its previous release. You can find it here.


In addition to writing about the Dodgers and baseball in this book and on his blog - http://www.dodgerthoughts.com/ - Jon also wrote multiple episodes of Young Justice, W.I.T.C.H., So Weird and others. He's a very good read.