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Is Nick Maza (in 2198) blood related to Nick/Natsilane from the episode "Heritage"?
If so, when or at what point in the ancestry of Nick Maza do the bloodlines of the Maza family and Nick/Natsilane meet? If you won't say when specifically then is it closer to the year 2198 or 1998?
1. Yes.
2. I'm not answering this at this time.
By the time of Gargoyles 2198, what will Demona and Macbeth's relationship be? By that I mean: Will they still hate eachothers guts, or will their relationship be more aimiable in nature?
I'm not revealing this at this time.
Do you have how the gargoyle population of the present day makes it the point it reaches in March 2198 roughly mapped out?
Roughly, yes.
We seen that Demona has a great deal of affection for her child, Angela. Since Samson is a descendant of hers, won't that affect how she feels about him? Or will his similarities affect her normal affection for her kin?
We'll have to wait and see.
The two LXM robots in Gargoyles 2198 are called LXM-994 and LXM-1057. These are the dates of the two massacres. Who named the robots, and why did they choose those names?
I named the robots, and I chose the numbers for resonance.
Ohhhhh... you mean who named the robots in the SHOW? ;)
They are factory standard. No one "named" them.
Is Macbeth still wealthy by 2198?
Is Demona still wealthy by 2198?
I'm not revealing this information at this time.
You've said that Macbeth doesn't get involved after the Space Spawn invade Earth in 2198, until some time later. Why? Surely he wouldn't just ignore his planet being taken over. He fought in WWII. Why would he stay out of this far more important war?
I'm not revealing this at this time.
For your Gargoyles Future Spinoff, was the idea of Brooklyn travelling into the future to help against the alien invaders from the old Superboy and Supergirl comics where they travel into the future and join the Legion of Super Heroes?
I can't deny that as a possible influence -- since of course I'm familiar with the Legion -- but I wasn't specifically thinking of that. The TimeDancer idea came to me before I thought to include Brooklyn in the cast of what eventually became Gargoyles 2198. It just seemed to make sense that if Brook was bouncing around, that one of the eras he'd bounce to is 2198.
If Samson is Goliath's great grandson in Gargoyles 2198 wouldn't Samson look more like Broadway since males look like their dad?
Samson isn't Broadway's son. And look, we never wanted to be rigid about it anyway. One inherits from all of one's ancestors.
Hi Greg,
Ok, this might be a bit off topic (YAY) but first I want to say a BIG. HUGHE. GIANT. Thanks to Disney for releasing season 1 on DVD!!! I'll try to get my hands at it here in Europe and just hope I can help bring the series back on screen!!! And I hope Season 2 will follow soon...
Now the question:
You often stated the large number of spinn offs occuring even after the Gargoyles-timeline (meaning Timedancer, 21** etc.). Well, that would mean that eventually, Gargoyles would have a spot where it would end in time. Wich year would this be? Around 2030?
Thank you for awnsering and for pushing so much time in all that stuff (just SOOOO excited on the DVD finally REALLY comming out!!)
I'm glad you're excited.
But as to your question, I'm not sure I follow your reasoning. I guess if you're asking: "Is there a point in time when the original "GARGOYLES" series would end?" I guess my answer is, "Yes, in March 2198." At which point, we'd change the name to "Gargoyles 2198" and the spin-off would become the series.
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