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Wysteria writes...

Here are some questions about M'Gann:

1. How did Martian Manhunter learn about the value of tolerance and acceptance? Given the fact that he went to Earth in the 1960's, he must have learned about Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement. He probably even learned about the Holocaust. Was the Civil Rights Movement the reason how J'onn learned about acceptance?

2 Since Earth television was introduced to Mars in the 1960's, what classic TV series would the Martians have seen?
Did these include I Love Lucy, Gunsmoke, Bonanza, and Bewitched?

3. What about when M'Gann and Em'Ree started watching Hello Megan? Did the Martians watch series such as Little House on the Prairie, The Brady Bunch, The Partridge Family and Happy Days?

4. Would the Martians be exposed to classic films, such as the Godfather, The Wizard of Oz, and Dirty Dancing?

5. Given the caste prejudice occurring on Mars, have the Martians ever seen TV series that deal with racism, such as All in the Family and some episodes of Little House on the Prairie?

6. In India, there is also a caste system that is quite similar to the one on Mars. The Indian caste system is based on one's surname. Like the caste system on Mars, there are four to five categories in the Indian caste system. There are also priests in the caste system that are similar to the yellow Martians. I would like to know if the caste system in India is an inspiration for the caste system on Mars?

If you don't know anything about the caste system in India, you may want to google it and learn more about it.

Greg responds...

For the record, please note that her name is M'gann. Not M'Gann.

1. There's no simplistic answer for me to offer here, and I'm not going to write a novel about J'onn's early adventures on Earth on an Ask Greg post.

2. I'm also not going to come up with anything like a comprehensive list. So feel free to use your own imagination for now.

3. Same.

4. To some, yes. I'm not going to give specific examples.

5. I'm sure they've had access to television that deals with racism, yes. I'm not going to give specific examples.

6. It was, in part.

Response recorded on September 30, 2022

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Apriel writes...

Why did superman not realize Garfield was also has depression over suberboy's death during the trip back to earth from mars?

Greg responds...

The trip back was on the Javelin, which can travel at post-light speeds, and thus took very little time to return to Earth. AND BOTH OF THEM were understandably down over Superboy's death. It's hard to notice any distinction between depression and mourning, especially in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy.

Response recorded on September 30, 2022

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey Greg, after watching the spectacular Spider-Man a thought came to me about Young Justice’s Mary.

Do you think her situation with power obsession is comparable to what happened with Eddie Brock? With him being obsessed about Being Venom,

The biggest difference I see is that the symbiotic is somewhat sentient, and the power of SHAZAM is not.

Second question was that power withdrawal /obsession Mary suffered something Black Adam, Billy or Freedy also felt?

Also, do you think Mary’s obsession with her power had to do with low self steem on her normal self?

Blank Adam is also transformed all the time, but he also has that rapid aging problem to have him don’t bother, doesn’t he?

It seemed like this only affected Mary of all the holders of Shazam we know so far. Unlike, say, Venom who was trying to corrupt the minds or both Peter and Eddie, The problem seems to be on Mary’s end completely,

Thank you Greg.

Greg responds...

1. It's an interesting thought.

2. No spoilers.

3. I don't want to oversimplify, but I think that's in the mix.

4. No spoilers.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on September 29, 2022

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

What happened to Dr. Strange before Economos became warden?
When did Courtney Whitmore become Stargirl?

Greg responds...

1. He freed everybody and ran.

2. Team Year Nine.

Response recorded on September 29, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

How exactly did Granny Goodness know about Mary Bromfield's magic power-abusing problem, and what exactly does she have to gain by manipulating Mary into becoming Sergeant Marvel again?

Greg responds...

1. That's a very good question. Maybe she's following her on Twitter?

2. A lot. See episode 426 for starters.

Response recorded on September 29, 2022

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Friendly CIA Spook writes...

1. Since it seems original to this series, what influenced the decision to make Harm's sword specifically a sword of Beowulf? Was it possibly a reference to DC's 1970s sword-n-sorcery Beowulf book, just a personal fondness for the original poem, or some other reason?

