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Did Dick ever have romantic feelings for Artemis?
Not particularly.
Hello, Greg. Hope you're doing well.
Dropping in with another question. I hope it doesn't go into spoiler territory, but I apologize in advance if it does. I searched the archive and did not see it (then again, the archive is so massive, I may have overlooked it and for that I also apologize in advance).
The question has been bugging me for a while and it's regarding Young Justice: Invasion, particularly the episode "Endgame":
Is Black Beetle (in his original form after his scarab is destroyed via Blue Beetle), that is, is his species from the planet Rimbor or Raan or somewhere else? (I mainly ask because I thought his design was awesome. Phil did a wonderful job!)
Wish you well and I appreciate you taking the time to acknowledge my question (:
He's from the Reach homeworld.
OK, first of all: love YJ and I really hope to see a season 3.
Second: who is your favorite character out of all the villains, heroes and civilians in YJ, like Cat Grant or Green Beetle?
Mine is Blue Beetle and Impulse, they just make the best friends (Kinda ship BluePulse. Definitley see something there other than friendship, but it just might be the fact that Impulse just cares for him in the way that's like 'oh, I don't want you to conquer the Earth, so I'm gonna take care of you' way).
I really like Blue for the fact that he tries so hard not to succumb to the scarab and become super freaking evil. Also, he helps with me get a teensy bit ahead in Spanish. I like Impulse for the fact that he's like me, impulsive (Pun intended), eats a lot of food, is funny, and just tries to keep his friends safe. Thank you so much for the show, it was basically my late childhood and early teenage antidote from school and stuff.
Really hoping for a season 3!
1. Thanks.
2. I don't have a single favorite.
Hello Mr. Weisman,
I'm very much a writer like yourself and am trying to break into the animation industry with a story of my own; its tone and maturity much like Young Justice, which I loved by the way (Go Robin!).
My questions are:
1.) How much should I have in my story's portfolio before I pitch my idea to various networks? I already have concept drawings, practice scripts, and I'm having an independent studio make three animated shorts, but what would you suggest?
2.) Who, generally, should I know or get to mentor me in breaking into the industry? I was trained as an Engineer before realizing my true passion for storytelling.
3.) Any other tips I may have missed?
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
1. Less is more. You already have way more product/content than I'd use to pitch an original idea. The thing you may be missing is experience. But you never know. Sometimes they go for it.
2. As many folks as possible. Networking is an important skill.
3. Proofread religiously.
Have you read Buffy the Vampire Slayer Seasons Eight, Nine and Ten?
I read Season Eight, in a very disjointed way. Meant to sit down and read it through with more coherence after the fact, but never got around to it. And haven't yet read - or purchased - seasons nine and ten.
Regarding Justice League designations 27 and 28, were these designations taken by 4th July Team Year Six, or were they only assigned after the end of season 2?
After. The only new designation assigned by July 4th was B-26 for Static.
Is Oberon capable of love? Does he love his wife and biological children? Did he marry Titania for shallow reasons (like her beauty, power, and status)? I get this feeling if his sons were to die, he would not care.
You'd be wrong.
He, of course, loves Titania and his children.
I'm not even sure what you're basing your assumptions on.
Do you remember the Gargoyles board game that came with a VHS back in the 90s? In the beginning of the video, David Xanatos will taunt the players. One part I find humourous is when he laughs maniacally. It seems so out of character for him to do. Did that part bother you? We don't see Xanatos laugh in the show. In the video, he is laughing like a saturday morning cartoon villain.
I remember it fondly. I don't particularly remember that bothering me. (I know I was there for the recording.) I'd have to look at it again to be sure.
I've seen a running theme of father issues: Superboy & Superman (although they resolved that as brothers instead), Artemis & Sportscaster, Aqualad & Black Manta, a little bit of Zatanna & Zatara.
Was it accidental or intentional?
I dunno, honestly.
Many of these issues were built into the comics we were adapting.
Or some of it may come from my own fears as a father.
But there are mother issues too. Artemis & Paula. M'gann & Marie. Etc.
Why did u and brandon choose Wally's death as one of the best choices as a hole for the show....not to mention his relationship with Artemis was my favorite and Wally was also my favorite character. I know that you are not going to change it because it already is as it is...Wally and i connected...i just did not agree with seeing Wally's friends and especially Artemis go through all that pain...i suffered too, he ment a lot to me,.. I would just like to know why please..i feel like Wally was trying to do wright with his buetiful beloved Artemis.I liked the relationship by the way...you r amazing too...really great at what you do....but why did u and ur partner decide to do that.Not asking for your future plans..or Spoilers of course but WHY??...thank u for you time...#ilovewallyandartemis best ever.cant wait for SEASON 3
There are a lot of complicated reasons. But fundamentally, it comes down to this:
Because we knew it would hurt.
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