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Anonymous writes...

Based on trailers and some images I've seen on the internet, it seems that most (if not all) of the Justice League members on "Young Justice: Outsiders" appear to be wearing costumes that are exactly the same OR near-similar to those worn by their counterparts from the "DC Animated Movie Universe" (which began with "Justice League: War"). Is there an in-universe explanation for the costume changes that occured between Seasons 2 and 3...?

Greg responds...

One hero updated, and then they all realized they could stand for a change.

(How's that?)

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

When the eggs hatch, do expecting mother gargoyles know instinctively which hatchling is theirs to nurse? Or do they just nurse any hatchling?

Greg responds...

The latter, in essence. They are all rookery mothers to all the hatchlings.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Wild Cobra writes...

Which women have Dick Grayson slept with? Are there any other, besides Zatanna and Barbara?

Greg responds...

A gentleman never tells. Now, if you had asked whom he dated, I might have answered.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Nick writes...

How old is Batwoman?
How old is Halo?
How old is Geo-Force?
How old is Forager?
How old is Metamorpho?

Greg responds...

As of the end of Team Year Nine...

Batwoman is 28.

Halo's body is biologically 17.

Geo-Force is 18.

Forager is 15.

Metamorpho is 36.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

If you had to give Young Justice season 1 a subtitle like Outsiders or Invasion, what would it be?

Greg responds...

Uh... I dunno. Maybe, "YOUNG JUSTICE: THE TEAM" It's kinda wimpy though.

YOUNG JUSTICE: ORIGINS Not quite accurate.


I think, basically, I'm glad I didn't have to.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Jacob Levy writes...

Hello Greg,

Congrats on your amazing work on Spectacular Spider-Man, Garoyles, and upcoming season of YJ.

In Spectacular Spider-Man, Uncle Ben dies in the late spring/early summer. Since Season 3 would have taken place during that time period, were there plans either to acknowledge or have an episode centered around the one-year anniversary of Uncle Ben's death.

Thanks again for creating a fantastic series that will hopefully return someday and best of luck with Young Justice.


Greg responds...

Thank you.

1. Sure.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Jan Rott writes...

The Director knew exactly about Yama's situation and Hunter was able to blackmail him.
a) How did the Director of Yama learn?
b) How did the Director learn about Yamas exile and its reasons?
c) Does the Director really know where Yama's clan is or was it a bluff?

Greg responds...

a. No spoilers.

b. No spoilers.

c. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Hello :) writes...

Hi Greg. Want to keep this short and simply but I do have to congratulate you and your team for season 3 of Young Justice.

1) And will we, the fans, are going to see all of the team member's origins similar to the comic, Campfire Secrets and Rabbit Holes? I would love to see Batgirl, Troia, Robin II, Beast Boy, Bumblebee....basically the members that join after 2011 but before 2016 (Wonder Girl and Blue Beetle are the exception of course).

2) And this one is just a random question but, does Barbara Gordon have a close relationship with her mom?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...


1. Someday, I hope.

2. Her late mom?

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, Do you know if the new young justice season is going to be dubbed in any other language than english?

Greg responds...

I do not know. Sorry.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Did Superboy and Miss Martian get back together in Endgame or on their way to do so?

Greg responds...

It was a first half-step. But you need to read the companion comic stories "Torch Songs, Parts One and Two" to see where that first half-step led.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

What kind of relationship would Samsom and Nick (that was the name of descendant of Goliath and Elisa's adopted child, wasn't it?) have in "Gargoyles 2198"?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Jason R. Carter writes...

1) Thoughts on Jurnee Smollet-Bell playing Black Canary in the Birds of Prey movie?

2) Who would you have cast as a live-action BC?

Greg responds...

1. Haven't seen it. But based on Lovecraft Country, I'm a fan of hers, so it seems like a good potential fit.

2. I've largely stopped playing that game. I've come to think it winds up being potentially insulting to the actors involved, both those I might propose and those who wind up with the roles.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Paige writes...

