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You have put together an amazing show here. It was more than just a Saturday morning cartoon, it was a break from my work week working on my college degrees and bit of time that I could enjoy through out the week asking myself what's going to happen next.
You have succeeded in creating an emotionally investing show, even if it was made for kids, it held values and action, and my attention. Young Justice was the one thing I made sure to watch my first year away at college, and until today I could keep coming back to it. I thank you for making such a wonderful show.
I could feel like I watched Dick grow up, going from ready to lead the team from the start and then deciding he didn't want to be like Batman in the first season after failsafe. Then he comes to this point in his life during season 2 where he had to make those hard decisions. Aqualad, is by far one of my favorites, he is such a noble character and that is evident through out the seasons. He was grown when he came to us and has acted like a leader ever since. Then everything he has been through, Tula, his father, and yet he remains solid as ever. M'gann and Conner, both of them were so lost in the beginning, and now its like they've found where they want to go in life. Then there is Artemis and Wally. I won't lie to you I loved these two from the get go. Artemis is such a multidimensional character, and Wally...he's Wally there's no other way to explain him, like Artemis told M'gann. He's Wally. Everyone loves him. Artemis and Wally both become so sure of themselves, getting rid of their insecurities. Artemis so much as to go undercover and can still return to what she was. Then Wally, I doubt I will ever forgive you for what happen to him. I know your feelings on the speed force but I comfort myself by thinking that Wally is making a new discovery in the Earth-16 Universe. Wally has never been the fastest man alive, he knew that and he faced it. His noble side came through and he saved the world at the cost of his own life. When I watched that, I broke down with Artemis and felt his parents' ache when she told them. Wally is a hero.
This brings me to a few questions I do have for you.
With Aqualad and Artemis returning from undercover or dead, how is this going to affect there lives? Aqualad will be mistrusted and always suspected in the eyes of others. Artemis has a gravestone, she had retired and was attending college? How is she going to explain she died being Artemis and is back?
Why did we have to rush in and bring up Tim and Cassie in the end? I felt a little blind sided by that, much like Conner did.
Lastly, in TV I don't believe anyone is ever dead until you have a body. Wally's body was not there, he disappeared. The scarab didn't say he was going to die, he said that he would "cease", now is that a cease to exist entirely, cease to be with us here? Is that a more ominous take on what might have happened had season 3 not been cancelled?
Again, this was an amazing show. Thank you so much for your time in reading this and any answers you may provide.
Thank you!
2. Ditto.
3. Ditto.
4. We wanted a little shock value there. A surprising positive to at least in part balance out a surprising negative.
6. Nothing changed based on whether or not we received a pick-up. Brandon and I made a decision and stuck with it.
are you availabe on any other social media?
TWITTER: @Greg_Weisman
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1) Did the Light (what was left of them) cut off Deathstroke and Black Manta after the events of "Summit"?
2) Did they cut off the Brain as well, since he was captured, or did they eventually bring him back into the fold?
2. Ditto.
Not sure if this counts as spoiler (if yes, then sorry), but I have 2 questions about Pog:
1. Are Pog and Griff of the London Clan related?
2. Was Pog always white or is he only white due to his old age?
3. Did Pog have a full mane when he was younger (similar to that of Leo)?
1. If you mean biologically, then yes, that is indeed a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.
2. Haven't thought about it, honestly.
3. No, I don't think so.
For questions 2 and 3, I try not to make too many visual decisions in advance of my collaboration with an artist or artists.
I believe I remember a time when you said you changed the last episode? What did you plan to do before you changed it?
I apologize if you dont remember, or maybe I'm wrong.
I don't know what you're referring to.
Not even 100% sure what series you're referring to, though I assume it's YJ:I.
First off, I have to say that Young Justice has become one of my favorite shows of all time, and I hope it gets a chance to continue someday. Maybe all those hiatuses were prepping us to last until CN decides hey, you know what, that show we cancelled was actually pretty damn awesome.
My questions are: 1. How did Bart manage to build that time machine? As in, did he salvage parts from the Reach or the Team (since he was near Mt. Justice), or build it from scratch?
and 2. Would he be capable of building another/repairing his broken one? (If that's considered an idea masquerading as a question then I'm sorry, and you can delete this second question.)
1. Who said he built it?
2. It seems not, since both he and Nathaniel seemed pretty sure it was a one-way trip.
Haha so I am guessing Black Canary is now Justice League leader because she is your favorite character. Am I correct?
Well, I suppose that didn't hurt. But it also seemed right, and she has been leader of the League in the comics in the past. There was precedent for it.
Since Jaime has a crush on Cassie, is he a little jealous of Tim & Cassie together? I speak for all the fans when I say I would LOVE is it could be explored in season 3!
I'm counting on a season 3 because we are not giving up!
Thank you for ALL you've done!
Green Beatles questions:
1.Does he now share a similar relationship to his scarab as Jamie does,with it a voice in his head.
2.While he was under control, did he also have the voice, or was that a specific side effect of Blue's scarab having gone off mode.
3. The beetle had control over his telepathy, but he himself could still think, does this mean telepathy isn't directly linked with thought?
4. Was his beetle specifically made for Martains(and,through that,EACH beetle specifically made) to counter their powers(such as shapeshifting away, or density shifting).
Thanks for your time, great season(..series?) finally!
1. His scarab is dead and gone. I would have thought that was clear.
2. Yes, though maybe it was less objective.
3. I'm not clear on what you're asking here.
4. I don't think so.
After watching the series finale I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried a little bit. I was wondering though if you could explain further as to what Blue Beetle's scarab meant when he said Wally would "cease"? Does this mean there is a possibility of wally not actually being dead?
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