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"It would probably help if some fan did what Vashkoda did for the clan contest and set up a website that fills in the blanks. I think that would help get this horrible monster of a contest I created over with more quickly. So, please, somebody... "
Ask and you shall receive. I've been keeping a running tab, a quick html conversion gives us:
Not fancy by any means but it gets the job done.
But how come I never heard that someone had a clan contest website? And what about this?
"(It was described as a cobra's tail in Vashkoda's prize...)"
I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering now, what's the URL where we can see this?
I don't know. Ask Vash in the comment room.
Gargoyle 2198 contest
(this is a long shot, but here goes nothing.)
wrong and/or already guessed...
Gargoyles 2198 contest:
wrong and/or already guessed...
(Robin, thanks for the vote of confidence, but it's still too early for congratulations.)
Earlier I promised to stay logical and not resort to random trial and error guessing. But after thinking about it a little more, I have a question.
I have made the assumption that the answers can be reached logically, but is that really the case? In the clans contest, Korea was (as far as we're concerned) completely out of the blue. Are any of these answers "not hinted at"?
Specifially I'm thinking of the Maza descendent in paragraph 233-253. Is he named after someone (either in-universe or out) or is it just a name you picked out of the air.
Also the robots' designations in paragraph 306-339. Do they have any significance, or are they random numbers?
(P.S. You've already given us plenty of hints, so feel free to reply with "Not saying." I'm just hoping to prevent tons of random mindless guessing, if possible.)
I'm not saying, but I think you'll find that the answers will all make some sense once they are found out.
236: Monmouth
238: Monmouth
I was going to write "Castaway" when I remembered the Monmouths... If it turns out to be Castaway, what a stir *that* will create :-)
(and oh - if it's Monmouth or Castaway, you had wrongly said it's a nine letter word :-)
You were wrong and/or already guessed...
And I just double-checked. I got the clue correct on both of those. Whew.
Ok, I hope those answers haven't been guessed already, they hadn't as of your Sept. 30 ramble, but I didn't bother to look at the ones that were being submitted, but haven't been checked yet, becuase they may not be right.
And yet, if they were there they'd have beat you to them anyway, so checking would have sped things up for me at least.
However, I'm not sorry. You're the reason I caught those two additional errors, so thanks.
Gargoyles 2198 Contest
alternate answers...
450. WORLD
455. EARTH
wrong and/or already guessed...
Gargoyles 2198 Contest
alternate answer...
290. EARTH
wrong and/or already guessed...
Gargoyles 2198 Contest
Alternate answers of the above...
noticing that, though the contest started out quickly, it seems like those that are left are kinda hard...some of them anyway...
wrong and/or already guessed...
Gargoyles 2198 Contest
68. 2188
wrong and/or already guessed...
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