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Terry writes...

Why did you choose to have Negative Woman on your iteration of Doom Patrol instead of Negative Man?
What are her powers?
Is she human?

Greg responds...

1. Given what we were doing, which doubled as a nod to Teen Titans Go!, it worked for us to equate Beast Boy with Beast Boy, Chief with Robin, Elasti-Girl with Starfire, Robotman with Cyborg, and Negative Woman with Raven. Using Negative Man wouldn't have been as much fun for us - or for Tara Strong, who played Raven and Negative Woman.

2. Her powers are basically the same as Negative Man and Negative Woman's are in the comics. But we reserve the right to do our YJ twist on those powers if and when we have the opportunity to go into more detail on the character.

3. No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Terry writes...

Who founded the Doom Patrol?
When was it formed?
Where was their HQ?
When did they die?
Who killed them?

Greg responds...

1. Chief.

2. Team Year One.

3. I honestly haven't locked this down.

4. Team Year Five. And of course, neither Mento nor Beast Boy died.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Justice for Helga writes...

In "Illusion of Control" Helga let Paula know that Artemis was back with the Team. Was that accidental or on purpose?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that for your interpretation.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Space Trek Stan writes...

When did Space Trek 3016 debut and how many seasons did it have?

Greg responds...

Production began in TEAM YEAR SIX.

"How many seasons did it have?" Geez, Stan! Who says it's over?


Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Terry writes...

Can you elaborate on Jochi and Tolui a little bit?

Who is who?

How old were they?

Greg responds...

When Darkseid attacked, Jochi (the fire-bender) was 27, and Tolui (the lightning-bender) was 16.

For more information on them, I'd try the following:




Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

I saw some short videos with panels of young justice comis on youtube narrated by voice actors of the show


where can are the complete videos?

Greg responds...

They don't exist. These were brief pieces produced by the YJ Wiki (https://youngjustice.fandom.com/wiki/Young_Justice_Wiki) with the voluntary (and unpaid) participation of members of our wonderful cast done to promote our companion (and fully canonical) comics to get more of our fans to read them.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Max Scream writes...

Can you describe the recording process of Young Justice: Phantoms? Was it ENTIRELY done separately? Was it done via video-conferencing? Did each actor get the entire script or just their lines?

Greg responds...

The first half - or nearly half - of the season was done the way we always have, with group recordings predominantly, while picking up the occasional actor at a different time, based on availability.

About halfway through the season, we temporarily stopped recording because of the pandemic.

So in order to keep our board artists supplied with vocal tracks and working (from home), we began recording scratch tracks, using myself, Brandon, voice director Jamie Thomason, Talent coordinator Laura Lopez, editor Cris Mertens, and my wife and kids.

Then we began recording actors individually from home. Some of these actors have fantastic home studio set-ups. Others, well... not so much. We weren't video-conferencing with them, but we were audio-conferencing.

Then we switched from BangZoom Studios for our records to Atlas Oceanic Picture & Sound, which had a booth with a door that opened right into their parking lot. That way an actor could drive up and stay in their car until called for. Then they could walk right into the studio without any contact with any other human being. The engineer was in the control room, and the rest of us - including Jamie - were all listening in from our homes. Then when that actor was done, the booth would be sanitized before the next actor entered. Some of our performers still worked from home, but about half came to Atlas. It was always the choice of the actor.

And every actor always gets the entire script.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Did Phil Bourassa work on Young Justice: Phantoms?

Greg responds...

No, though of course many of his designs are still being used in the series, and what new designs that were created for S4 by Model Supervisor Dou Hong and Character Designers Jerome K. Moore and Austin Reinkins were designed based on the template and design style Phil set for the series. Also, Dou worked with Phil on Season Three, and Jerome worked with him on Seasons One and Two.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Terry writes...

In Torch Songs, Part 1, Superboy's designation is B05 instead of B04. Why?

Greg responds...

