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Anonymous writes...

Hi, I was wondering if Beast Boy was 13 at the start of Team Year Six or if he was in the same boat as Bart with the whole assuming he lives to the end of Year Six, that he will have turned 13 during it?

Greg responds...

I think it's safe to say now, given what we revealed at SDCC this past summer, that Garfield survived to age 14 by the end of Team Year Six.

Response recorded on October 02, 2017

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Master Pudding writes...

What are your favorite pizza toppings?

Greg responds...

Pepperoni and mushrooms.

Response recorded on October 02, 2017

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Shalhoub writes...

Who was Garfield Logan's guardian before Megan Morse?

Greg responds...

You mean after Marie but before Megan? Assuming there was one, NO SPOILERS. Assuming there wasn't, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on October 02, 2017

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Mr. Green writes...

Hello! I am a huge fan of your work. I was wondering, what would have happened if someone were to travel back in time, and keep Macbeth from saving Duncan from falling off the cliff in City of Stone Part Three?

Greg responds...

In the Gargoyle's Universe that isn't possible. It happened, so it happened. We had very strict rules of time travel.

Response recorded on October 02, 2017

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Nick writes...

In Young Justice, why can Wotan, Dr. Fate, and Klarion shoot out energy blasts, fly and create shields without speaking backwards. While, Zatanna and Zatara have to speak backwards. Why can Fate, Wotan, and Klarion do this but Zatanna and Zatara can't?

Greg responds...

Fate is a Lord of Order. Klarion is a Lord of Chaos. Wotan is an immortal sorcerer, who's been using magic for centuries. Zatara and Zatanna aren't at their level. The fact that they can hold their own at all against Wotan and Klarion is impressive.

Response recorded on October 02, 2017

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Melissa Sisemore writes...

I asked a question back in February that was removed from the site. I mentioned this in the comments section of your Facebook page. So here it is again: In light of the fact that you say there are LGBTQ+ characters on Young Justice I would like to know if there are any Christian and/or homeschooled characters on the show? As I said on your Facebook page you don't have to give me a favorable response I just want a response at all.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what "In light of the fact" is supposed to mean, but, yes, the Wests, Allens, Garricks, Zataras, Ervins, etc. are all one denomination of Christian or another, as are many - if not most - of the cast and supporting cast, in light of the fact that Christianity (in all its forms) is still the majority religion in the United States.

Actually, I seem to recall I've broken down the religious denominations of all the leads. Check the Ask Greg Young Justice archives.

Beast Boy was homeschooled.

And, just so you know, I haven't been on either of my Facebook pages in over a year. Even before I began my social media hiatus this year, I had to give up on Facebook, because it kept crashing my phone.

Response recorded on September 26, 2017

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YJ Nerd writes...

In the episode Disordered in season one of YJ, what is "Bear's" real name?

Greg responds...


(Not sure why I revealed that. You must have caught me in a good mood.)

Response recorded on September 26, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Does Blue Beetle have super strength? Because Black Beetle went toe to toe with Mongul who is stronger than both Superboy and Wonder Girl so I'm just wondering if Blue Beetle's scarab also gave him this super strength or not.

Also did the Justice League find out about Belle Reve being infiltrated by the light?
And how did Icicle Jr, Mammoth, Shimmer, Devastation and the Terror Twins break out?

Greg responds...

1. Not as much as Black Beetle or Mongul, but his strength is above a normal human of his size and build.

2. Yes. In the show. On screen. Didn't you see it?

3. They didn't "break" out. Otherwise, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on September 26, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Did you choose the 6 six Leaguers who went to Rimbor as like a homage to the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited cartoons since they were the core Justice League members on those shows? (I assume you didn't send Flash so you can do the whole Impulse arc)

Also would Wonder Woman and Hawkwoman have been at Rocket's bridal shower had they not been at Rimbor? Or are they not that close to Rocket? (I am wondering because it could be the latter and Canary could have been there because she used to train the team and all so naturally they'd have a closer relationship to her)

Finally, how do the Hawks maintain a secret identity if any at all with these huge wings?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, largely.

2. I'm sure they were invited. It's still a relatively small sorority.

2a. They're not AS close. But they're close enough.

3. You're assuming they have secret identities, to which I say NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on September 26, 2017

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Green Lantern's Nightlight writes...

I don't mean to ask this antagonistically, but what exactly do you have against super breath? Isn't it in the realm of possibilities with everything that the yellow sun does to Superman, it would enhance his lung capacity?

I mean, in the beginning, he never even flew, and now that's one of his essential powers. And that's one of his powers in Young Justice.

If you just disagreed with something like the super kiss, I'd understand, but I'm not sure why you don't think super breath is a plausible power?

Greg responds...




I don't care how strong his lungs are, they're still - at most - only slightly larger than a normal human of that size. So he couldn't blow very much could he. Try to expel air from your lungs. All of it. Then assume your lungs are a super-muscle that is really good at this. And you still don't have that much air to work with. Cuz you don't have the volume.

Oh, and the whole SUPER-COLD thing is ridiculous. Breath isn't cold. When you blow on hot soup, you're not cooling the soup with your breath. You are blowing hot particles away. And, sure, you could argue, "BUT HE'S KRYPTONIAN!" And maybe Kryptonians have cold breath. But for a guy powered by the sun, I don't buy it.

I think the over-powering of heroes over time is dangerous to the needs of a storyteller. And some things are just damn silly. Super-Cold-Breath is one of those things.

Response recorded on September 25, 2017

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