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Xanatos, David

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TiniTinyTony writes...

From what I can gather from the timeline, it appears that Matt Bluestone joins the Illuminati sometime around Nov/Dec 1995. Do you have an exact date for him at this time?

Also, what was the date that Xanatos joined the Illuminati? Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Have patience. Both dates will be revealed by ASK GREG's "This date in Gargoyles history" feature when the time comes...

Response recorded on June 05, 2007

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MAY 27

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 27th...

In order to flush out the Coyote Trickster, Xanatos Construction begins work on the Arizona property it has leased from a local Native American Tribe. The new Coyote 4.0 robot is on hand to capture the Trickster. But because Xanatos has, at this time, no real intention of destroying the Trickster's soil carving, the true Coyote does not show up.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 8th...

Xanatos begins to actively search the globe for Coldstone.

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Gantros writes...

I was watching "Hellboy: Blood and Iron" on television when I noticed that the businessman Oliver Trumble is almost identical to Xanatos, differing only in a few personality traits. Do you think Gargoyles could have had some influence on the character, or is just a coincedence?

Greg responds...

I don't know. I haven't seen the movie myself, though some good friends worked on it. I don't know whether the character you're referencing pre-dates Gargoyles or not.

Response recorded on March 30, 2007

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Ntripy writes...

Hi Greg,
I just re-watched Double Jeopardy and noticed the last line by Xanatos is in stark contrast with one of his lines in Re-Awakening.

In Re-Awakening, Xanatos says, "Its alive, alive! I've always wanted to say that."

Whereas in Double Jeopardy, when he says, "Owen, I think I've created a monster", he seems to say that with the lament of a man who wishes he'd never have to say that line.

Was the line in Double Jeopardy intentionally meant to contrast the line in Re-Awakening, or, is this just another example of how in tune you are with the Gargoyle Universe? ;)

Greg responds...

Might just be the latter.

But generally, we like to do twists and riffs off of classic lines/moments/etc. from a variety of sources. (That's how you wind up with quotes from both Shakespeare and Monty Python back-to-back in "Future Tense".)

Response recorded on March 12, 2007

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dph writes...

My Sunday's Gathering Journal or "What the Heck Happenned to Time on Sunday?"

Looking at the con schedule, things kinda make sense.

Sunday morning came early. I ate breakfast at the hotel with A Fan. We had to wait an hour to get our food and by the time we got through most of the way through eating, it was time for the 1st panel of the day - Gargoyles: The Comic Book. I asked "When does Xanatos sleep?" and your response was he has competent assistants. My question wasn't about does Xanatos trust his assistants, but rather we see Xanatos awake during the daytime and we see Xanatos (and Owen) awake when the Gargoyles burst out of stone and turn to stone, leading me wonder does he sleep during the daytime or at night? Or is staying up with the Gargoyles just not the norm for him? Anyways, I left the gargoyles: comic book panel to head towards the online fan sites panel instead of the Gargoyles: Voice Acting Process panel, because I was working on remodeling the tgs website. No regrets with that decision, I learned that Voice Acting Process panel actually filled up. After that, I had some free time and I made my way to the Gargoyles: the Production Process panel. My eyes started feeling heavy and was struggling to stay awake after a few minutes in that panel. It wasn't the fault of the panelists, it was the fault of my body. I knew that if I didn't leave quickly I was goign to fall asleep during the panel so I headed towards my room to take a short nap, or so I thought. The mystery for me was how I ended up sleeping until A Fan woke me up to have the anti-banquet in our room, which started a few minutes after the Banquet was supposed to start. So I rushed out my room and I got to the banquest late. Luckily I was able to find a seat and people hadn't started eating yet. I enjoyed the food and the Guest Q&A afterforwards. Then I headed towards my room, trying to make sense out of how I ended up sleeping so long. A Fan went to the masquerade & dance and I stayed in the room. He came back after the mug-a-guest and helped me schedule a shuttle bus to take me to LAX so I wouldn't miss my flight. Then we discussed plans and set up for room service to call us Monday morning so we would have time for breakfast and I would have time to get ready to catch my shuttle bus.

Next Up: Monday's Trip home or Almost Didn't Make It

Greg responds...

Xanatos sleeps when he needs to. Just like he eats when he needs to, etc. Just because we don't show it on screen doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Response recorded on March 09, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

This is the first of MANY questions. I've submitted them individually, despite shared subjects. I didn't want an entire lot of questions removed because one was judged to be against the rules. I'm praying that these don't get deleted because I posted them all separately. Anyway... here goes.

Does Xanatos regret any of the things he's done during the course of the series? For moral reasons, not because the plan failed. Is there anything he's done that he's felt was morally wrong?

Greg responds...

Xanatos is (a) largely amoral and (b) not one to cry over spilled milk.

Response recorded on February 19, 2007

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Matt writes...

1. What did Xanatos do with the "simple American penny" Petros gave him as a wedding present in "Vows"?

2. Did you have any further specific story ideas involving Petros Xanatos?

Thanks Greg.

Greg responds...

1. He kept it.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on January 29, 2007

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Anonymous writes...

Has Xanatos truly been redeemed or could it be that he is using Goliath for some other agenda?

Greg responds...

How are you defining "redeemed"? Cuz I don't see him as being redeemed AT ALL.

He's never been ABOUT being Goliath's enemy.

Does he still have other agendi? Yep.

Response recorded on January 26, 2007

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Shawn writes...

Since Thailog is the clone of Xanatos, which would also imply that he has some human DNA, then does that mean that he doesn't turn into stone like Goliath since Xanatos's DNA would probably prevent that?

Greg responds...

Thailog is NOT the clone of Xanatos, he's the clone of Goliath. Xanatos EDUCATED him to Xanatos' way of looking at the world. But there is no human biological component in Thailog.

Response recorded on January 26, 2007

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