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VELATIONS 2013-10 (Oct)

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Quick Question writes...

Greg, I notice on your roster that Donna Troy (Troia) was part of the team at one point. Is there any particular reason she wasn't in this season storywise (you don't have to explain) or was there a production reason? And if you can get into it, can you give any details about her membership?

Greg responds...

This is mostly ASKED AND ANSWERED.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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A Random Fan writes...

Let me start by saying that the Young Justice season finale just about broke my heart. Don't get me wrong, that's just a testament to how wonderful the storytelling is for this entire series. Doesn't stop the pain, but at least it came from something good.
Anyway my question could be said to apply to all your awesome work.
Have you ever heard of a site called T.V Tropes and Idioms, and have you ever cheeked out your shows entries on it?

Greg responds...

I have, yes.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Young Justice forever writes...

Is there anything us fans can do to help Young Justice come back for another season?

Greg responds...

Vote with your wallet. Buy the DVDs. Buy the soundtrack. Buy the comic book trade paperbacks. And most important of all, buy YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Roop writes...

Hello there, first off: congrats on Young Justice! A splendid finale for a splendid show! I'll be very interested in seeing what YJ: Legacy offers in terms of the missing narrative between season one and two.

Now on to the question! Out of curiosity, is there any new on that project you and Vic Cook were lanning called Progeny? It sounded like an interesting story, and Galloway's designs certainly helped the interest. Just a slight bit of curiosity on if there's any development on that.

Have a nice day!

Greg responds...

Nothing I can report right now, but I haven't given up on Progeny either.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Jessie writes...

Dear Greg,

I have just finished watching the season 2 final for young justice and in my opinion it was truly bittersweet. I want to congratulate you on creating such an amazing show. I was honestly in love with the characters, their personalities, thoughts, feelings, and dialog were so realistic. I am a fan of DC comics and love all those heroes and enjoyed seeing them all on young justice :) I think that "endgame" was a great way to end the season but i was left heartbroken when i had to watch my all time favorite hero, Kid Flash, do something impulsive and selfless for the last time. To say i'm not upset would be lying so i wont say that but my heart honestly broke when Wally told Barry to make sure he tells Artemis and his parents that he loved them. :,( i wish i didn't get so attached to fictional characters because their fate is always in the hands of their creators, which makes them fair game and anything/everything could happen. I know there is a chance you probably wont read this but i just wanted to take this chance and ask you, is there hope for Young Justice and Wally West or will i have to just re-watch episode and just have Wally remain in my memories? I also wanted to let you know that the scene between Kid and Impulse was just.. no words can describe it. Wally and Bart's relationship is just precious and in that scene i saw an older brother passing down his legacy to his younger brother and that just made Wally's tragic fate all the more difficult to accept.

but no matter what my feelings are toward's Wally, i still want to THANK YOU for an amazing superhero show that this closet geek went crazy for ;P

Greg responds...

Thanks for the kind words.

There's always hope for the series. Right now most of those hopes revolve around Legacy.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Mira writes...

1. How old were Tye and Jaime when they met and where were they?
2. Why did they initially become friends?
3. Did they reconcile eventually after the fall of the Reach and did Tye go back home to El Paso?
4. Do Jaime's friends Paco and Brenda from the comics exist in this universe and are they friends with Tye too?
5. Where did Asami go to live after the fall of the Reach?

Greg responds...


2. Why does anyone?

3. There wasn't much reconciling to do once Tye found out that Jaime had been - in essence - possessed.

3a. SPOILER REQUEST. But I've already revealed this, so, yes, Tye and Asami went back to live with Shelly Longshadow in El Paso.


5. See answer number 3.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Anon writes...

I know your probably sick of all the Wally questions but..

Was it hard for you to kill off Wally? And when making/recording the episode did any of the cast end up crying? Cuz I know the fandom did plenty of that...

Greg responds...

It wasn't an easy decision. And we all got quite emotional about it.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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And here's another of my shameless attempts to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.):


There's not too much to report about the first book right now - but at the above website, you can see the new gorgeous revised coloring of the first book's cover.

And in the meantime, I'm counting down my progress writing the SECOND BOOK in the RAIN OF THE GHOST series, SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM, which is due out on May 13th, 2014 and can also be pre-ordered:


I just finished Chapter Forty-Five. This one combined what I had originally planned as two chapters (45 & 46 - or if you've been keeping count since last March, 41 & 42). And I will NOT be starting on Chapter Forty-Six tomorrow, because there is no Chapter 46. Forty-Five is now officially the last chapter. My first pass is done. And THAT. Is a VERY. GOOD. FEELING. Believe me.

Of course, I'm not done-done. I still have to write the acknowledgments, and then I need to go through the entire book, rereading and rewriting from top to bottom. I've been constantly revising and rewriting as I go, but I'll need to do a lot more of that, and I'll need to proofread very carefully too. But now I know I'll make my drop-dead date, and that's a huge relief.

I'll start on the acknowledgments tomorrow! But now that YOU know the book is essentially finished, there's nothing to hold you back from pre-ordering a copy! Right? RIGHT!

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Kayla writes...

Hi Greg,
After finally watching the season 2 finale, I must congratulate you and thank you. Thank you so much. At the end of an emotionally draining week I could always look forward to Young Justice. It's absolutely heart-breaking to know that the show that has kept me going for so long has ended. And what a note it ended on.
Wally was always my favourite character. Every episode in season 2 I hoped that Wally would re appear. And you should have seen my face when he did. So I must thank you for adding him as he has become one of my greatest inspirations. Thank you, Greg, for all the amazing characters you have brought to life. Thank you for the amazing story-telling and the incredible times in Young Justice.
I must say, you know how to make a 13 year old fangirl break down into tears for about two hours. Hands down to you and the crew for that feat.
Greg, I know the answer will probably be met with a SPOILER REQUEST, NO COMMENT or whatever you decide to write down, but I must ask. I hope that my questions will be answered.

1. Was Wally actually ever in Bart Allen's timeline? I mean, was he alive?
2. Do you think that Artemis would move out of Palo Alto? And what about her college life?
3. This is hard for me, but what exactly happened to Wally? Was it a proper death?... I mean, he just sort of... dissolved.

I'm very sorry if I breach the question thingie of SPOILER REQUEST, NO COMMENT. I know you are probably aware, but many fans are working hard to try and bring back the show. It's a big part of our lives and I know I'm not ready to let it go. Not yet. Especially not on this note.
Kudos to you, the crew and everyone who has worked so hard on this show. Major kudos for the voice actors who have voiced so well. I don't believe you get as much love as you deserve, so here I am, saying thank you. Thank you Mr Weisman. You and your show got me through some tough times. (Yikes, that sounded more corny than some of Wally's pick up lines.)

Greg responds...

1. If you mean had he existed, than yes. If you're asking whether or not he was still alive by the time Bart was born, then that's a SPOILER REQUEST.



Thank you. I'll take corny anytime.

Response recorded on October 08, 2013

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Mikey writes...

Hey, Greg! A while ago, I think it was Brandon Vietti who said not all the characters on the YJ:I poster was used- looking at it, I can only presume it's the girl standing next to Tim. Because the series is over, is it okay for you to reveal who it would be?

Greg responds...

What poster are we talking about?

Response recorded on October 08, 2013

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