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Hi Greg, huge fan of young justice and can't wait for season 3. I was just wondering with static being in the show, how that came to be. Was there any issue getting him in the show since he is a milestone media character, and how were you able to convince them to let you use him? In theory can you use any milestone character you want? Can you use the wildstorm and vertigo characters in the show if you want to or is there certain restrictions?
Things change over time. And I never know why.
We wanted to use Rocket and Icon in Season One. At the time, it wasn't any kind of problem, that I can recall.
In Season Two, we wanted to add Static, which was also not a problem.
In Season Three, we wanted to add Hardware and Holocaust and Amistad, and suddenly there was a problem with us using any Milestone characters, at all, including those we'd already been using for years.
And then suddenly there wasn't a problem. I never quite understood what had changed or what had changed back. I'm just glad we still have access to the Milestone characters, cuz I love 'em.
We used one Wildstorm character in S1, but I'll admit I'm not as familiar with those characters and so we haven't really tried to use any more of them.
Vertigo... I guess it would depend if they were creator owned or company owned.
When superboy went to college,what did he major in?
Hm. I'm thinking... Mechanical Engineering. But I reserve the right to change my mind.
Have you seen the new Ducktales reboot? If so what are your thoughts on it?
I have not. I hear good things.
Just wanted to let people know that at the end of this month, we're going to shut down the ASK GREG a question function for the time being. I don't have anything new coming out any time soon, and I believe everyone has had time to respond to (or question) my latest output. And in any case you've got a little more than a couple weeks yet to get your burning questions in.
I've been very busy working on Season Four of YOUNG JUSTICE, and I simply haven't had times to answer questions at the rate any of us would like. And the back-log has just gotten ridiculous. So we'll cut off questions for the time being, and I'll try to cut down on some of that back-log in time for the release of YJ S4.
I'm not on Twitter that much these days either... and I've even cut down on convention appearances, but I still jump on Twitter when I'm at loose ends, so you can potentially find me @Greg_Weisman.
Why did Jaime Reyes keep quiet when the scarab was about to kill impulse? he stayed all the time trying to do anything but when he is about to kill his "best friend"(?) he just shut up- (it could be just something that have no sence but for me this is important) thanks (sorry for the mistaes, i'm portuguese)
Are you talking about when he wasn't in physical control of his own body? Because if so, that should answer your question.
No one else could hear him but Scarab. Or are you asking why he didn't say anything to Scarab?
I'm sorry, I guess I don't quite understand your question.
I checked the archives and I couldn't find this question so,what do you think of new 52 superboy?
I haven't read it/him.
Hi, if possible, I'd like some clarification on a topic from S2Ep5 that I can't find an answer to. When assigning a squad to handle Queen Bee, Nightwing states that she has the ability to control men's minds, thus getting him in trouble with the girls for justifying their squad. However, I was under the impression that such a justification would not be accurate, given Batman's previous statement that her powers work "on some women." I believe this was proven to be the case in the comics as well, though I may be misremembering. If so though, did Nightwing mean to imply that the all-girl squad is also all straight? Or was it that he was generalizing or had forgotten the extent of Queen Bee's powers? Thank you for your time, and I hope you're enjoying work on YJ3, which I very much look forward to.
Perhaps he knew (or believed he knew) that all the women on that mission were straight.