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SPONSES 2014-04 (Apr)

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Anonymous writes...

In "Shear Strength", when Norman asked Spidey where Peter was, did he (Norman) really have no idea or did he have an inkling?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on April 18, 2014

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Jibby A writes...

My question is about W.I.T.C.H. more specifically about Will. I was wondering what inspired you to give her the specific power of Quintessence? Because in the comics I don't think that's been mentioned, its always been Energy. However I think it's such an awesome power and your work on W.I.T.C.H. was exceptional! I thank you

Greg responds...

Quintessence (literally the "fifth essence") has traditionally been the fifth element, after earth, air, fire and water.

Response recorded on April 18, 2014

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Curious writes...

Sorry for bothering, but had more questions.

1. Given that Young Justice did not have a GL counterpart, did you have any plans to include them in the off-world parts of Season 2 (and did episode cuts from 26 to 20 stop that)?
2. Which Young Justice character story did you feel could have explored more and you guys regret not doing that?

Greg responds...

1. No plans in season two. Definite plans for seasons to come. (If I'm interpreting your question correctly.)

2. I have no regrets. But I would have loved to have had more episodes/issues to explore everyone's stories more.

Response recorded on April 18, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg. A few questions about The Spectacular Spider-Man:

1) Regarding Gwen without glasses (in the last four episodes), was her character model completely redesigned for those episodes? It just seems that if you compare her character model for the previous episodes to the way she looks in those last few episodes, she looks completely different, it's not just that the glasses that are missing.

2) Were there plans to give Peter a new set of clothes at some point in the series? I ask because by the time he was in college in the comics, he was dressing with more confidence, though I think there was a bit of that in the later high school issues. Not that Peter in seasons 1 and 2 looks 'uncool' or anything, but I'm curious as to whether he would have started wearing a different set of clothes as the series progressed, like Gwen starts to at the end of season 2.

3) Speaking of Gwen and her clothes, when she's on the phone to MJ in "Opening Night", we see her wearing a black outfit that she doesn't wear to the play, or in any other episode. I doubt that this look was designed just for one very quick scene, so I was wondering if we would have seen more of Gwen in this outfit in season 3?

4) At the end of "Final Curtain", does Harry still consider Peter his friend, knowing that he was planning to take Gwen away from him?

5) Regarding the Hobgoblin, did you have a plan to sidestep potential complaints of the Hobgoblin mystery being too similar to the Green Goblin mystery? I'm not fishing for spoilers here, I'm just interested to know whether you had some kind of twist in mind to make the Hobgoblin mystery feel fresh and not just derivative after the Green Goblin mystery.

Greg responds...

1. Well, we made a new model, but her face and body were basically a trace of the old model. The only things that changed - besides her clothes, depending on the setting - were the lack of glasses (contact lenses, dontcha know) and her hair. And we had been gradually lengthening her hair over multiple episodes anyway. So the change in model that you perceive is... mostly in your head. But that's good. It had the same effect on you that it had on Pete and much of the rest of our cast.

2. We had no immediate plans, though of course on an episodic and seasonal basis he would have gotten additional clothes, as you already saw. And I did have one specific plan for the last episode of the series, i.e. his high school graduation.

3. Honestly, I can't remember.

4. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on April 18, 2014

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Giant Boy writes...

Since your famous show was on the blog, I figured I could watch the pilot episode of Gargoyles for the first time.

Enjoyed it. I had some questions about who was the hooded traitor, but I feel the twist with the Captain's betrayal will soon get resolved.

Keep up the good work, even though this episode was made 20 years ago. Wow, that's a long time ago...

Giant Boy

Greg responds...

Yes, yes it is. But we're always glad to have new viewers. Keep up the good watching.

Response recorded on April 18, 2014

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Arlo writes...

Hi, Greg. Congratulations on your new book, and I hope all is going well!

In "Metamorphosis," Elisa clearly was deeply hurt by what Xanatos had done, and she promised him he was "going down, no matter what it takes."

Has she actually done anything to work towards this end, and is she still working towards it as of the last issue of the SLG comic? She clearly fought to get Derek back in "The Cage," but I don't think we've seen any indication that she's actually working towards bringing Xanatos down. Is she still working towards this goal, and why or why not?

Greg responds...

I think her resolve is dozy for the time being.

Response recorded on April 18, 2014

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My WONDERCON 2014 Schedule

I'll be attending WONDERCON 2014 in Anaheim, California for one day only: Saturday, April 19th, 2014.