I'm going to blame that on me being a flawed, flawed human being.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Jurgan writes...

In the recent IGN article you were interviewed for, you mentioned how Gary Krisel tried to nix the existence of Alexander. Is it possible there was some meta-commentary in The Gathering? Both you and Xanatos (with help) had to fight against a seemingly all-powerful force to save Alex? I'm probably reading too much into things, but I found it an amusing parallel.

Greg responds...

All that was done before Gary suggested that Alex wasn't a great idea. (That's what saved him. He was already baked in, so to speak.) So, yeah, I think you're reading too much into it.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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WildStorm Fan writes...

Any more Hints than what you have already given on the Wildstorm character you snuck into Season 1 or maybe the episode number or if you are in a really great mood how about the character name too. Also Thank you so much for continuing to make this show.

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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B writes...

Does Maggie the Cat have a heat cycle?

Greg responds...

Uh... I don't know. I'd have to consult with some biologists.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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FlashKnight writes...

1. Is there any difference in the way Barry or Bart's power work.
2. I am very curious like how would you describe the personality of Jay Garrick, like Barry you described as straight man Gary Cooper like, Wally is a bit more wisecracking and well we have had 2 seeasons of him so his personality is pretty clear, similarly Bart is also pretty easy to understand but like if you had to compare Jay and Barry how would you describe Jay.
3. Do the powers of Jaculi and Trajectory work the same way as Barry or Wally or Jay or Bart, essentially could you tell me the mechanics of their powers like how their speed compares to the flash family, metabolism problems and if acccelerating and deaccelerating is required.

Greg responds...

1. How they work? No, I don't think so.

2. I'm inclined to leave this to your interpretation. But I guess I see Jay as more Spencer Tracy than Gary Cooper.

3. It basically worked/works the same way for them both, but Jaculi was and Trajectory is even less powerful than Wally.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Kevin writes...

1. Since the X designations seem to have been discontinued would it be possible for you to reveal what they were? I agree with you about leaving the rest to be discovered it's just seems implausible for these to be revealed naturally because of the end of Season 3.
2. Prior to Season 2 have we seen the characters who made up the A08 A09 and A14?
3. Does Brucely have a Designation? (I know kinda of a silly question but I think he deserves one.)
4. Did Arsenal gain an A designation after he left the Team similar to how Zatanna gained a B and Justice League Designation?

Greg responds...

1. X-Designations? We don't have X-Designations.

2. Prior to Season 2? Well, I shouldn't answer, but no.

3. He does.

4. No.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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magicmanzach writes...

Well here's a couple of magic themed questions-
1. The Sword of Beowulf had the arm of Grendel as a scabbard and I have been very curious as to which sword it was, in the archives you have mentioned that it had been long since you read the novel and that you don't remember, but after reading it the only option that makes sense to me is the Giant sword which melts in the blood of Grendel's mother. Now this might seem convoluted logic on my part and it most probably is but the sword although melted the hilt remained and that melting bound the magical sword or rather only the hilt at this point and was bounded to the another thing of the same blood the arm of Grendel and thus the sword becoming whole again or maybe the story happened a little differently on earth 16. Is this guess right and if not is there anything you can recollect about the sword or the story of how it happened on earth 16?
2. In Early Warnings was Zatanna channeling the power of Dr Fate and summoned his Ankh the symbol of fate's power because Klarion said that doesn't belong to you, So are Humans Sorceres just capable of channeling the power of Lord of Orders wihtout any conduit like the helmet?
3. Why couldn't klarion escape from the tower of fate in Early Warnings despite the fact that he easily escaped in Denial, was it because he was on the top of the tower in Denial and so it was easy to understand for him where he is in space and time as opposed to early warnings where he is inside the tower so it is difficult to teleport since space and time are weird inside the tower or maybe Nabu just upped the security in the tower since Denial?
4. The magic in Young Justice perplexes as it should since well it's magic, but how can Zatanna train Thirteen who does magic without the use of any words are there two different types of magic, I thought only immortal sorcerers could do that. Like are their multiple types of magic because well they aren't rules or restriction that I recall on magic on young justice all we have is experience levels and the power gap between immortal and mortal sorcerers. Basically is there a 101 to magic in young justice if you plan to reveal that season 4 or future I get it but if there are no spoilers then that would really ease my confusion otherwise Spoiler Request No Spoilers is fine by me.