2. Some DC properties drawn on the Juedo-Christian Bible- i.e., sometimes the Phantom Stranger is hinted to be Judas Iscariot, or Vandal Savage to be Cain. Without going into any specific future character plans, are you COMFORTABLE incorporating details like that, given... ah... possible contention? (I think you mentioned something like that being a concern when working on Gargoyles)

Anyway, I love all I've seen of work and hope you are well.

Greg responds...

1. So long ago... I'm guessing it seemed to fit our needs. Though I am very familiar with the Beowulf story, so that may have had an influence.

2. We haven't hit any walls in that regard so far. And I doubt we would on HBO Max. So, the short answer is, yes, I'm comfortable.

Response recorded on September 29, 2022

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walkie writes...

In episode 4x11,

1. Was the version/appearance of Billy Batson seen by Mary his 2010 appearance? Or was it meant to mimic his hitherto unseen 2014-ish appearance that he would have looked like the first time he convinced Mary to stop transforming? And whichever the answer is, why did Mary/Nabu (whoever conjured the illusion) choose to make him appear that way?

2. Is there a reason besides availability that Eric Lopez voiced Billy here and not one of the previous voice actors? I thought it was good, but you could kinda tell that it was an adult trying to be a child.

3. Is the fact that she needed outside intervention (if an illusion of Billy even counts as outside intervention since she may have conjured it herself) a sign that she kinda cheated the test and was not in fact ready for the fight?

4. Previously, as far as I can find, the only descriptor given by you of the Marvel family's relationship has been that the other 3 are Billy's "three best school friends". Is there a reason beyond that that he referred to her as sis, or are they just that close of friends?


Greg responds...

1. It seems it was supposed to be his 2011 appearance. I can't remember why.

1a. Her subconscious brought forth this young version of Billy. I'll leave it to each viewer's interpretation as to why she chose that specifically.

2. In nearly ALL animation, adults play children. YJ occasionally was the exception to that rule. Robert Ochoa, the original actor for Young Billy is no longer that young, so it didn't make too much sense to bring him back and have him pretend to be young. I'm very happy with the job Eric did. And it saved us money on our budget, which is always a concern.

3. That was our thinking, yes.

4. I think I've revealed before that Billy and Mary are biological twins, separated at birth. They eventually learn that they're siblings.

Response recorded on September 29, 2022

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Manny writes...

Hi, Greg. Amazing show, loving Phantoms so far (ep. 13, waiting for the date for the 2nd part of the season).
Why you can say that Robin (Tim) and Wonder Girl (Cassie) are done for but not if Zatanna and Dick are done for? It’s because Tim and Cass are not as important as Dick and Zee?
Did you expect for your new relationships to be as well accepted as they were or they surpass your expectations? I’m talking about Spitfire, SuperMartian and Chalant that became fan favorites in no time.
Anyway hope you and yours stay whelmed and much health to all of you.

Greg responds...

1. This is exactly why I shouldn't ever say anything. Because fans compare responses to different questions and then make assumptions based on those comparisons. Cassie and Tim are very clearly over in the show. Dick is very clearly with Barbara. Beyond that... write your own fanfiction, I guess.

2. Everyone forgets. Back in the day, I got a TON of negative feedback on both the Superboy/Miss Martian relationship and on the Artemis/Kid Flash relationship. Now, they're held up as perfection and used to attack what we've done since. It's a head shaker, mostly.

Response recorded on September 28, 2022

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Crossoverparinglover writes...

Hey, follow up to an earlier question.


This one, specifically two where you were confused. By Stellar Geography I had meant a map of the Milky Way Galaxy in the verse, like this one that Transformers Animated has.


You also see them in series like Star Wars and Star Trek, where there are maps to show you how close planets are and where they are relative to each other. Do you have anything like that for Earth-16?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 28, 2022

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Mark writes...

Is the Klamulon Commander from "Nightmare Monkeys" Der'Chow, or a different character also played by Harvey?

Greg responds...

A different character also played by Harvey.

Response recorded on September 27, 2022

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