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VELATIONS 2013-05 (May)

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Saw Complications, & dang! First off, I liked Slade getting more development, ever the schemer. And Megan was amazing this episode, single-handedly masterminding her escape & possibly gaining two new allies in the op. And man I'm happy to see Kal back to normal. But what I'm intrigued by was the end, when Dick used his detective skills to realize Scarab & B'arrzz. Man do I pity them when he gets a plan together.
Pass on my praise & I eagerly await the next episode!

Greg responds...

Thanks! Hope you liked it!

Response recorded on May 07, 2013

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Here's another of my shameless attempts to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.):


Since there's not much to report about the first book now, I'm counting down my progress writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise, which should come out sometime in 2014.

I'm on a bit of a roll. It's flowing pretty easy for now - but I really don't want to jinx it. I just finished writing Chapter Eighteen. It has some complicated visuals in it, so I hope I brought the imagery to life.

Tomorrow, I'll start on Chapter Nineteen.

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Beck writes...

Hi Greg,
I was wondering in the final episode of SSM (final curtain) was that really Norman Osborn at the airport? I am so sad that the series never got it's third season it was such a good show, but because it was cancelled that cliffhanger will never be resolved.

Greg responds...

Yes. (Were you REALLY in doubt?)

Response recorded on May 06, 2013

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EXALT writes...

Some questions about SpecSpidey...
Did you have any plan to reveal the origins of A)Hammerhead's... well, hammer-head
B)Tombstone's durable skin
c)the Venom symbiote?

Greg responds...

A. Nothing specific, but I know exactly how it happened, and it was in fact hinted at in "Accomplices".

B. Not confirming or denying that he has that.

C. It came from outer space.

Response recorded on May 06, 2013

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Marvelman writes...

Hi. I realize that the companion comic book has been cancelled. Is there a possibility of some sort of a re-launch under a different title? It would give you a chance to tie up loose threads, and there might be a larger audience for it now that the show has been cancelled.

Greg responds...

That was my thinking when Chris Jones and I pitched doing a book entitled "EARTH-16", but DC said it didn't fit their plans. Oh, well.

Response recorded on May 06, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Even though at first Bart was only interested in Blue Beetle because of his part in the Reach apocalypse, did he genuinely grow attached to Jaime? Or was that all part of him keeping a close eye on Blue Beetle to prevent a disastrous future?

Greg responds...

I think it's clear that they are legitimately friends.

Response recorded on May 06, 2013

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Nana writes...

O I forgot about another question I had: What is Martian Manhunter's new human biological age equivalent in 2016? We know Miss Martian's was 16 in 2010 and 18 in 2016, but for Martian Manhunter we do not know. (I am one of the frequent editors on the YJ wiki).

Greg responds...

For all Martians, I take chronological age and divide by three and then I round up or down to the nearest whole number. I figure you can do the same.

Response recorded on May 06, 2013

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Chris writes...

I just wanted to say how much I like this show. You and the people working on this show have created a well structured, interesting story. I hope you get that chance to continue on to a season three.

As far as question, are Bart's parents alive in his time line?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 06, 2013

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Nikunj writes...

First of all, let me say that I am a big fan of you show YJ and I loved TSS while it was on. Watching season 2 I noticed the sheer amount of characters that are now on the show that you juggle. I read an interview in which you mentioned that the core 6 characters from season 1 are your main characters. But that doesn't really seem the case. Wally, for example, doesn't even seem a supporting character since he's almost completely MIA this season. Did you make a conscious decision from the beginning to shift focus away from the original characters or did the story just shape that way while you were writing it.

Another question regarding story, even though Wally is retired, wouldn't he come out of retirement when the world was threatened with destruction by Mongul in 'War'.

Greg responds...

1. ASKED AND ANSWERED. Here mostly: http://www.worldsfinestonline.com/WF/youngjustice/backstage/interview12.php

The World's Finest: I personally believe that, even with the growth of the cast in the second season, Young Justice is still about the original core team introduced at the start of the first season. Would that be a correct statement to make?