Greg responds...

1. I'm sorry. I'm in the same spot I was in before. It's just been too long since I've read Beowulf.

2. She cheats.

3. Yep. Easier to find one's way off the roof than out of the interior. But he wasn't eternally trapped. Just lost. It's hard for him to focus sometimes.

4. There are indeed multiple types of magic. But it is all about channeling mystic energies.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Owen writes...

1. Why doesn’t Aquaman/Kaldur'ahm get his Tattoos erased or complete Sorcery school?
2. Does Ocean Master have the ability to use sorcery or is all derived from the Trident of Neptune?
3.Why did Miss Martian think Robin Orphan Spoiler and Arrowette weren’t good as the others on the Team when they worked well as a team in Batman Inc?
4. What do the Brain and Ultra Humanite’s scientific specialties? Does the Brain have leadership skills over Humanite at least prior to Season 3 of Young Justice?

Greg responds...

1. Why should he?

2. Both. But past tense.

3. I'm not clear why you think Miss Martian thinks that. Cuz she doesn't.

4. More experience, and Ultra-Humanite's work was based in part on Brain's.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Dovington writes...

What do you think of NECA's new Gargoyles action figures?

Greg responds...

I'm thrilled by them. I've ordered three of each. (Although, if NECA wanted to give them to me free, I wouldn't say no.)

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Would previous members of the light like The Brain be accepted back into the light if they escaped prison? Or is it like if your caught you’re never allowed back?

Greg responds...

It's not automatic either way.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. Is there any reason why Helga is so obsessed with family?
2. What type of monarchy is Markovia?
3. In which country and what Brion studied?
4. Is Dr. Jace a metahuman?

Greg responds...

1. There are always reasons.

2. Constitutional.

3. Markovia. Great Britain. He was in high school, or the equivalent.

4. That would seem to be a spoiler request.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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dinah writes...

How old is Dr. Jace?

Greg responds...

By the end of Team Year Eight, Helga Jace is 34-years-old.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Paul writes...

1. In "Triptych", Batman referred to Diana/Wonder Woman as "a princess of Themiscyra". Is Troia (Diana's "sister", as we know from "Elder Wisdom") also a princess of Themiscyra?

2. What was the casting process like for the role of Troia? I'm curious after your recent responses concerning the casting process for characters like Geo-Force.

3. I'm curious about this so here goes, even though it might be a spoiler request. Do Garth, Troia and Catherine Cobert have (semi-)regular meetings with the Justice League, or at least with whoever is leading the League at a given time, given that they apparently like to speak out on behalf of the League? In "Royal We" and to a lesser extent "Influence", these characters seemed to be very in-sync with the League's actions and views.

4. Lengthy question now.

In a previous Ramble ("ASK GREG LIVE - Correcting the Web"), you said that "Unfortunately, for reasons reported fairly accurately from ASK GREG LIVE, we were unable to cameo either Troia or Mary at Rocket's bridal shower because there just wasn't time for Phil Bourassa to design FOUR new characters, i.e. the two girls in both their civilian and super-hero costumes."

And in a response dated April 4th 2016, you stated that "Donna Troy/Troia and Mary Bromfield/Sergeant Marvel were scheduled to appear in Season Two at both Rocket's bridal shower and among the crowd of heroes in the season finale."

Looking at both of these comments that you've made in the past, it sounds as though there were plans to include the following four designs in "Satisfaction": Donna Troy, Troia, Mary Bromfield, and Sergeant Marvel. Is my hypothesis correct? (If so, then this would seemingly confirm that Troia used the alias "Donna Troy" at the bridal shower when she was in civilian attire.)

