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Anonymous writes...

I was wondering about the Light's goals. You had us believe that every member is on the same page in regards to their objective: the betterment of mankind. You've also stated that like "real life villains", the members of the Light don't see themselves as such. And in truth, they don't want to "destroy the world" like most cliched villains. They want to elevate it and have THEIR WORLD rule the cosmos. (Surely they want to be at the top of that leather) So, their goal seems well-intentioned (if you overlook the whole "by every means necessary" thing. However, they're not the most scrupulous and noble of people on the planet. Individually, they are power hungry and petty. Ocean Master, for one, is envious of his brother and judging by the two-parter issue, he wants to grab power to himself.

So I guess my question is: are the members of the Light truly working towards the betterment of mankind or do some of them only play along because the Light itself is a means to an end (to gain more power and/or squash their rivals)?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your interpretation. But - just to cite an example you've already cited - one could argue that Ocean-Master only wants power for himself. EXCEPT, it would suit the Light (and their overall goals) to have Orm as King of Atlantis, wouldn't it?

Response recorded on September 20, 2017

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Selleck writes...

Are there members of the young justice team you had plan to be on the team in season 3 that you can not no longer be on the team in season 3 of young justice?

Greg responds...

There are - to date - no restrictions on what DC characters we can use. Our plans have not changed substantially from what they were, though details here and there have (of course) been nailed down, and - occasionally for our own purposes - altered.

As to who's on the Team and whether any of those specifics have changed - NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on September 20, 2017

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Marvelman writes...

Ohhhh... this is not looking good. I visited the DC Updates page you linked to in a response. In order to sign up to receive updates, you have to certify that you are a resident of the United States.

Does this mean that this new platform will only be available in the U.S. and not in Canada? Or, am I reading too much into this? Do you have any info you can share? I really want to support the show through legal means. I am even willing to cancel my Netflix membership to pay for the new subscription.

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I really don't know at this point. Sorry. If/when I learn more, I'll post it here.

Response recorded on September 20, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

When Megan shrunk due to water pressure, was that just to cover an animation goof? It always felt so out of place.

Greg responds...

Nope, not a goof. We did it consistently in the companion comics and in the show. The depth/pressure compressed her.

I don't know why you felt it felt out of place.

And it wouldn't have been an animation goof, because script and voice recording come WAY before the animation. It was written that way, recorded that way, storyboarded that way and then animated that way. All on purpose.

Response recorded on September 19, 2017

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steven Kurtz writes...

how did queen bee enthralled garfield did she stroke his hair

Greg responds...

She uses pheromones.

Response recorded on September 19, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

I got a 100% wbu *eye emoji*

Greg responds...

So did I. Of course, they got some of the details wrong...

Response recorded on September 19, 2017

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Marvelman writes...

Is there some sort of prejudice against animation writers by live-action producers? For example, would the producers of the Flash hire one of the Young Justice writers to write an episode? Or, would their experience working in animation not be taken seriously, or might it even be considered a strike against them?

If this prejudice against animation writers does exist, I have to say I don't understand it. I mean... do you really have to be a genius to write an episode of the Flash, or Blue Bloods, or the Big Bang Theory? I can understand shows like Breaking Bad or Mad Men or Game of Thrones being fussy about who they hire to write, but the simple reality is that most TV is not on that level.

Greg responds...

I don't think there are any consistent rules, and there are plenty of writers who've done animation and went on to work in live action. But, generally, yes, I think there's a prejudice against animation writers. I've certainly felt that way, anyhow, though I admit I'm biased. I tried really hard just to get my foot in the door at Arrow when it was first starting up. Couldn't even get an interview.

Response recorded on September 19, 2017

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Jacob writes...

Hi Greg,

I'm a big fan of your works and I greatly admire your determination to always keep going. Congrats on Young Justice Season 3, by the way: power from the fans to you!

What I'm writing about is W.I.T.C.H. I have recently binged the two seasons and I've fallen. In. Love with the show! Also read your thing about Irma being gay. Not sure I agree, but hey, today anything is possible. Nerissa and Cassidy being together? Maybe ;-).

I was SO bummed that it never got a 3rd season for the other arcs (I bet it could have gone at least 4 or 5 seasons), but is it possible it could make a comeback- if not this year, than maybe next?

One main reason it was cancelled (other than some silly ratings) was because Winx Club had shown up. Now that it's ended, W.I.T.C.H. could make a comeback and gain more popularity like it did in season 1 (I read a lot of people liked both series, so they'd be happy). Also, the 10th anniversary of the comic was last year and they've started reprints of the Disney comics in the native Italy. That could help gain attention again if they start reprinting in America. Plus, I doubt Disney XD wouldn't say no to a show like that on their action and comedy airspace, especially with your work on Rebels. They could re-air the first two seasons and then unveil Season 3. I bet even the original actors would go for it (work, pay, and fun all at the same time).

So what do you think? Is it possible?

P.S. Good luck with your other projects.

Greg responds...

Ratings aren't silly. They're what pays the bills. And Winx had little to do with it. There could be a hundred Winx variations on the air, but if WITCH had strong ratings it wouldn't have mattered.

Anything is possible, but it doesn't seem likely - unless the fans PROVE that there's a market for it, as they did with Young Justice. Not sure how to do that with WITCH, however. Fans had an outlet to show their support financially on YJ. Not sure what that outlet would be on W.I.T.C.H.

But I'd love to do more, if given the opportunity.

Response recorded on September 19, 2017

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James writes...

Was Quincy Hemings comment on being on the staff of Teddy Roosevelt meant to be tongue in cheek regarding his age? I was looking at Garg-wiki and it said he was born in 1900, so he wouldn't be part of the official staff as I do not believe they would let children work for the White House unless I am missing something?

Greg responds...

They did let children work in the White House.

Response recorded on September 19, 2017

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Kevin writes...

Was Kenneth the Third aka the Grim the heir of Kenneth the Second despite being his nephew, not being the son of the current king, and younger then Maol Chavilm? The show comics and real life are kinda of confusing regarding Scottish succession.

Greg responds...

Kenneth III was the son of Kenneth II's older brother Duff, so he was the rightful heir.

For more information, check out: http://gargwiki.net/Kenneth_III

Response recorded on September 18, 2017

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