Greg Weisman: Not exactly. I would say that the original core Team was more of a priority than some of the new characters. But fundamentally the second season was plot-driven. I don't think we sacrificed character, but characterization would have to come on the fly in service of the larger story. Season One was about us weaving a tapestry to introduce world, characters, conflicts, etc. Season Two had a single driving story (on multiple fronts) and the characters that have been emphasized - or at any rate received the most screen time - were the ones that the story required. So early in Season Two, you see more of Superboy - but less of him in the second half. On the other hand, Artemis barely appeared in the first half-dozen episodes, but her role became quite important, starting in episode 207 and forward. Blue Beetle, as a creation of the Reach, was obviously going to increase in importance as the season progressed and more and more of that connection and its accompanying dilemma were revealed. And because we only had 20 episodes in Season Two, rather than the 26 we had in Season One, I think it's fair to say that certain characters got shorter shrift than others. But the goal was never to give everyone equal time, but rather to make the most of what time we had to offer. I suppose one could make the argument that certain characters didn't need to appear at all, i.e. the fewer the characters, the more screen time there would be for those that made the cut. But (a) I'm not sure the audience would all agree on exactly who should make that cut, and (b) we had fun with every single character for as much or as little time as we could afford to give them. (I wouldn't choose to cut Wonder Girl just because her only big episode was "Beneath".) So instead, we just tried to be true to our continuity and introduce the characters that we felt would be there five years on. If some of those Freshmen - and even some of our Juniors and Seniors - didn't receive equal time with everyone else, I can live with that.

2. ASKED AND ANSWERED. Who said he didn't? Lots of heroes were helping with the destruction caused by the Warworld's mere proximity to Earth. And if Dick had wanted him to join the Team for the raid on the Warworld, he would have come along too. But Dick didn't ask.

Response recorded on May 06, 2013

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EXALT writes...

So, about Complications (which was an AWESOME episode, by the way)...
1)How did Crusher and Jade manage to find the Manta-Flyer?
2)Sportsmaster calls Deathstroke by his first name: does this mean that they are old friends/old partners/old something?
3)Speaking of Deathstroke, can you confirm that his full name is Slade Wilson?
4)How old is Deathstroke?
5)(This isn't directly tied in with the episode, but hey, since I'm here) How many years ago Aquaman and Manta fought for the first time?

Greg responds...

1. Sportsmaster had contingencies in place before he risked any split with the Light.

2. "Friends" might be pushing it, but they've clearly worked together before. Just ask Ted Kord. (Ooh, sorry.)

3. Yes.

4. By the end of Season ONE, Deathstroke was 47.

5. I have not nailed down a specific year for that yet, but it was LONGER ago than the conception of Kaldur'ahm.

Response recorded on May 06, 2013

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Here's another of my shameless attempts to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.):


Since there's not much to report about the first book now, I'm counting down my progress writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise, which should come out sometime in 2014.

I just finished writing Chapter Seventeen. I like the ending of this one too. It's cheeky.

Tomorrow, I'll start on Chapter Eighteen.

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Paul writes...

When Miss Martian was wearing the inhibitor collar on Black Manta's sub, why didn't she revert to her White Martian form?

Greg responds...

Her shape-changing abilities had been shut down by the collar. She was locked in to her current form.

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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Paul writes...

In Young Justice issue 20, why didn't Dick Grayson want Bette Kane to see Artemis Crock and Wally West on his laptop?

Greg responds...

I think it was more he didn't want them seeing her. He's a gentleman.

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

"Complications" was an amazing episode. I guess SOME good news came out of it, after all…

My thoughts about "Complications":

A. Blue's Attempt At Lying and Nightwing's Private Investigation - So the Team members that went to Warworld were taken somewhere and Blue lied about the circumstances of what happened. I'm quite surprised that Arsenal wasn't pointed out as a potential suspect, given that he was the only one that managed to escape… Blue might have briefly fooled Nightwing, but luckily our favorite detective didn't completely buy into it. I'm glad he was able to quickly figure out what happened, but I hope he somehow manages to connect it to Green Beetle (who still hides his true intentions) … Also, the pissed-off expression he gave at the end of the episode was priceless….

B. Aqualad's Recovery - Now if it wasn't for the abrupt cancellation of the tie-in comic and the limited episode count, I would have REALLY liked to see how the recovery process of Aqualad's mind went down. Seriously, I did NOT expect Aqualad to already be recovered and to be in mental conversation with Miss Martian, but I'm guessing that he probably forgave her for what she did to him (given that this was not shown at all). Even though he is no longer the leader of the Team, he does his best to somehow coordinate a plan to keep his friends and himself. While I'm glad he's back in the game, it's sad he's still stuck doing his undercover assignment. Well…., it's better than being stuck in a catatonic state, right?

C. Too Many Close Calls! - Aqualad nearly gets himself killed trying to explain the truth to Chesire! Artemis nearly gets killed by her father! And then Miss Martin stops the madness in the nick of time. Then there's the thing with Deathstroke trying to catch Miss Martian again…. I practically lost count as to how many close calls there were!

