A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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1. Does Wally know about Lian?
2. Have Lian and Wally met?
3. How does he feels about her? Does he think of her like his niece?
1. At what point?
2. No spoilers.
3. You're overthinking things.
In episode "Denial" Kent Nelson tells Wally "Find your own little spitfire, one who won't let you get away with nothin'. For example, that--" but is cut off when Wally removes the Helmet.
1. So what was he going to say?
1. Something like, "For example, that blonde cutie with the mouth on her..." or something. I don't want to get bogged down in what his exact words might have been. He simply would have referred Wally to Artemis.
In Spectacular 201, who were those... two... random guys with the tire iron on the bridge who tried to attack Mysterio? I didn't really think about it before, but in hindsight, they seem kind of random. Just... two guys, on a bridge, with a tire iron, and a loudmouth dude in a flashy costume shows up, if I recall hasn't actually done anything YET that they've seen, and they just decide to have a go at him.
I though maybe they were the security detail for the TriCorp shipment, but they have neither guard uniforms nor guns.
This is obviously a really tiny, unimportant thing, but... I don't know, it really stood out to me.
I think it's just clear to these guys that Mysterio is the one who's held up traffic. They're New Yorkers. It ticked them off.
Did Wally ever told Artemis that she is his little spitfire?
No spoilers.
Dear Greg, I was wondering why Artemis doesn't have a superhero name to go by (e.x. superboy, kid flash, etc...).
P.s. I'm a big fan of young justice and can't wait for season 3 :)
"Artemis" was her nom de guerre, just like Zatanna's is "Zatanna". Later, she took the name Tigress.
I have some questions about Spitfire.
1. Who first said "I love you"? Artemis or Wally?
2. After how many months he or she said it since they start dating? Or it was less than one month?
1. No spoilers.
2. No spoilers.
1) Was Jade holding back against Artemis in season 1? Because they are sisters and I'm sure they love each other.
2) Was Jade holding back against Artemis in season 2?
3) Was Artemis holding back against Jade in season 1?
4) Was Artemis holding back in season 2?
1. Did she need to hold back, given what she was trying to accomplish?
2. When did they fight in season two? When they were faking it aboard the Manta-Ship?
3. Certainly not at the beginning of episode six, when she didn't realize Cheshire was Jade. After that, did she need to hold back, given what she was trying to accomplish?
4. When did they fight in season two? When they were faking it aboard the Manta-Ship?
Would you come back for a Season 4?
Of what?
(But pretty much the answer is always yes.)
What is a normal day working on YJ3 like?
from morning to evening (Details please)
There's really no such thing as a "normal" day. There are tons of (I suppose) normal tasks that need getting done, but it's not like I consistently write in the morning, record voices over lunch and review animatics in the afternoon on a daily basis.
If you're asking what ALL needs to get done, well, there's a TON that needs to get done. Keep in mind that we're on a sliding schedule, where multiple episodes are being worked on in various stages, all at one time.
So, for example, TODAY, as I write this, I had a meeting first thing in the morning to look at color backgrounds for episode 317. This was followed by Brandon and I reviewing the storyboard for episode 323. We were interrupted, so Brandon could give notes on an animation test for 310. Next we're going over to the WB Ranch to meet with our bosses (something we do every other Thursday), then we'll come back and try to finish reviewing the 323 storyboard.
Contrast that with yesterday and tomorrow...
Yesterday, Brandon and I spent most of the day locking the animatic for episode 320. But in the middle of the day, we spent about an hour on the first pass picture edit of episode 307. We got through less than half of the episode.
Tomorrow, which could change, we're scheduled to review Ink & Paint on episode 316, then finish editing 307. I have lunch plans with a young writer. Then Brandon and I come back and call retakes on 307. Then we'll give storyboard notes on 323 to the episode's director.
At the moment we have exactly ZERO episodes in the can, i.e. completely finished and ready for air. ZERO.
All the writing is done, however, and nearly all the recording. (We have three straggler actors we need to pick up who were out of town when we last recorded the cast.) About eleven episodes are still in some stage of preproduction, and seven are in post-production. The remaining (middle) eight are in the process of being animated in Seoul.
Hope that more or less answers your question.
Rest in Peace, Steven Bochco.
I met Mr. Bochco only once. My brother and I were planning to write a book about Hill Street Blues, and after interviewing Grant Tinker, I interviewed Mr. Bochco for the book. Producing Gargoyles got in the way of finishing the research for the book, and unfortunately I never got back to it. But I enjoyed our conversation, and I still ADORE the man's work.
Hill Street Blues remains television's turning point. Few of the series you enjoy today, including #YoungJustice, #Gargoyles, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, etc. could or would exist without Hill Street Blues.
He will be missed.
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