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I know that Lexington is the tech gargoyle of the group, do you think Lexington ever thought of find a mate that has his science and tech mind?
I think Lexington wants to keep his own mind.
Hi Greg, I've been reading the archives and I have a question about Aquaman:
1) Here (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=18518), you said Aquaman and Black Manta have been fighting for at least 16 years, but 16 years before season 1, Aquaman was 13. So have they been fighting since they are kids or it's just a continuity error?
Well, Manta was in his early twenties. Orin was a kid. But I think my point was that Manta has been at odds with Atlantis that long.
Hi Greg,
Today I was reflecting on a few instances in my life where I had to make difficult choices: the easy road or the right road. I can specifically remember thinking about integrity in those moments, thinking about Renaud's "What have I become?" versus Demona's "What have they done..." Ultimately, despite the difficulties, I tended to do the right thing and tell the truth, both to myself and to others. In one case, this resulted in me being fired from a job.
The reason I'm telling you this is that, while I had some excellent role models growing up who showed me integrity, it would be unfair to say that Gargoyles didn't have a strong influence in my youth that would lead me to become the man I am today. I am now a teacher of elementary school students and see many young people with and without strong moral role models. In either case, it is clear to me that they are very influenced by the movies, TV shows, celebrities and social media in their lives. And it is my hope that mixed into all the stimuli they are receiving the kind of moral reinforcement that I had in Gargoyles. I am very grateful to you and your peers for creating a program that I not only wanted to watch, but that made me a better person. There is a lot of red tape that goes into public school education, and I know that in your field there is a lot of that too. But I wanted to encourage you to remember the impact you can have on young people. It is not all about ratings and toy sales and demographics. You have the power to guide the adults of tomorrow. You certainly helped to guide me.
Keep up the great work! And thank you from a lifelong fan.
You just made my day. Thank you.
What was Xanatos' contingency plan in case Goliath threw him off the edge of the Eyrie Building at the end of "Awakening, Part Five"?
Don't know.
Do you watch Arrow,Flash,or Marvel Agents Of Shield?
1. I did.
2. I did.
3. I do. But I'm almost an entire season behind, because I watch it with my son, and he's been away at college.
Hey Greg
1) What year was Dan Garrett and how old was he when he died?
2) This will probably be answered with a SPOILER REQUEST NO COMMENT, but I'll ask anyway. Is the original Black Canary alive? If no, can you tell me how did she died? I mean, natural causes, a disease, death by supervillain?
3) How do superheroes who don't wear mask conceal their identities? In some versions, John Stewart and Guy Gardner are public heroes and Black Canary wears a wig.
4) Black Lightning and Plastic Man wear goggles, do those work as masks?
5) Where do the Hawks live? The Watchtower, maybe?
Thank you for your time
1. Dan Garrett was born in 1915 (which I assume is what you were asking).
1a. He died in 2005. I'll let you do the math.
3. I think in a universe where Clark Kent disguises his face with eyeglasses, it takes very little to keep your identity secret from strangers.
4. I think i n a universe where Clark Kent disguises his face with eyeglasses, goggles work just fine.
5a. No.
I hope this question doesn't sound too nitpickey, but, I've been reading the archives and came accross something of aninconsistancy. I'll start off by refreshing your memory of this exchange beyween you and another poster:
"matt writes... what would happen at dawn if Demona put on a Mayan sun amulet? would she turn to a human or remain a gargoyle?"
"Greg responds... I think she'd turn human. But I don't think she'd be able to nap."
Now, you've also said before, when refering to magic, that Children of Oberon magic (ie. Puck's spell on Demona) does not mix with mortal magic (ie.the Myan Amulets)...and that both types of magic cannot be used at the same time or on the same object (ie. on Demona during the day), or the results would be disasterous.
My question is, in this specific scenario, why would both magics affect Demona (Puck's spell turning her Human & the Amulet preventing her from sleeping) without something more disasterous than a bout of insomnia?
It seems to me that, if anything, the magics would cancel each other out and she would remain a Gargoyle and turn to stone.
I think it's fairly clear I was joking, when I wrote: "Greg responds... I think she'd turn human. But I don't think she'd be able to nap."
As for the actual answer to the question, my current answer is that it seems like a highly unlikely scenario, and I'm not particularly interested in hypothetical questions. But if it were to happen, I'd have to answer with NO SPOILERS.
Why did y'all decide to make Artemis be a good guy as opposed to being a villain as she is in the comics?
Simply put, we liked the dynamic of a child of villains trying to forge her own way, but lying about it.
Here's a short primer on how fans can help to bring Young Justice back for a third season:
Why did y'all decide to expand the Team in season two as opposed to focusing just on the original members of the Team from season one?
Time moves on. Life isn't static. People are born. They grow up. They join the workforce. There is turnover all the time. That's life.
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