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Terutor writes...

Hi Mr Weisman,
In Ep7 of YJ: Phantoms, Nightwing requests a medevac to someone known as A33. This sounds like a guest designation, but I can't find who it is assigned to. Could you tell us who that was, or is it someone brought up later in the season? Thanks.

Greg responds...

I could indeed tell you, but our policy is not to spoil such things until they are (a) revealed in actual canon content or (b) clearly no longer have a shot at being revealed in canon content for some reason (e.g. the character has switched categories and would never again use their old designation). Neither applies to A-33.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

Jade always acts "pissy" when she talks to Artemis. My reading of Jade's attitude is that it's a cover for her feelings of guilt over having not been a better sister or mother. Is this a good reading?

Greg responds...

I don't think "pissy" is a good reading. I don't think that describes even half of their interactions over four seasons and a video game.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Zozin writes...

Regarding the Team's spytech lenses. They all have a dedicated logo. I noticed that the heroes who have chest logos, usually have matching interface logos. But those who don't (like Spoiler and Arsenal) usually have a customized logo.

I love them.

Who came up with them and what are the criteria for them?

Greg responds...

Brandon came up with nearly everything about the AR lenses. As for the logos, as you noted, most match up with chest logos. Where those don't exist, we have short discussions about what might be used and then somebody - sometimes Brandon, but sometimes one of our designers or one of our VFX artists - comes up with something, as needed.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Lara writes...

Why Beast Boy not happy Miss Martian's sister Em'ree Jonzz using his mom's form but Garfield Logan is ok with Miss Martian using his mom's form in young justice season 4 episode 1 Inhospitable ?

Greg responds...

He's always known her in that form. It helped them form a bond ten years ago. Context is everything.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr weisman while i am sure that Oracle forgave her for a tragic event that occurred when they first met Does Orphan still blame herself for what happened to Bat girl that day ?

Greg responds...

To some degree, she'd almost have to, wouldn't you think?

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

When exactly did the infiltrators steal the JL Computer intel? Was it when Cassandra was lying next to the Zeta-Tube?

If she already had the intel, then why didn't Shade simply teleport her out? This way they would get the intel and keep Cassandra's cover to use again in the future.

Greg responds...

1 & 1a. Yep.

2. Don't know whether Shade knew if she had it yet. He's not psychic.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Regis writes...

Hello Greg !
Love what you and Brandon did with young justice, a timeline going on its own, and the scenario is brilliant ! My question would be : will you continue the show after you've come to the end of your story ? Because I'm scared that it ends up like shows like Arrow and Flash who only make a next season as long as the studios command one more, and they have nothing more to say but they still go on... Please don't ^^
But anyway thank you very much for this show, it's a writing gem and a true pleasure to any fans of Dc !

Greg responds...

The story has no end. Characters age, but new younger characters are always joining. We'll keep going as long as they allow us to, in whatever medium they allow us to. Given that we've introduced the Legion, we could, in theory, keep going for a thousand years...

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

It's great that you're working with the Muslim Public Affairs Council on Halo, but in the future would you consider hiring more writers of color when creating these types of characters? I think a lot of the issues with Halo could've been avoided if there was an Arab/Muslim woman in the room. Increasing diversity in entertainment needs to extend to all areas.

Greg responds...

The short answer is yes, but I do want to clarify a trio of points, just for the sake of accuracy.

1. We didn't create Halo.

2. We did consult with a Muslim woman when developing the character for our series. But she wasn't a writer on the series.

3. In season four, we did have a Muslim woman writer in the room. And more writers of color in general in both Seasons Three and Four.

Those efforts aren't enough, of course, but they're a start.

Response recorded on April 06, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

What happens to a light member’s power base after they get captured or killed? Do they just get dissolved or does the light keep control of them?

Greg responds...

One has to take everything case by case, but it's safe to assume that the Light tries to maintain its collective power base as much as possible.

Response recorded on April 06, 2022

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Douglas writes...

Why did Superman trust Garfield with Garfield knowing superman's man is Clark Kent by the time of young justice season 4 ? Why did Miss Martian send Garfield back to Earth with Superman when Miss Martian stay on mars looking for her white martian brother ? Why did Garfield not want to see Perdita's speech after watching king Brion's speech in episode Artemis Looking Through The Looking Glass ?

Greg responds...

1. By season four, most all the heroes know each others' identities.

2. The premise of your question doesn't track. Miss Martian didn't send Garfield anywhere. Garfield is an adult.

3. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on April 06, 2022

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