Hi Greg,

I am such a huge fan of Young Justice that I can't even put it into words. This show has literally changed my life. I've watched it so many times I've lost count and can't help finding something new to love every time I watch it. This being said, I got to thinking and had some questions about Bart (who is my favorite character in the show; I was super stoked to see him in the trailers for S3) I was hoping you could answer.

1. Was it just Bart and Nathaniel that worked on the time machine, or did they get help from others also wishing to change the time stream?

2. In the flashback in "Bloodlines" Bart is seen without an inhibitor collar, while Nathaniel still has his on and it is activated. Just out of curiosity, how was Bart able to disable his and get his off in order to go back to the past? I'm sure the Reach would have been monitoring both him and Nathaniel, especially since they'd taken the time to put the inhibitor collars on in the first place. How were Bart and Nathaniel able to sneak under the Reach's radar and pull everything off?

3. Were "crash" and "mode" always the lingo you'd had in mind for Bart, or were other words also considered?

4. How do you think Wally would interpret Bart taking on his role as Kid Flash? Do you believe Wally would see it as Bart "honoring his memory" as Artemis puts it, or would Wally see him as more of a fraud like Bart believes?

Thank you so much for everything! Continue to make awesome life-changing works like this one. I can't wait to see what S3 has in store. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat.

Greg responds...

1. For now, at least, let's assume it was just those two.

2. It's not hard for SOMEONE ELSE to disable and remove an Inhibitor collar. Nathaniel could remove Bart's, assuming he ever had one.

2a. With difficulty.

3. "Feel the mode" and "moded" were always my plan for bad stuff, based on slang I used in junior high school. Crash came a bit later, but it seemed to fit.

4. The former. He wanted Bart to put on the yellow & red, as you may recall from "Summit."

Thanks for all the kind words. I'm truly gratified (if not awed) that the show meant so much to you.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Aliragal writes...

In Season 2 of Young Justice, Nightwing explains that only Kaldur, Wally, Artemis, and Himself are the only four that know that Kaldur has been under deep cover. Did Wally and Artemis learn about this after Nightwing asked Artemis to go undercover, or did they know from the beginning that Kaldur was undercover?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Ano-Name-Ous writes...

Alanna told Superboy that a shapeshifter like M'gann would be a perfect match for him, does that mean that M'gann makes herself look physically 16 whilst 53 in chronological years and 18 in human biological years?

Greg responds...

Honestly, Alanna was just guessing. But I'd say that Conner can pass for 18, maybe even a young-looking 21. M'gann keeps her appearance in that early twenties range. At least for now.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Mike writes...

Yo Greg what's up with Wonder Woman's outfit? I don't mind you guys borrowing costumes from the New 52 movies but putting a girdle on her, she's Wonder Woman not Xena, that's why DC has the Justice League action show.

Greg responds...

We thought her costume was in definite need of an upgrade. We like our current version of her costume. As always, it shouldn't surprise you that we liked our choices. That's why we made them.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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draph91 writes...

do solar and/or lunar eclipses affect gargoyles in any way when it comes to the stone sleep process?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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draph91 writes...

Silly question but in a hypothetical scenario would Owen's stone hand be affected by the Stone by Night spell?

Greg responds...

I wouldn't think so.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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draph91 writes...

What sort of quest does Vinnie go on?, is it connected to when he becomes a gargoyle sympathizer

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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sela hanany writes...

hey greg, how would rank the members of the light in a tournament list of battles between them(from most powerful to least powerful.)

Greg responds...

I wouldn't.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. In regards to "Young Justice: Legacy" why was the decision made for it to be a video game as opposed to an animated film...? The way I have depicted it is that the leader of each three-person team during each mission were canon and the other two members that accompany the leader were not because the player has to choose which heroes go with the team leaders.

2. The one thing that confuses me is that if you read comics associated with the Flash, Jay Garrick, Kid Flash, or Impulse or have at least watched episdoes of The Flash on The CW, you would see the lightning streak that forms when speedsters associated/connected with the Speed Force are running. That being said, why do we not see lighting streaks when Barry, Wally, Jay, and Bart run in the Young Justice animated universe...?

Greg responds...

1. Doing the story as a film was never presented to us as an option.

1a. That's basically correct.

