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I couldn't help but notice that when asked if Birdflash (Dick/Wally) could be canon, you said something like "I don't think either of them are gay". But when asked if Bart was gay, you answered with "Spoiler Request". I was just wondering:
1) if there's not supposed to be anything romantic between Jaime and Bart, why do they touch so much, like on the shoulder. A lot of people in the fandom think Bart might like Jaime, but Jaime touches him a lot too.
2) And in True Colors, how EXACTLY did Jaime know where Bart's camouflage thing was in his suit, (unless he put in there *waggles eyebrows*
3) In Intervention, right before Bart is pinned with Jaime's staple gun thing, the Ambassador asks scarab what he's waiting for, and he visibly hesitates. Was this display of reluctance meant to hint that Jaime (or the scarab) had feelings for Bart? Because it was right after he'd pinned Batgirl, and he didn't seem to have a problem with that.
4) Before Jaime knew Bart's motives for keeping an eye on him, did he think the reason Bart came to his house at night, and for Bart always putting his arm around his shoulder, was because Bart liked him?
5) If CN had okayed a homosexual couple (stupid that they didn't, even Disney had a lesbian couple in "Good Luck Charlie") do you think we might have seen a homosexual pairing in S2?
Sorry if these are psoiler requests. I hope not, because these events already happened. Anyways, thanks for your time, consideration, and brilliant work. I think it's very nice of you to have this faq thing for your fans. It gives us all a bit of closure.
This is the problem with me sometimes answering questions and sometimes not. When I refuse to answer, folks take it as evidence of something or other. But it's not. It's a non-answer. But then they compare it to some other question I did answer, just as you have done, and again they take the non-answer as evidence of something or other. But it's not. It's still a non-answer. The fact that I answered the other question - as in this case - is because I think there's ample evidence in the show to support it for a viewer even if I said nothing, so there's not much point in saying nothing.
1. I'm not going to respond to this. But I will say that I don't think what your describing proves anything one way or another. Heterosexual men who are friends, touch each other on the shoulder. Homosexual men who are friends but not interested in each other sexually touch each other on the shoulder. Homosexual men who are interested in each other touch each other on the shoulder. One homosexual man and one heterosexual man can touch each other on the shoulder, whether or not the homosexual is attracted to the heterosexual. Etc., etc., etc. There's just no evidence of anything here.
2. It's always the emblem.
3. It was meant to hint that the scarab is fighting not to hurt his best friend. It offers no evidence of romantic feeling. It offers no evidence that there's no romantic feeling. It offers NO EVIDENCE.
4 As friends, certainly. Beyond that, see above.
5. I can't answer based on what ifs.
Okay, this isn't a question, but I think it's important so I'm posting it.
I'm apologizing for several of my questions which were repetitive and asking for spoilers (not at the same time usually). It probably doesn't actually matter, but whatever.
I love your Young Justice work. Hopefully they will let you guys make another something.
Thanks for reading!
--Insert Cool Name Here
You're welcome!
Hello Greg,
I've recently discovered Young Justice season 1 on Netflix so, of course, I've been binging it. It's been over two years now and I'm still upset YJ got canceled. You created such a in-depth and complex plot with such interesting characters. It is a crime it got cancelled so soon (especially in favour of Teen Titans Go which is just . . . just no). So many great animated shows don't get the attention they deserve simply because of their medium and I think YJ is a prime example. I have so very many questions but most would be spoiler requests so I'l keep it short as I am sure you have much more important things to consider.
1. With the advent of Netflix is there a greater hope for renewal for a third season or should I give up waiting and just be happy with what we got?
2. Would you know when season 2 is expected to come on Netflix?
3. Were there any characters we saw as civilians in the first two seasons that you had plans to introduce as heroes/villains later like you did with Mal and Karen from season one to two? (I know this is a spoiler request, I'm just hoping it's vague enough to get a simple 'yes' or 'no')
Thank you for creating Young Justice for us all to enjoy and thank you doubly for taking the time to answer your fans' questions like this.
Okay, first off YJ was not cancelled "in favour of Teen Titans Go". One thing had NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH ANOTHER. That's like saying Angel was cancelled in favor of The Vampire Diaries. One show ended. Another show began. The only connection is an imaginary one in your head based on timing and a superficial similarity in subject manner.
1. Netflix is moot unless Warner Bros and DC decide they want to make more YJ and take it there. There are no near-term plans for more YJ, but both Brandon and I hope that someday we might get another shot at it.
2. I have no idea. I'm not at Warners anymore, and even when I was, no one consulted me on those decisions.
3. No spoilers.
Since Artemis and Wally were attending college, did Artemis have to sacrifice Stanford to go through with Nightwing's plan since she "died"?
For the time being, yes.
I am most familiar with Jim Harper from Roger Stern's novelisation of THE DEATH AND LIFE OF SUPERMAN, which includes some musing from Jim on his original career as the Guardian back in the Forties, his Newsboy Legion buddies who grew up to found Cadmus Laboratories, and their gift of a new cloned body for him so he could be a young, healthy Guardian again.
Given that the modern-day Guardian believed himself to be the original Jim Harper's grandson, and Roy Harper's uncle, that's obviously not his story!
