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I thought I'd tell you that I enjoyed your recent response to the question about how the Martians in "Young Justice" feel about depictions of Martians in human pop culture as invaders (whether H. G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds" and its movie adaptations or Marvin the Martian in "Looney Tunes") - especially the bit about Martian Manhunter being bewildered by the title of "Life on Mars". It reminded me of my occasional musings over how Goliath and his clan must have responded to the way that gargoyles are depicted in pop culture - generally the bad guys (particularly in "Dungeons and Dragons"-type fantasy role-playing games) - with more sympathetic portrayals being much rarer (though I've seen a few outside the series, such as the Ultima computer games or the children's picture book "God Bless the Gargoyles"). (Though I won't ask you about the details of the Manhattan clan's response, since those probably fall in the "no spoilers" category.)
Yeah, it's always interesting (if somewhat dicey) to start playing those meta-fictional games. How does Dr. Watson's published accounts of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes effect his life and methods, etc.
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