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UNQUESTIONS 2016-04 (Apr)

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NoOneSpecial writes...

So these questions are related to Star Wars Rebels, which is great series by the way. Now I'm aware that you are no longer working on the show, so I'll try and keep things to Season 1
1. When you were working on the series, did you have to verse yourself a bit more into the whole Star Wars lore, than what you already knew?
2. When working on season 1, did you meet or work with anyone who had previously worked on the Clone wars series?
3. Why does Darth Sidious allow the Inquisitor to exist? From what I understand, the Rule of Two means that there can only be two Siths at a time, until the student destroys his master or vice versa, so why does Sidious allow Vader to have an appritence?
4. Are the Stormtroopers that the Lothal Rebels fight in show, the same Clone troopers from the Clone Wars? I'm not an expert and I'm not sure if this has been retconed , but from what I've heard, when the Empire was formed, Sidious stopped the production of clone troopers and all the remaining clones were reorganised into the Strom troopers. Any new troopers that came after that were just regular recruits, so is this still the same case in Star Wars Rebels?
5. Now this is probaley the greatest mystery in all of Star Wars. The fandom has debated and speculated this for years, decades even and even today it still baffles them to no, but I would be interested in hearing your answer to this great and terrible question.................Why do the Stormtroopers have such bad aim?
Sorry but I really have to ask, especially after watching Droids in Distress. During the fight in hanger, the trooper could not hit Zeb once, even though he was quite literally three fight in front of them. I mean their aim seemed incredibly awful as they were missing by a wide margin. So in regards to the context of Star Wars Rebels, why are they such bad shots?

Greg responds...

1. Yes. Although (a) some of it was just refreshing myself and (b) I also relied on Pablo Hidalgo and Leland Chee at Lucasfilm a LOT.

2. Almost everyone, starting with fellow executive producer Dave Filoni, who was supervising director of Clone Wars.

3. The premise of your question is incorrect. The Inquisitor isn't Vader's apprentice.

4. No, they're not clones. Did you see the episode where Ezra went undercover?

5. Um... helmets offer poor visibility?

Response recorded on April 28, 2016

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