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Hi Greg,
It's been a while but I'm glad all your projects have thus far been going well. Looking forward to the Star Wars series coming up.
I actually had a few questions that I had asked you before. I checked the queue (when people couldn't ask questions any more for a while) daily and originally my questions were approved but then I believe you didn't answer them. I think it may have been because I accidentally numbered two questions "3" so now I am separating them and I appreciate if you have the time to answer them.
To put it in context this was after you released the grouping of the teams to disable the Reach's MFDs.
"Hi Greg,
Thanks for your recent ramble about the stuff cut out of YJI's season finale. A few things I was curious about...
1. Were these bits of dialogue actually animated and spoken? If so were they like deleted scenes which we might see in the future? Either way I was really touched by Wally and Bart's moment before going to destroy the MFDs.
2. Thank you so much for providing the teams that disabled the 20 MFDs! At least it provides some great imagination for the stories there. Might you share the locations each team went please?
3. There were some great pairings, others I felt neutral. I really liked Atom and Tye (smallest & biggest heroes), Flash/Barry and Plastic Man (was this sort of a reference or nod to the great team up Barry and Elongated Man, the other stretchable hero, in the Silver Age comic?), and Arsenal with Red Arrow (both virtually the same person with different personalities). Will you someday give us these group stories?"
1. I really don't remember. Most of it was probably trimmed out at the storyboard stage, as we were already too long.
2. Honestly, I didn't work most of them out. Figure a nice global spread.
3. I'd love to, given the venue. But let's be honest, they'd get fairly repetitive fairly quickly.
Did any "Hello, Megan" tapes survive the destruction of Mount Justice? It would be really sad if Beast Boy lost one of his last connections to his mother that way.
Much was destroyed, but Garfield has friends with connections. The tapes can and will be replaced (although maybe not on VHS). (We've seen Miss Martian watch the show on her laptop, which suggests that the League computer has every episode on file.)
Hi! I loved Young Justice. I have two questions
1.) Would Bart know Jason's name?
2.) Would he know the circumstances of his death?
1. That doesn't seem likely. (We are talking about Jason Todd, right?)
2. Not necessarily.
hi greg quick question ive just watched justice league war and I noticed some of the characters (T.O. Morrow Dr. Serling Roquette) have a striking resemblance to your own in young justice designs, his has also happened in the past in flashpoint paradox with kaldur, garath and tula.
so my question is
1) Do Dc just take your staffs work/designs since they own the characters or is it stored on some archive other projects can have access to.
2) also do you get some say in the matter? or compensation for the use of your work?
3) since dc seems to like copying your work so much why are they so reluctant to do a direct to dvd film to finish of young justice?
I hope you are allowed to answer and thank you in advance if you do
1. I really don't know the answer, but I have a question: isn't Phil Bourassa the character designer on all these projects? If so, maybe it's Phil himself who is borrowing from himself or simply that what he's doing is similar for both.
2. It's not MY work. I can't draw stick figures with any competency. And, no, no say. Not that I need say.
3. Apples and oranges. One thing has nothing to do with another.
Did a podcast at the Geek Cave, where we discussed everything from Gargoyles to Star Wars Rebels to Rain of the Ghosts.
Find it here: http://geekcavepodcast.com/post/85018863882/geek-cave-podcast-episode-43-greg-weisman-the
Or you can download it directly here: http://thegeekcave.podbean.com/mf/web/tm4wd9/GC43.mp3
1. Have you seen the Disney movies Tangled or Frozen?
2. If so, what did you think of them, and how do you think they compare to the other Disney movies?
1. Yes and yes.
2. I enjoyed both but neither moved me as much as some of the older films did. I still like 101 Dalmations, Great Mouse Detective, Little Mermaid and Aladdin more. I do wonder if I find CGI distancing in a way that I don't find traditional cell animation. That seems ridiculous. And the odds are what I'm really responding to is not the type of animation but the script. But I do wonder.
Hello Greg!
Just a quick question this time. The other time I asked you something about gargoyles and you said that you wouldn't write it for free... wich came as a bit of a shock to me as you have said before that it is your baby proyect.
It's understandable as this is your job and main source of income... But I have to wonder if you would ever have or if you have a personal proyect wich you would do for free.
