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Anonymous writes...

With Superman and Lois Lane's marriage, that means Superboy is Lois' brother-in-law and Jonathan's uncle, correct? And that also means Jonathan and Martha Kent are Lois' father-in-law and mother-in-law too, correct?

Greg responds...

Yeah. Was any of that in question? Jonny even refers to Superboy as Uncle Conner.

Response recorded on March 09, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

How were auditioned done for season four? Was any done during the lock down?

Who suggested Logan Browning for Onyx? She's so good!

Greg responds...

1. I'm trying to remember if we did auditions for any character for season four... I'm not sure we did. Oh, wait. Yes. But that character hasn't appeared in the first thirteen yet.

2. Yes. The one character I'm thinking of we auditioned by sending copy out to agents, etc., and getting readings back.

3. I'm fairly certain that was Jamie Thomason. And I agree, Logan was amazing in the role!

Response recorded on March 09, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. If Roy asks Ollie to get rid of his goatee, will Ollie do it?
2. Do the members of Arrow family like the chili Ollie make?
3. Are Dinah and Babara good friends?
4. What was Green Arrow doing in Season 3, he let Arrowette work with the Bat Team but what was he doing in the season?
5. In the very first episode, why would Green Arrow tell Red Arrow (still speedy at that time) the Hall of Justice isn't the real base instead the watchtower is?

Greg responds...

1. The question feels moot to me because why would Roy do that?

2. Um... sure.

3. I would think so.

4. He was also working with Batman's group. And doing his own thing. And successfully reconciling with Dinah.

5. Information is power. The rest I'll leave to your interpretation.

Response recorded on March 08, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

The second arc is titled after works of literature... because Artemis is a lit professor.
The third arc is titled after backwards spells... because Zatanna.

But what are the first arc episodes titled after? I can't see the connection between the titles and the main players.

Greg responds...

Fair question.

At the time, I had the idea of doing one-word adjectives as titles that expressed an emotion that one or more characters was feeling, which seemed to fit with the telepathic nature of M'arzz. I think in the arcs that followed, Brandon helped us hone in a bit more on something more specific for each arc's title schema.

Response recorded on March 08, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

I'm wondering why Robin is on the Outsiders when the rest of the batfam/his former squad is on the Team? I'm guessing Robin is the only bat protege known to the public, but I'd think Tim's skills would be more useful on the covert team.

Greg responds...

Tim's skills would be useful on any squad. But Robin has been a public hero since Dick's days, and Tim felt he could do more good by being with the Outsiders.

But this question allows me to point something out that I think Brandon and I thought was obvious but given some fan response might not have been. Some fans seem to believe there's some kind of hard divide between the Team and the Outsiders. That if you're with one group then you can't even hardly communicate with the other group. That's simply not the case. Some members of both squads live at the Premiere Building. They're all friends to varying degrees. And it would just be silly not to exchange intel and/or help each other out. For example, you saw Looker and Terra - who are both Outsiders - attempt to help Tigress and the Team with the Cassandra Savage/Onyx Adams situation at Green Arrow's Vault.

So if the Team required Tim's skills, of course he'd help. Even go on a mission with them, if necessary.

Response recorded on March 07, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

Do characters such as Superman, Wonder Woman, and Shazam/Captain Marvel have genuine super-speed (e.g. the ability to perform actions at super-speed, superhuman reflexes ... etc.) like the Flashes? Or, do they just fly and run at great speeds?

Greg responds...

Hmm. Good distinction. I'd say they all have super-human reflexes, Superman especially, but not true super-speed like the Flashes have, where they can literally watch the world slow down as they ramp up.

Response recorded on March 07, 2022

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Ress writes...

A. Who trained Arsenal to use the katana?
A1. Can Arsenal still use his bow and arrow?

B. How good is Arrowette compared to Arsenal?

C. Why does Tigress call Arrowette and Arsenal to the library instead of Green Arrow or Black Canary?

D. Does the Arrowfam have family dinners?

E. Is Jim Harper friendly with Ollie?

F. Since Red Arrow didn’t take the news of Artemis becoming GAs new sidekick very well, was it the same case when it came to Arsenal when Arrowette became new sidekick to GA?

Greg responds...

A. No spoilers.

A1. Yes, but he's lost some precision.

B. At what?

C. Green Arrow and Black Canary aren't on her Team. Arrowette and Arsenal are.

D. I'm gonna say YES!

E. Yeah.

F. No. He was fine with it.

Response recorded on March 04, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Within Earth 16 is it possible for one to be both a metahuman and a proficient magic user? Almost everyone so far seem to be one or the other.

Greg responds...

That's not true at all. The homo magi are a subset of the meta-human population.

Response recorded on March 04, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. Within the universe of Earth 16 can magic users simply cast spells to replicate some of the powers that metahumans and aliens have, even if in a limited capacity? I.e. someone using magic to levitate someone or create fire to achieve the same effects that a telekinetic or a metahuman with fire based powers have.

2. Can human magic users and Martian magic users learn and use each other's magics? Like S’yraa S’mitt using Zatanna's backwards incantations?

Greg responds...

1. In theory.

2. That seems harder, but not necessarily impossible. Every individual's magic has its own signature. So each one's power is largely unique. But with study and effort and aptitude, who knows?

Response recorded on March 04, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. How do Garfield's powers register new species for him to shapeshift into? What's stopping him from taking say a Martian's, a Kryptonian's, or a Bioship's form?

2. Is there any particular reason why Martians only have one nation and not hundreds like humans have on Earth?

3. Was Paula Nguyen and/or her family (asking about her family from before she married Crusher) displaced by the US's imperialist actions in Vietnam?

Greg responds...

1. Ask the Monkey God, assuming you believe in the Monkey God.

2. Basically, that's a Martian history question. So aside from the obvious answer, NO SPOILERS, any response would be a complicated socio-political essay, that I'm not prepared to write at this time.

3. Not that I don't believe that the U.S. committed imperialistic actions in Vietnam, cuz I do, I find the way you phrased the question - whether intentionally or not - reductive. The short answer is that her family was displaced by what Americans call the Vietnam War.

Response recorded on March 03, 2022

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