2. That's just not a conceit that we chose to adopt, potentially because Brandon and I are older fans, for whom that wasn't a thing. So it didn't occur to us.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Jan Rott writes...

We know that the gargoyle clones look so different due to their accelerated growth.
a) These characteristics are not genetic then?
b) Can these characteristics be transferred to the next generation or do the children look normal? So white teeth and skin more like the originals.

Greg responds...

a. No.

b. I would think not.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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James B. writes...

Something I have always wondered.
In the episode Metamorphesis before Anton supposedly dies, he appears to be in his 50s but when he makes his appearance again, he appears to be in his 30s.
Why is this?

Greg responds...

Anton was - in his mind - playing a role. So he put on an accent and stage make-up to make him look like an older, madder scientist.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Christopher Rosa writes...

Dear Greg Weisman,

This is Christopher Rosa again. I sent you a message before, and like I said before I'm a big fan of the shows you work on and write for, in particular The Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon. But a part of me feels that you handle Flash Thompson wrong, a part of me feels to that Flash was becoming nice and befriend Peter too fast. I dislike it in the comics that Peter had to accept Flash's bullying because if he tried to fight back he could really hurt him. Though in the cartoon Flash never physically attacks Peter and instead mostly calls him names and pranks him, I feel by Peter easily forgiving Flash like that it was saying that it was ok for Flash to bully Peter. I just wish you show Peter standing up to Flash more, maybe Peter didn't have to fight Flash but he could have stood up to him and told him "I'm not letting you push me around anymore" or he could have told a teacher. But then again, each season only has 13 episodes and there may have not been enough time with that with Peter's life as Spider-Man and social life. That is what I feel, and also me and a friend talk and he told me of an idea of someone telling off Flash and telling him how hypocritical it is for Flash to worship a hero whose example he doesn't have the character to follow in his own life. What do you think of that idea and what I just said?

Greg responds...

I think you have a good point, but our version of the Flash/Peter relationship was more complex than what you're suggesting. They have a history that goes back long before any bullying. Their friendship as little kids was altered by the death of Peter's parents, which scared Flash. Had we had more episodes, we would have explored this in more detail.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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big papi smurf nibba writes...

yo u play fortnite

Greg responds...

Nope. Not a gamer.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Jan Rott writes...

What is the name of the dam on which Goliath and the hunters fight and where is it?

Greg responds...

I can't remember. Sorry. I do seem to recall it was somewhere in New York state.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Jan Rott writes...

What does Demona think about the Gargoyle Minority Protection Act? Does she think positive about it or negative about it?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Jan Rott writes...

1)Do Oberon and Titania also have other names or identities that may appear in mythologies? The Banshee had as a second identity Cromm Cruach.
2)Are Oberon and Titania's children mythologically known?
2.b)If so, in which mythology?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers

2. No spoilers.

2b. See above.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Selena writes...

Hi Greg. I just wanted to tell you that I loved your story on the Gargoyles, especially the story between Elisa and Goliah (I have always loved the story of Beauty and the Beast). Probably they are not the first nor the last to ask you this question, but I hope with all my heart that sooner or later the stories, even comic books, continue. You had so many ideas that I wanted to see them realized. I hope a day not far away will happen ...

Greg responds...

Me too.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Talos writes...

Did you ever establish the exact number of Lost Tales of The World Tour or are you freewheeling it, and do any of those lost tales include what The Rest of The Manhattan Clan exploits during that time?

Greg responds...

I have a clear idea of what's still missing, including what was going on with the Manhattan Clan.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Dercio Lichucha writes...

Hello Greg,

I’m a huge fan of your work but I need to ask. Who do I speak to about rebooting childhood favorites like W.I.T.C.H ? I LOVE THAT SHOW.
It deserves many more seasons than just two.

Greg responds...

Disney, I guess. It would help if you could view it on Disney+, and I believe subscribers can request that they include it on the service.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Polonium writes...

Thank you very much for a thoroughly enjoyable experience in the first two Traveler books -- they have made for a captivating story time with my two children, spanning months! The journey of Aram and his evolving entourage have kept them riveted, and coming back for more. Is Book Three being worked on currently? (If it is, or it's planned for, is there a tentative release date?)