Separately, you have confirmed that the Light founded the Cadmus Project, rather than taking over an existing institution.
Does any remnant of the idea that the Newsboy Legion grew up to work at Cadmus remain in Earth-16, even if they didn't found it?
I would guess not, given that it's unlikely the Light would have been organised long enough ago to have founded Cadmus when a group of men born in the Thirties would have still been active in the sciences.
(Plus, maybe it's a touch unbelievable that all of the Newsboy Legion kids would grow up to pursue the specific scientific interests necessary to be useful in a genetics company!)
There might be a vestige left. But no spoilers.
Hello, Mr. Weisman! I'm a long-time fan and started watching Gargoyles almost as soon as it came on air. Now that I'm in my twenties, I still go back and rewatch it every now and again. I've spread it to my boyfriend and our very close friend and they have both become immense fans like myself. I'm not a very wealthy person but I am trying to save up my money to buy not only the DVDs but the comics as well.
So...a few questions, if you don't mind and I'm sorry if I offend you with any (keeping in mind that I haven't been fortunate enough to read the comics).
1) Will the gargoyles ever be able to integrate themselves into human society successfully?
2) With such a low population (compared to humans, I mean), will the Gargoyles ever be acceptable as human companions (as its widely recognized that Elisa and Goliath have a "thing")?
3) Is the TimeDancer series featuring Brooklyn canonical? I'm a huge Brooklyn fangirl and while it makes me sad that he is, ahem, now "off the market", if you will. (I'm sorry, he was a cartoon crush as a kid)
Whether this gets to you or not, I'm sincerely happy that you worked on the Gargoyles series and that you've opened up this "ask a question". It really warms my heart to know that you care about your fans that much!
And I wish could give you and Brooklyn both hugs! Thank you again!
1. No spoilers.
2. No spoilers.
3. All that's been published is canonical.
And thanks for the metaphorical hugs!
Hello mr.Weisman.
I'm a huge fan of your creations, your espetcially The Spectacular Spider Man, thanks to this show I'm right faith in you found!
I do a huge fan of Marvel, especially I love spider man! And your the spectacular Spider Man was just manna from heaven, even when it began to show on the Disney XD, it was at that time the highest rating in the history channel!
But when your show is canceled, all dedicated fans mourned as I.Ultimate Spider Man did not meet my expectations and hopes. Show was not bad, but not for a modicum of revolutionary as yours. It does not matter watched it or not, A true insult to even little kids who watch it. The show is SO dumbed down and tries too hard to be funny. There's nothing worse than forced "humor".
We understand you do not want to because it was all over with your TV series, we remember that you told us that Sony returned the television rights "The Spectacular Spider Man'' Marvel back. But why sony retained ownership and all production elements, making for a show: the character designs, story lines????? They that film rights about Spidey was a little???? MR.Weisman What do you think?? - I do not see any sense!Disney's not guilty and Marvel, too, I think that Sony, even if they would have given all that is connected with a the spectacular man on film rights had no effect (and it is on the film rights they totally focused right now, and even threw a television and did not touch )! Disney and Sony are no longer competitors. I think you will not knowingly repeat your show on the Vortexx,and the ratings-your show does not become obsolete, and I think and believe that the show has a chance to be reborn. Well, I believe in your upcoming series of Star Wars Rebels and will definitely be watching!
Please Answer!!
And May the Force be with you and your chance to revive the animated series about Spidey!!!
(I'm from Russia, and sorry if what I have written is not so!)
Larin, I'm honestly not clear what you're asking.
But as I've said over and over, Sony can't do Spectacular Spider-Man, since they no longer have the animation rights. And Marvel/Disney can't do Spectacular Spider-Man without paying Sony for the rights to do THAT version of the property. And that's NOT going to happen, because they can do their own version without paying anyone.
Is Themiscyra public or a member of the UN? There's a mention during Usual Suspects that Atlantis isn't part of the UN at that time, but I was curious how much they generally know about the Amazons. Godfrey mentions the Amazons in Happy New Year as a possible alien species during his xenophobic spiel, so it's clear that the public knows that Wonder Woman (and possibly Troia if she has broken away from the Team to become a public solo hero like Red Arrow was in Season 1) isn't the only one of her kind. I just wanted to know how much interaction Themiscyra has with "Man's World" or if they are as isolated as they are in previous incarnations. Thanks for the fantastic series.
No Spoilers.
Would permission be required from you, if Seth Green and Michael Senreich wanted to use Chopper, Kanan, Ezra, Zeb, Sabine and Hera in their animated comedy series "Star Wars Detours"?
Not from me, no. I have NO control whatsoever. Heck, they wouldn't even need permission from me if they wanted to use Goliath, Elisa and Xanatos in Star Wars Detours. I DON'T OWN THIS STUFF.
Hey Greg, me again. I got curious over something.
Sense Jade wanted to take revenge for Artemis' "death" by killing Kaldur I'm going to assume that Roy had no idea about that right? Considering they were (or still are, not sure) best friends Jade probably didn't want him knowing. Am I wrong on this or did Roy know? If he did, why did he go along with it? If he didn't, how did he react? (Sorry if some are spoilers.)
Assume for now that he didn't know.
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