I've got no official panels this year - though, STAR WARS fans should definitely check out the STAR WARS REBELS panel on Saturday from 2-3pm in Room 300AB. Executive Producer Dave Filoni and Vanessa Marshall (the voice of Hera Syndulla) will be taking your questions.

But I do have a couple of events scheduled:

1. 11:30am - @1pm: ASK GREG LIVE, a.k.a. YOUNG JUSTICE MEET-UP, a.k.a. GARGOYLES 20TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION, a.k.a. SPEC SPIDEY BLU-RAY CHEERFEST, a.k.a. RAIN OF THE GHOSTS ISLAND TOUR, a.k.a. whatever geeky thing you like...
This is a casual fan get together where I'll be answering questions. Vanessa Marshall (voice of Mary Jane Watson, Black Canary and many more) and Nicole Dubuc (writer/producer of Transformers: RescueBots, writer on W.I.T.C.H., SpecSpidey & YJ, voice of Iris West-Allen) have both said they'll stop by too. And we may have a few other surprise special guests, as well. Note: that although I'm notoriously anti-spoiler, I'm way more likely to drop a few hints in person than on-line. We'll be meeting in Lobby B of the convention hall, behind the escalators, more or less opposite of where DC Comics and Graphitti Designs have their booths if you were going to walk into the hall. (I've posted a map on my twitter account @Greg_Weisman) If the weather permits, we will probably head outside around 11:45am and continue the meet-up there. We'll also be posing for photos, so I encourage cosplayers to attend, etc. I will also be bringing copies of RAIN OF THE GHOSTS to autograph and sell. For a mere $10 in cash, you get a signed copy of the book and signed copies of the original inspirational character designs (drawn by Kuni Tomita) for the animated series version of Rain that we never made back at DreamWorks in 1997-98. (While supplies last.) I'm in no real hurry, so I can pretty much hang out as long as folks want.

2. @1pm - 3pm SIGNING
After the Meet Up, I'll be heading over to Artist's Alley, specifically Table 186, where Thom Zahler of the amazing Love & Capes series has graciously allowed me a place to sit. Once again, I'll be selling and signing RAIN OF THE GHOSTS. Still $10 (CASH ONLY) for a signed copy of the book and signed copies of the Kuni Tomita inspirational designs. (Again, while supplies last.)

So please, stop by and say hello!

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Xum Yukinori writes...

A response to your "Rain of the Ghosts" typo contest. On Chapter 2, page 7, paragraph 4, Charlie says, "Not a record. But respectable." While "Not a record, but respectable." is grammatically correct, you may have been taking artistic license since it was dialogue.

I didn't notice any other glaring error... I was enjoying the book too much.


Greg responds...

Yeah, that was intentional. Not a typo.

Glad you were enjoying the book though!

Response recorded on April 11, 2014

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Bilbo writes...

Considering you are part of the TV animation community, has anyone ever tried pitching an animation to a non-kids network ?

Do you think the cable and broadcast networks are too animation-phobic to actually try one out?

Greg responds...


I'm not sure if "animation-phobic" is the correct term, but interest is not high.

Response recorded on April 11, 2014

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Feedback writes...

I haven't played YJ:Legacy yet (med school, *sigh*), but I've been a little disappointed in all the bad reviews for the game. I have a couple of questions regarding the game. (Sorry if they seem a little long, but I had to get my point across before each question.)

1. Did you get to view the finished product in its entirety?

2. The game was lower priced and clearly wasn't supposed to be viewed as a full-fledged console game, but instead as a lower-priced shorter companion game for fans of the show. Do you think the negative reception has been due to people expecting too much??

3. Can you estimate the game's costs??? With 70k units sold plus Steam sales and DLC, I'm assuming it's made a little under 3 million in revenue. The game obviously has a lower budget than most, and it seemingly had 0 marketing and advertising. Do you know if it is profitable? Is Little Orbit happy or underwhelmed with sales? Considering it's a small company with its first console game, it's hard to pinpoint what their expectations were.

4. Assuming Little Orbit doesn't follow up with a sequel, what hope is there for a continuation in the Young Justice franchise?? Is there a possibility for another game, another comic, a film?

5. Side-note: I hope Star Wars is coming along sweet! And I REALLY hope I'm not bothering you next year about why the big wigs canceled my new favorite show.

Greg responds...

1. In advance? No.

2. Don't know. The reception hasn't been so much negative as mixed. At least as far as most of the reviews I've seen. A lot of praise for story and character.

3. Not a clue.

3a. No idea.

3b. Don't know.

4. It's possible, but there's nothing on the horizon at this time.

5. I think Star Wars Rebels is going to be a huge hit.

Response recorded on April 11, 2014

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