Greg responds...

I'm so glad you liked my two Traveler books. By now, you may have gleaned that I was let go after the second book. World of Warcraft commissioned a third book with a different author, which was pretty devastating to me. But whatchagonnado?

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Dimona Dougherty writes...

Did you ever think the show would be the inspiration for someones actual deed poll name change?

Greg responds...

I don't know which series you're referring to. And I don't know what "actual deed poll name change" refers to.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Talos writes...

I have so far enjoyed the new Ducktales and i have been hearing a lot of talk about the disney afternoon being revived, would you be open for a Gargoyles reboot or revival series?

Greg responds...

A revival would be great. A reboot would excite me considerably less.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Skygoyle writes...

Hey Greg I've recently been re watching Gargoyles and just reached I'll be Met by Moonlight. I noticed that one of the Gargoyles greeting them at the castle in the first two minutes looks a lot like the Creature from the Black Lagoon or Abe Sapien from Hellboy having more fish fin like wings and aquatic features unlike any other Wyvern clan Gargoyle I've seen from the show and comics. So my questions are
1) Is this guy really "Scottish stock" same as the rest of the main Gargoyles?
2)if yes do his features come from some sort of mixed heritage?
3)Could he be related to the Loch Ness clan?
4)Or am I'm just reading too much into a character's design?

Greg responds...

It's been a long time since I saw the episode, so I'm not sure who you're referring to. It's possible that a Loch Ness Gargoyle joined the Wyvern Clan generations before the massacre and the laying of the Avalon eggs. But I'd have to see which Gargoyle you're referring to in order to make a judgement.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Sahil writes...

Hi there. Just a quick question on magic. Couldn’t find this in the archives. How is it that with just one outburst of magic from a halfling, the most powerful of the third race, Oberon, can be blasted into a wall?? Love the odd fact that the magic is green though for all users. Thank you

Greg responds...

Why would that be an issue? You get blasted; you get blasted. Especially if you're not ready for it.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Pan writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

I'm not going to ask about any specific character, as that would be a spoiler. Nor am I going to phrase it as a general question, for the same reason. From what I've read, it appears that the reason you couldn't depict any LGBT characters or relationship on-screen during the first two seasons of ''Young Justice'' is because Cartoon Network wouldn't allow it. Now, as I said earlier, I'm not going to ask if XYZ character is LGBT, or whether the third season will include any LGBT representation. But I am curious, if you wanted to include LGBT characters / representation in any future seasons of the show, and depict it on-screen, ''could'' you? Or has DC Universe, similarly to Cartoon Network, enforced a "gay embargo" preventing you from doing so?

Kind regards

P.S. I hope the italics work.

Greg responds...

We were allowed to, for the most part. Though there was one character that we were not allowed to depict as LGBT+.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Were Wally and Artemis on opposite ends of the political spectrum?

Greg responds...

"Opposite"? No. Was she more liberal than he was? Probably.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

My question is: why the Outsiders? There are a lot of characters and stories you could have delved into like the Teen Titans, Young Justice, the Justice Society, or even the Legion. So, why did you pick this particular group of characters to work with? Did it have anything to with the fact that the Outsiders had never really been used before?

Greg responds...

The title Outsiders fit with the flow of our story. Jumping back to the Justice Society or forward to the Legion at that stage made no sense, and we've basically been doing our versions of Teen Titans and Young Justice all along.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Karney writes...

Hey, Greg.
I just wanted to know what kind of stuff you read as a kid that got you interested in the whole mythological genre. Are there any good books you recommend, and are there any you read as a kid that you just couldn't put down?

Greg responds...

D'aulaire's Norse Gods and Giants and D'aulaire's Greek Myths started me on the path to loving mythology. Mary Renault's The King Must Die and The Bull from the Sea were also influential, as was Mary Stewart's tetralogy about Merlin, King Arthur and Mordred. Also Roger Lancelyn Green's King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table. There were many others, too. But those got me started.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Karrin Blue writes...

In the comics, Kaldur mentioned that all Atlanteans have a year or so of military service at a young age. Why is that required, and what exactly does it entail? Atlantis doesn't seem to be at war, and even if they were it doesn't seem like Aquaman would order 12 year olds serve on the battlefield.