You deserve every cent you get paid but.. Many (amateur/fanfic) writters write stories for fun and I wonder if this is the case with you. thank you!
I don't write for fun anymore. To be honest, it's too much like work.
I don't write for free, though I do (occasionally) write "on spec". That is, I'll write something that has the chance of paying off later, even if no one is paying me for it immediately. For example, my first novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, was written on spec. (And took over a decade to pay off - minimally.) The second book in the series, SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM, was not written on spec. My publisher, St. Martin's Press, ordered it. The third, MASQUE OF BONES, which I've barely begun researching, will also be written on spec, unless St. Martin's Press decides to pick it up.
But the big difference with those books, over something like GARGOYLES, for example, is that I OWN the RAIN property. I don't own GARGOYLES or YOUNG JUSTICE or WITCH or THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN. It would, frankly, just be foolish for me to invest my time (which is money to me) in something that isn't mine.
GARGOYLES is without a doubt my baby. I feel that strongly. But it doesn't change the hard, cruel fact that I hold no ownership in it at all.
I know you've said before that you've never read any Lovecraft. But I wonder if you've ever tried any of Robert E. Howard's works or Robert W. Chambers' "King in Yellow" stories. And if so, what did you think of them?
Long ago, I read a few of Robert E. Howard's Conan stories. (And I read many of Marvel's Conan and Kull and Red Sonja comics.)
I remember liking Howard enough, but clearly not enough to keep reading.
I've never read Chambers.
I have seen True Detective.
Were there ever any plans to release the music tracks for Spectacular Spider-Man? Certain songs, like the Sandman's theme, were really catchy! Would you know where someone could listen to them free of the show's sound effects and dialogue?
Vance Michael Justin!!! Haven't seen you in years!
Anyway, Dynamic Music Partners was planning to release a soundtrack for The Spectacular Spider-Man before the same corporate politics that derailed the series derailed the album, as well. I'm afraid I don't know where you could go to listen. But I'll tweet DMP and try to find out.
While re-watching "Spectacular Spider-Man" as it has been re-run on the Vortexx, I wanted to talk a moment about what a wonderful job you did with Gwen Stacy on the series.
Obviously, Gwen's time in the comics was before my time, but I had read all those old Lee-Ditko and Lee-Romita and Gerry Conway stories years and years before Spec Spidey was a glimmer in anyone's eye, but for me... Gwen was a standard Silver Age girlfriend, and all that entailed. Mary Jane was more interesting, and I couldn't fault Gerry Conway's decision to have Green Goblin toss her off a bridge... it made for a classic story not just for Spider-Man, but for all of comics.
But I never liked seeing Gwen sidelined as all other adaptations seemed to do. For me, Spider-Man was a story about growing up and Gwen represented First Love to me. Yes, he dated Betty Brant first and flirted with Liz Allan, but Gwen was his first Great Love, and most people don't end up with their first Great Love.
So, for years, Gwen was a Silver Age girlfriend and a Stepping Stone in Peter's journey to manhood from my point of view, and little more than that.
And then your show came along, and while that's how I was looking at Gwen at first, she very quickly grew on me... to the point where I really didn't want to see that classic Gerry Conway story adapted into your universe on an emotional level. Although, to this day, my brain still tells me that sooner or later it needed to happen... and while you have dropped hints that it might happen, you've never confirmed it (and I'm not asking you to)... it's not something that I was looking forward to seeing happen. Something I was dreading, in fact.
So you got this guy who never cared for Gwen outside of intellectually believing in her importance to the mythos to fall in love with Gwen Stacy, and a lot of credit goes to Lacey Chabert, too. While I still love Mary Jane more than Gwen, I think you and your team did your job.
Hard not to love the double-whammy of Cheeks' design and Lacey's stellar performance as Gwen. Add in some fashion design advice from Jennifer Coyle, particularly with regards to Gwen's make-over, and you can easily see why Peter fell for her.
Of course, I grew up with Gwen and Peter as a couple, and her death in the comics was devastating. So we wanted to do her character justice.
So we just tried, as I've said before, to extrapolate backwards for Gwen. She was always the smart girl in Pete's life. The only one who compete with him for understanding science. And her relationship with her single-parent father was also key. There was plenty for us to work with.
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