D. Black Manta's Aggressive Behavior - So Manta's soldiers set a bomb on the door but he blows it up early with his men caught in the blast?! Is Manta normally like this with his soldiers?!

E. I Still Have A Bad Feeling - Now I know this was not mentioned in any way in this episode, but I am still concerned about Psimon. He was placed in a catatonic sate for weeks and the time it took to recover Aqualad's mind DID in fact took weeks. If Psimon recovers, it's bad news for Artemis and maybe for Aqualad as well. There is a contingency plan for this inevitability, right?

Thanks of taking the time to read my thoughts.

Greg responds...

B. I think Miss Martian and Aqualad's reveleation was shown. In the "Fix".

D. No. Not at all. But concern for his son trumped their well-being.

E. The contingency was called Tigress, who made sure Psimon STAYED catatonic until after "Summit".

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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Josh Waters writes...

1. How much power does doctor fate and klarion possese.
2. Could klarion take on the whole justice league by himself, not including doctor fate.

Greg responds...

1. Plenty o'

2. Sure. So could I. So could you. Don't know how well we'd all fare, but we could take 'em on!

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

I just read your ramble posting about John Wells, which was quite interesting. You said he was the one who provided research on the DC universe for you and all the other people who worked on the Young Justice TV series and comic books.

Research-wise, is the source material that he uses only comes from pre-"Flashpoint" DC Comics continuity, or does he also uses source material from The New 52 as well?

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

As I've stated AD NAUSEUM, we were all DONE before New 52 started. So his research came from before that. But that wasn't a policy decision or any kind of value judgement. New 52 simply didn't exist yet. It's a function of schedules. (HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I SAID THIS?)

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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Naina writes...

Why was Wentworth Miller replaced by Fred Tastaciore?

Greg responds...

Wentworth was no longer available to us, but Fred did a great job, don't you think?

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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Paul writes...

1a) Why did you use Cassie Sandsmark before Donna Troy when you made a point to use Dick Grayson before Tim Drake and Wally West before Bart Allen?

1b) Why haven't you at least acknowledged the existence of Donna (if she's around) this season like you did with Garth when Kaldur went back to Atlantis in season 1?

Greg responds...

1a. We had planned on introducing Troia as someone who joined AND left the Team during the five year break. But for reasons already stated here, it didn't work out.

1b. We had planned to. It didn't work out.

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Was Queen Bee's design based off of Marina Sirtis? I see a slight resemblence.

Greg responds...

No. She was designed long before we cast the roll.

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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Sean writes...

I really gotta know, in Season 1, The Joker tried to kill every one present with Joker Venom when the Injustice League surrendered. While it would seem like he didn't care if he died as long as he killed everyone, Joker is immune to the deadly gas in the comics. Was he really trying to pull a genuine "Taking you with me"? Or is he immune in the YJ canon, and planned to make a getaway once the venom killed everyone?

Greg responds...

I like it ambiguous.

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Oh, no I just heard that Legacy may be pushed back until October. I hope that everything's okay, since the last interview I saw said it was basically done. Not really a question, but just a note saying I am really, really looking forward to it, and I hope it's going really well!

Greg responds...

Last I heard it was September.

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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Greg Bishansky writes...

I have a question about Gargoyles 2198, specifically Demona going into space with Nokkar, Zafiro, Guardian, and LXM-1057. I suppose this doesn't count as a spoiler request.

How would Puck's spell of transformation work when there is, effectively no sunrise and sunset?

Greg responds...

How could it NOT count as a "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT."?

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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Mary writes...

How does Superboy and Superman's relationship improve over the 5 year gap? Like, do they spend time together or something?

Greg responds...

Among other things, yes.

Response recorded on May 02, 2013

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Geodude writes...

When one of the Green Lanterns uses the Zeta tubes and the system announces their arrival/departure, how does it name them? Does it just say, "Recognized, Green Lantern, [number]" for all of them, or does it call John and Guy by their real names since their identities are public anyway?

Greg responds...

It just gives their nom-de-guerre (i.e. Green Lantern) and designation.

Response recorded on May 02, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

How do you guy's come up with the sound effect's for the show? Like for example Black Canary's cry?

Greg responds...

The great team at Audio Circus, led by Otis Van Osten, creates our sound effects.

AND BIG NEWS, our sound mixer CARLOS SANCHES was just nominated for an EMMY AWARD for the sound mixing on the YJ episode "Bloodlines"!!!!

Response recorded on May 02, 2013

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