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POSTS 2015-11 (Nov)

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Anonymous writes...

Is Janice really fluent in Japanese and what other shows is she in now?

Greg responds...

1. So I'm told. I'm not, so it's not like I could test her.

2. I don't know.

Response recorded on November 13, 2015

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Greg Bishansky writes...

There has been a lot of talk over the years about why Demona told Goliath about the Praying Gargoyle during her gloating in "Hunter's Moon Part Three".

1. The gloating was exactly that, gloating. Like most villains, she had to have a "my brilliant plan" speech.

2. Subconsciously, she wants to be defeated because without humanity around, she'll lose her scapegoat and because she subconsciously knows she needs to be stopped, so she subconsciously handed Goliath the tools to stop her master plan.

3. And this is my interpretation, she actually believed Goliath would let her. After what happened on board the Hunter's airship in "Hunter's Moon Part Two", saying Goliath is thinking like a true gargoyle as he openly demands vengeance, seemingly killing two Hunters with Goliath, and Goliath himself not disagreeing when she says that perhaps they're not so different; she believed he was finally, finally seeing the light, finally coming over to her way of thinking, and... well, since gargoyles mate for life, thinking she might finally have her man back and a human free Earth.

Or maybe it was all of the above or none of the above.

Greg responds...

All of the above. And more. She's a bit of a complicated mess, huh?

Response recorded on November 13, 2015

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brianna writes...

Where do babies come from?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 13, 2015

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Alex Marcy (Aldrius) writes...

So Greg, today I was privileged enough to get to see the Star Wars Rebels premier at Fan Expo in Toronto. This was actually a pleasant surprise for me as just before I left for the convention I checked the website and saw that they were advertising the premier. Obviously, as a fan of pretty much every show you've ever done I was excited.

So at 1:30 today I got lined up for the premier. Fan Expo is actually fairly well organized so I managed to get in the theater in a timely manner. Immediately I noticed Steve Blum chatting with some people in the front. I knew I was in the right place right away. The way they were seating people, I got a nice seat in the third row very close to the front.

After about 10-20 minutes Mary Franklin came up and introduced herself, handed out some prizes to some people in the audience and then Steve Blum came up. He told us about going to see the first Star Wars film in 1977 and despite how he'd been involved in a lot of Star Wars projects, this was the first one that really struck him in the same way Star Wars did back in the 70's. Afterwards there was a quick pre-recorded message from Dave Filoni, which was cool.

As the premier began I was pretty struck myself. There was no opening and the show jumped straight into the action. I actually knew nothing about the show prior to this except that Vanessa Marshall was in it (due more to lack of time, not lack of interest).

Everything just felt so fresh really. The show's focus on a good ensemble cast was nice, and I liked that pretty much all of them were... well, rogues. None of the characters are exceptionally soft or generous or kind. They have good ends, but the means they achieve those ends at this point at least seems to be a little shady.

I also enjoyed the action. The empire felt very threatening and callous (calus? not sure on the spelling) was a cool bad guy. And the main cast were a good unit. The audience FREAKED THE HELL OUT when Kanan pulled out his lightsaber. And laughed really hard at the 'hairless wookie' bit. (So much so I couldn't hear any of the dialogue for about 30 seconds afterward)

Voice acting was really cool. I liked Ezra a lot. I thought Vanessa Marshall was great. Steve Blum was great. Everyone really fit their characters, it was awesome. Looking forward to seeing more.

Had a lot of fun at the convention and seeing such a great premier was just the cherry on top.

Greg responds...

Ah, I'm jealous. Never got to see it with a crowd. That would have been cool.

And, just for the record, it's Kallus.

Response recorded on November 13, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Can you play a musical instrument? What instrument would you love to master (in addition)?
Thanks for your time and patience

Greg responds...

I don't. Long ago, I tried to learn the guitar, but I never, ever got very good at it. I don't really have an ambition to be a musician, but I like listening.

Response recorded on November 13, 2015

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Caswin writes...

In the Spectacular Spider-Man episode "The Invisible Hand", when Tombstone makes his offer to Spider-Man... did he have a prior engagement with that briefcase full of money, or do you think he just likes to have a briefcase full of money handy?

Greg responds...

I think he had an inkling of what/who was coming.

Response recorded on November 11, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

In the interests of settling the shipping debates in your fandom, since they already met in the new Radio Play, would Queen Bee's powers work on Demona?

Greg responds...

No. But that's because they're different species. I have no comment on sexual orientation, if that's what you're getting at.

Response recorded on November 11, 2015

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Joelle writes...

Hello, Mister Weisman!
Big Fan from RD Congo here! (So, in case you have any difficulties to understand my post, I'm truly sorry).
Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to ask you questions, and I'm even more thankful for the amazing work of yours. You are an Inspiration! Especially Gargoyles is outstanding.
But this question is about Young Justice:
Are ALL of Dick's former girlfriends aware of his double life in the Young Justice comics? And if the answer is no, who doesn't know it? If the answer is yes, isn't he scared that it might come out? Sorry if it's a dumb and obvious question to you, but I was just wondering.

Greg responds...


No spoilers.

Scared isn't the right word, but he's cautious.

Response recorded on November 11, 2015

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Spectacular Spider-Fan writes...

1. Why is Rand so much nicer than Flash and Kenny? He never picks on anybody, and helps stop Flash from throwing water balloons at Peter. It also seems to be why he's still Sally's boyfriens. What is the reasoning for this?
2. Why is Liz interested in Peter, and how far dod she want the relationship to go?
3. Why does Roderick Kingsley work at a perfume company? This was very clearly pointed out, but I'm not sure why this is significant.
4. Why was Harry such a jerk in Final Curtain? He is manipulating Gwen into staying in the relationship with him, keeping Peter and Gwen apart, but he has never acted like this in previous episodes.
5. Do Peter and Gwen ever get together? Gwen is extremely intelligent, and will probably realize what Harry is doing soon, giving them a happy ending, but this seems too simple for at least three more seasons of subplots.

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure I understand the question. That's his character.

2. I'll let you evaluate this from the episodes.

3. It would have been clearer if we had had more episodes, and I'm not one for spoilers. But if you want more info read the original old Spidey comics with Kingsley.

4. I believe what we did with Harry was perfectly in character.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on November 11, 2015

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Spectacular Spider-Fan writes...

What was the need for Gwen's redesign in Spectacular Spider-Man? I loved the original appearance and thought it captured the essence of the charachter perfectly. If the show had continued, would you keep the new look of Gwen, switch back to the old one, create an entirely different design, or switched between them?

Greg responds...

Gwen and all the characters would continue to evolve. (Keep in mind that most of the high school characters were only 15 or 16 when the series premiered.) I'm not going to speak to specific design decisions that we never had to make.

Response recorded on November 11, 2015