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RJB writes...

Hi Greg,

1. Do you think that "quality of writing" is something that the average person might have a stronger opinion about compared to other subjective creative forms like art or music? Does that make it more likely that you'll get people complaining about the quality of the writing in a show rather than any other aspect of it?

2. Is it fair to say that a lot of complaints of this nature are ignorant of the many factors that go into making a show outside of purely creative decisions? Stuff like budget, scheduling or availability that might influence what's reasonably possible to do in a specific time frame?

3. Have you noticed these kinds of criticisms getting worse over time? I feel there wouldn't have been as many people complaining about "Hello, Megan" during the time of Gargoyles, or maybe even Spidey.

4. I get that armchair criticism has always been around and that social media has provided a bigger platform for it, but the recent negative reception to stuff like the ending of Game of Thrones or Star Wars The Last Jedi has made me curious about your perspective on this kind of thing.

Greg responds...

1. I do think that. My hypothesis - untested, unconfirmed - is that in a literal sense, nearly everyone knows how to "write". They know how to grab a pencil, pen or keyboard and put words on a page in an order that is at least comprehensible to another human being. So there is, perhaps, a subconscious assumption that if they just set their minds to it, that they could write stories, too - as good or better as most of the professional writers out there. On the other hand, to take your examples, not everybody believes they can draw or make music. Those talents seem esoteric, special, unique. I believe they strike a bit more awe - at least generally - than writing does. So the writing becomes the easy target. Or at least the easier target. But, of course, I'm a writer that can't draw or make music. So it makes sense that I should believe I'm under attack more. Human nature. So take it all with a grain of salt.

2. I think that's very fair to say. (And this is reading a bit like I posted these questions myself in order to defend myself with the answers. Not that I'm complaining.)

3. The internet is... well... awful... in so many ways. And its spread and influence has increased over the years, so, yes, it is definitely getting worse. But it hasn't really changed. Back in the pre-internet days, I'd still get nasty letters (sent via the post office) on Captain Atom. And the basic percentage of praise to criticism to abuse is really about the same. It just feels multiplied by the internet. The quantity of feedback is exponentially larger. And, again, human nature being what it is, I can get literally 50 tweets of praise, which are then wiped out of my mind by one mean tweet.

4. Well, I hated the ending of Game of Thrones, too... and I had mixed feelings about Last Jedi... but that wasn't the point of your question. It definitely FEELS worse. The main thing that people don't seem to get is that I LIKE MY SHOW. Brandon and I like what we've done. Not every frame, mind you, but overall, we LIKE OUR SHOW. And we are making the show WE WANT TO MAKE. I don't mind that people don't like it. (It'd be lovely, I suppose if we had 100% praise for the thing, but I honestly don't expect that. Ever.) What gets on my nerves is the assumption that many "fans" (or hate-watchers) have that we should be making the show that THEY WANT US TO MAKE, and that we're failing because we're not MAKING THEIR SHOW instead of MAKING OUR SHOW. That does grind on me. You want to shout out: "GO MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN SHOW!! No one's forcing you to watch ours!" But, of course, that's not a particularly politic statement to make. And more hate-watchers are still more watchers.

Response recorded on September 13, 2022

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ShySky writes...

Hello! Would you do a video interview for my Youtube channel Digital Bloodlines regarding season 2 of W.I.T.C.H? We already did an interview with Andrew Nichols from season 1. We have contact information on both Facebook and Youtube at Digital Bloodlines.

Greg responds...

I don't even know how to look this up. I'm not on Facebook. I know I have two Facebook pages, but I lost access to them years ago, and I never really grokked that service, so I just let it go.

I do visit YouTube on occasion, to watch a video. But I don't know how to contact anyone there.

Response recorded on June 16, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

On occasions when you say "NO SPOILERS" in response postings, is that your way of saying, "Some questions have a way of answering themselves if you wait and observe"?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 09, 2022

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Rafael Motamayor writes...

Hi Greg! I'm a journalist and a huge fan from Norway. I'm wondering if you are attending this year's SDCC? If so, can I contact you regarding a possible interview or at least buying you a drink at some poing?

Greg responds...

Hi Rafael,

I did - briefly - attend SDCC this past summer. Sorry I'm only seeing this now. For short term questions, you're better off trying to reach me on Twitter @Greg_Weisman

Now, the truth is that I don't check Twitter that often either, but I tend to close to an event like a convention.

Response recorded on December 21, 2017

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Melissa Sisemore writes...

I asked a question back in February that was removed from the site. I mentioned this in the comments section of your Facebook page. So here it is again: In light of the fact that you say there are LGBTQ+ characters on Young Justice I would like to know if there are any Christian and/or homeschooled characters on the show? As I said on your Facebook page you don't have to give me a favorable response I just want a response at all.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what "In light of the fact" is supposed to mean, but, yes, the Wests, Allens, Garricks, Zataras, Ervins, etc. are all one denomination of Christian or another, as are many - if not most - of the cast and supporting cast, in light of the fact that Christianity (in all its forms) is still the majority religion in the United States.

Actually, I seem to recall I've broken down the religious denominations of all the leads. Check the Ask Greg Young Justice archives.

Beast Boy was homeschooled.

And, just so you know, I haven't been on either of my Facebook pages in over a year. Even before I began my social media hiatus this year, I had to give up on Facebook, because it kept crashing my phone.

Response recorded on September 26, 2017