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SPONSES 2014-10 (Oct)

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Nobody here but us chickens.

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Star Wars Rebels: Kanan

This weekend at New York Comic Con, Marvel and Lucasfilm announced the new monthly on-going STAR WARS REBELS: KANAN comic book. I will be writing the first five-issue arc, THE LAST PADAWAN. I'm very excited. More info in an interview I did here: http://www.coffeewithkenobi.com/with-new-kanan-comic-marvel-set-to-explore-more-star-wars-lore/

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Presto writes...

I am meeting with Kaitlin Dahill Jeph Loeb's assistant. Anything I can say which would help the Spectacular Spidey cause in any way?

Greg responds...

I doubt it.

Marvel Entertainment has its own Spidey show now, which is doing VERY well. They don't need Spectacular. Plus they couldn't do Spectacular without paying Sony for the rights to it. And you can imagine how enthusiastic they'd be to pay Sony to do Spidey.

Response recorded on October 09, 2014

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Matt writes...

Hi Greg, I am a huge fan of spectacular spider-man. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of a companies called telltale games, if you haven't maybe take a few seconds to check out their work. I think a game developed by them would be the perfect way to continue the series, seeing as this is a little to none possibility, hypothetically would you ever consider continuing the show in that way?

Greg responds...

I'd be interested, but you have to understand that it's not up to me. I own neither Spider-Man (obviously) or the rights to The Spectacular Spider-Man series.

Response recorded on October 09, 2014

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Presto writes...

Spider mans usually 5'9"/5'10" yet in your series he's around 5'6". Was your intention to have him eventually get to this height as the years progressed?

Greg responds...

I'd question the premise of your question to begin with.

In any case, he'd have gotten a bit taller, but I personally think it's a mistake to make Pete a big guy. That seems to miss the point.

Response recorded on October 07, 2014

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