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SPONSES 2014-10 (Oct)

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Clan-Building Review

There's a pretty comprehensive review of Clan-Building here:


This guy really knows the series.

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Gargoyles 20th Anniversary

So today is the 20th Anniversary of the Television Premiere of Gargoyles.

I nearly forgot about it, because for me the 20th Anniversary was the World Premiere back on September 29th. Plus we had been working on the series, in one form or another since 1991. But the truth is for most of our then audience, it's been twenty years today. (And I know some of you were introduced to Gargoyles even later.)

So happy anniversary to the cast and crew and to all our terrific fans, whether they've been fans for twenty years or twenty minutes! Thanks for joining me on this crazy ride!

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Jordan writes...

1. In the spectular spider-man what would've been the legal status/civil rights of mutants?

2. Did you have any idea for magneto backstory in the spider-man story?

Greg responds...

1. Early days in the Spectacular version of the Marvel Universe. First someone would have had to have heard of mutants.

2. Nothing specific. There were no plans to bring him in back in the day. Did have plans for Professor X, Cyclops and Beast.

Response recorded on October 23, 2014

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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SBluemonkey writes...

Hi Mr Weisman

Out of curiosity, given your response about handling Spectacular Spider-Man's school term timeline here: http://s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=19596

One of my favorite things about Spectacular was the approach to episode names (along with everything about the show), each individual episode serving as the "Lesson Plan" for a "Subject". Biology 101, Economics 101, Psych 101 etc.

Since you were planning on factoring M³'s scheduled breaks and other holidays into the show, if more episodes had been possible would they have factored into the name scheme as well as other or "Advanced subjects"? As an example if the movie hadn't gone through would season 3 have started with "Spring Break" before moving onto the next subject? And later on would there have been "Winter Break" or "Fathers Day" episodes in between Peter's senior year subjects?

Greg responds...

The short answer is yes. I like title schemes. I wouldn't have abandoned this one.

Response recorded on October 16, 2014

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Presto writes...

So I asked Jeph's assistant about what went down. Would Sony have been able to negotiate Spider-Man's animation rights had they shown evidence to Disney that the show had a viable audience and keep the show on the road? I mean did Sony even try to appeal on that matter or did they just outright give them up.

Greg responds...

I don't pretend to know what went on behind closed doors at a level WAY above my paygrade. All I know is that Sony gave the animation rights to Spider-Man back to Marvel. Sony, however, retains the rights to the specific version of Spidey that we did on the show (those stories, those designs, etc.). Marvel was never likely to pay Sony to do a show with MARVEL's signature character, when Marvel had the resources (and desire) to do their own version. Add in the fact that Marvel was purchased by Sony's competitor Disney, and the problem is exacerbated.

Response recorded on October 16, 2014

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Avi writes...

Hi Greg, How are you? You may know me from twitter as I tend to have converstations with you at times.
1. Spectacular Spider-man has gotten me into Spider-man. Other than Stan Lee's run, what Spider-man stories do you recommend? I have Kraven's Last Hunt, Death of Gwen Stacy, and all of Lee/Ditko, and will get the rest of Lee's run with Romita soon. Just wanted to get your thoughts on which Spidey stories to buy as you are a big Spidey fan.
2. Did you like the Peter/MJ relationship from the comics? I ask because some writers accuse that relationship as causing sales and quality of Spidey titles to drop, so I wanted to hear your opinion.
3. Since you said you are now working on the third book in the Rain series, did you get the green light for the third book or are you just working on it, in hopes it will be greenlit?
Thanks and hope everything is well!

Greg responds...

1. I can't pinpoint things for you. Might have been able to when I was in the thick of writing/producing SpecSpidey, but that was years ago. I always start at the beginning and work my way forward.

2. I like how some writers/artists/editors handled it. Didn't like how others did. It's all about execution.

3. I have not gotten a green light from St. Martin's Press on Masque of Bones (i.e. Rain of the Ghosts, Book Three). And I have NOT started writing it. I have begun doing some of the research.

Response recorded on October 14, 2014

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Star Wars Rebels: Kanan

This weekend at New York Comic Con, Marvel and Lucasfilm announced the new monthly on-going STAR WARS REBELS: KANAN comic book. I will be writing the first five-issue arc, THE LAST PADAWAN. I'm very excited. More info in an interview I did here: http://www.coffeewithkenobi.com/with-new-kanan-comic-marvel-set-to-explore-more-star-wars-lore/

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Presto writes...

I am meeting with Kaitlin Dahill Jeph Loeb's assistant. Anything I can say which would help the Spectacular Spidey cause in any way?

Greg responds...

I doubt it.

Marvel Entertainment has its own Spidey show now, which is doing VERY well. They don't need Spectacular. Plus they couldn't do Spectacular without paying Sony for the rights to it. And you can imagine how enthusiastic they'd be to pay Sony to do Spidey.

Response recorded on October 09, 2014

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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