Greg responds...

Mandatory military service isn't unusual. Israel has it, for example. As for the age, this is for training, basic duties and for the identification of those for whom the military might be a career. They're not fighting wars as pre-teens.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Olivier Ouimet writes...

So it's been like almost 10 years and I just watched season 1 and 2 of The spectacular Spider-Man and well you probably know where i'm going with this but this would mean a lot to so many people. I was heartbroken by the ending wich wasn't an ending and I'm 17 and this is a kids show sort of and I just had so many feelings. So much was planned for season 3 and 4 just thinking about it... So as there been anything new? Please tell us.

Greg responds...

There has not. Wish I could say otherwise, but there's not likely to be.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Vader12 writes...

In Gargoyles episode, Heritage, in the scene where the illusionary gargoyles attack Thunderbird Form Grandmother, was the raven headed gargoyle among them a illusional version of Raven's gargoyle form too or was it the real version of him when Angela saw they were fake?

Greg responds...

It's been a while since I last saw the episode, but I believe he was real.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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Rawan Farouk writes...

1-Will young justice season 3 have comicbooks like the last 2 season?
2-I can't ofcourse ask you if Wally is returning or not but I want to tell you if he didn't return the fans will be disappointed

Greg responds...

1. They just had Chris Jones and I do one two-part online comic, which has since been reprinted in the latest trade paperback release.

2. Will they?

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

If Batman knew that Captain Marvel was Billy Batson, why did he give the okay for him to watch over the team in Red Tornado's absence?

Greg responds...

Three words: Wisdom of Solomon.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

I looked at your timeline for Gargoyles (specifically, September 28) and was wondering, When Fox called Mr Vogel about her takeover plans, where they both Gargoyles at the time or did the call take place after puck reversed the spell?

Greg responds...

They were probably gargoyles, but it hardly matters as they wouldn't be aware of the change.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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Matt B writes...

I was wondering about Jean Dewolff's change from captain to patrolman and Italian American (I think) to Native American. I like the changes but am curious about the thought process behind them.

Also, what people was Jean from?

Also, does she know Elisa Maza? I'm guessing that Native American NYC cops are a small sorority.

Also, Jean and a few other characters (EG Gwen, Captain Stacy) die in the comics. I won't ask names because of spoilers, but were you planning on some character deaths if the series had continued?

Thanks, and i hope you get to follow up on SSM and Gargoyles someday. I really mss those shows. At least YJ is coming back!

Greg responds...

1. We had long-term plans for Jean, which necessitated her starting as a patrolwoman.

2. We were looking to increase diversity in the show, and the name DeWolff suggested a nice fit with Native American.

3. Never worked it out. Guess I'd lean toward Inupiat and French Canadian/Cree (Metis) ancestry, which matches her voice actor, Irene Bedard. (Or so Wikipedia tells me.)

4. Let's assume that in the Gargoyles Meets The Spectacular Spider-Man Meets Young Justice Universe that they do.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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Jan Rott writes...

What motivated Duncan to take on the role of the hunter?

Greg responds...

He understood the value of intimidation.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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Max writes...

Hey, Greg. If you could do your own personal take on the Spider-Man mythos as a TV series (not like Spectacular. I mean a wholly original concept built from scratch.), what would it be like? With new origins for the villains and all that...

Greg responds...

Sorry, but I've done that, and it IS Spectacular. I'm not looking to reinvent the wheel with an existing property. I'm looking to do the best version of that property that I can manage.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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Maria writes...

Hi Greg! I wanted to know if Wally knew he was going to die when he did. I mean, in the episode «Bloodlines», when Bart sees Wally he says «You're Wally West, my first cousin once removed» and he clearly paid attention to it because he says «The operative word being 'removed'.». I only noticed it after rewatching the episode and it made me too curious so I'd like to know.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure I understand the question. If you're asking whether Wally knew he was going to die because of "Bloodlines," then the answer is no. But Wally clearly new his time was short when he told Barry to tell Artemis and his parents that he loved them.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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