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VELATIONS 2013-06 (Jun)

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Anonymous writes...

I just want to say first, I love all your shows
How did Mongul acquire the Warwold's key

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, I would like to know something about the rookery of the Avalon Clan for Liberty Clan. At Avalon, by the year 2188, only about 8 years have passed and the gargoyles my bill be 45 years old. So that they are even younger than the other gargoyles lay their first egg? In general, it would already be the year 2308, before they are 50 and really should place their first egg.

Greg responds...

I'm sorry. Maybe it's the typos, but I'm not following you.

Also, my timeline doesn't go as far as 2308.

Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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Paul writes...

Will Dynamic Music Partners be doing the music/soundtrack for the Young Justice: Legacy game? I really hope so - I love their work.

Greg responds...

I don't know. But I love their work too.

Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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Sean writes...

This might be a bit of a stupid question, but im curious when black manta was fighting sportsmaster, he could shoot laser beams from his helmet. So my question is, how does he shoot them? What actviates them? Another question why didnt sportsmaster use a magnetic disk to short out black mantas armour like cheshire?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.

2. Maybe he WANTED to pound on him.

Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Did Marie Logan ever find out what M'gann's true form is?
And why didn't she say anything to M'gann how she happens to look like her when she was young?

Greg responds...

1. More or less.

2. When?

Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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Hammer writes...

I had a very random question for you that I wonder if you've even thought about yet where Earth-16 is concerned.

As you may know, some time ago, DC introduced a comic issue where we learned that Guy Gardner is gay.

Have you taken time to consider weather he is or isn't in Earth-16? If you have thought about it, could you share with us what is sexual orientation is in Earth-16?

Greg responds...

If I haven't thought about it, how can I share it?

Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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Caroline writes...

Mr. Weisman
I have always loved the justice league and watched all the TV shows, but I am very very new to the comic world so i apologize in advance if my questions seem stupid or obvious!
1. In the comic world, were Artemis and Wally originally paired? If not, what made you decide to make them a couple?
2. Same with Superboy and Megan
3. Same with Robin/Nightwing and Zatarra, though they're not a couple, what was the idea behind the slight romance between them?

Thanks so much:)

Greg responds...

1. No.

1a. They decided and told us. Or that's what it seemed like.

2 and 2a. Ditto.

3. See above.

Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

-Which Young Justice couple is your favorite?
If you can't decide, then who's it between?

-What is your favorite male & female character?
:) Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions!

Greg responds...

I don't play favorites.

Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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ember writes...

Just finished "The Hunt", and it was great. A couple of questions popped into my head while I was watching, so I thought I'd ask.
What is that sound when Tye powers up his astral form? I think I've heard it before but I'm not sure where.
Did Lex Luthor attune the Fatherbox to Superboy's DNA because he was the easiest to lock onto or is it just his twisted way of showing a fatherly protective instinct?
And finally, why were they frozen in those positions? It looked a bit bizarre.

Greg responds...

1. I don't recall. Do you mean the chanting?

2. Yes and yes.

3. Don't overthink it.

Response recorded on June 03, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Is it just me or is Tigress's face a little rearranged/different than Artemis's? I mean with Artemis's hair down she looked different, but when Tigress has her mask off she looks totally different! It could just be the hair and skin color thats making me see this way, but I thought you might have made the charm change her appearance a little, otherwise Tigress would look too close to Artemis.
& by the way, how does Zatanna not know about this? Shouldn't she be suspicious of the specific charm? Sorry but "we have a history" doesn't explain it. Unless you know, Nightwing did a favor for Zatanna ;)
Thank you soo much for these amazing shows & we wont stop fighting to bring back another season!! Definitely not after these recent episodes! You and the other members of the show are too talented!!

Greg responds...

It's a whole different face.

Zatanna trusts Nightwing. She knows he's using it for something. But she trusts it's a good something.

Response recorded on June 03, 2013

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