5. Are there any episodes coming up in season 4 that, in your mind, are as good as some of your favorite episodes from seasons 1-3 (anything as good as say "Misplaced" or "Overwhelmed")?

Best of luck with wrapping up season 4 and fingers crossed that THE MODE WILL BE CRASHED so that there can be a season 5!

Greg responds...

1. Yep.

2. I think we chose the wonderful Grey Griffin from among the actors already in the episode.

3. Catherine does, certainly. Garth and Troia might have an occasional chat, but they aren't representing the League.

4. Troia may have used the alias Donna Troy when she was on the Team, but Donna isn't her real name. How we LABELED the designs behind the scenes to avoid confusion doesn't reflect the in-universeness of the fact that had she been there and had anyone addressed her by name, they would've called her Troia, not Donna.

5. In short, yes. (I mean what kind of question is this? Did you expect me to answer, "No, they're all sub-par?")

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg! Hope you're well! :) I'm so excited for FanDome today!!

1) Have Kaldur and Garth remained great friends over the years, since Team Year Zero? I know that they worked together as part of the Team but I wonder whether they remained close.

2) I've noticed that when Kaldur lists Team members, he tends to do so in the order of their Designations. This happens most notably in "First Impression", when he lists the Team members in order of B-designation, and then lists the Outsiders in order of B-designation. However, when Superboy mentions Garth and Troia in "Influence", he does not list their names in order of Designation. He mentions Troia first. Was this a subtle hint that Conner and Troia are close?

3) Now that Troia has appeared and we've seen a little bit of what she's up to on Earth-16, would you be able to reveal the in-universe reason for her absence in "Satisfaction", please? (I wonder if it had anything to do with the U.N.) You previously said that you couldn't say why she didn't attend "without revealing SPOILERS" for her story... but maybe now is a good time to ask.

4) Since Troia left the Team before Garth, was she the first of the two of them to start pursuing a career as a U.N. Ambassador?

5) In a previous response, you stated that Garth was "teaching combat sorcery in Atlantis" after leaving the Team. Has he continued to do this when possible (though I would think that being a part of the U.N. would take up a lot of his time)?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Nope. I think you're reading too much into that.

3. I think she was just busy on Themyscira.

4. No spoilers.

5. Maybe he guest lectured on occasion. But he's pretty busy these days.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Gabrielle writes...

1. Does Hawkwoman genuinely love HawkMan?

2. What is Shayera's eye color?

3. Will we get to see more of the league's personal lives further down the line?

4. Why are the hawks 11 years apart? I'm just curious I ain't hating on you for it.

5. Have the hawks slept with each other?

Greg responds...

1. I would hope so. They're married.

2. Probably shouldn't be asking the color-blind guy color questions.

3. Here and there.

4. I'm not sure I understand the question. Why are my wife and I three years apart? That's when we were born. If you're looking for backstory information here, then: NO SPOILERS.

5. Yes. They're married.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Steven writes...

Does Zatanna have any personal hatred towards klarion considering he was the reason her father was forced to become dr fate permanent host?

Greg responds...

I'd think so.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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Todd Jensen writes...

Earlier this year, two of Disney's television animated series included allusions to "Gargoyles". The first was the series finale of "Duck Tales", which had an already-established character, a headless horse named Manny, become a Goliath-counterpart (including a scene where he grows a head and wings while the theme music of "Gargoyles" plays, then cries - voiced by Keith David - "I live again, again!" - it makes sense in context). The second was in the Season Two finale of "Amphibia", where one of the characters is seen looking through a book on legends, which had a picture of Goliath drawn in the style of Leonardo da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man".

I was wondering if you'd heard of these two nods to the show, and if so, what you thought of them.

Greg responds...

I'd heard about both, though I haven't seen them myself.

It tickles me.

Response recorded on October 25, 2021

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