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Peter writes...

By the time of young justice season 3 or season 4 does roy harper (arsenal) view his two clones as his brothers ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 07, 2022

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Blake writes...

Question 1 In young justice universe what state of the united states of america was the doom patrol HQ BASE in ? Question 2 Did Paul Sloane knew Rita was Elsti-girl in young justice universe ?

Greg responds...

1. I'd have to research that.

2. He eventually found out, I imagine.

Response recorded on February 07, 2022

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Rick writes...

In young justice phantoms episode 5 At night when the league shadows attack Tigress and the others in the street why the people in the surrounding buildings not call the police and if the people inside the buildings did call the police why did the police not arrive in time of the fight in the street ?

Greg responds...

No units were nearby, apparently.

Response recorded on February 07, 2022

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Crossoverparinglover writes...

When Batman took to forming 'Batman Incorporated' during S3, did he have a selection criteria with his team? I kind of noticed his initial wave was mostly non-powered heroes and the former criminal Plastic Man, which seems to imply at least part of his thinking was 'how do I minimize anti-metahuman reactions'.

Were there any heroes he approached who declined but agreed to keep quiet about it?

As Metamorpho was not listed by the U.N, he was not a League member right? If he was not a league member, was there a reason for it?

(I assume that asking 'is he one now' is SPOILER, unless this gets answered after that is revealed)

Greg responds...

1. Batman asked heroes he reasonably thought would join, basically.

2. No. Everyone he asked said yes, except Black Lightning.

3. Metamorpho wasn't in the Justice League at that time.

Response recorded on February 07, 2022

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Crossoverparinglover writes...

Unrelated to the last one and thought I'd ask.

Are/were there any other series, beside Scooby Doo, that you explored/are curious about crossing into YJ from beyond DC (I assume if you are, say, in talks for Ben 10 x Young Justice you can't say)

Not sure how the legalese of that question works, as sometimes it feels like rights get lost in WB sometimes.

Greg responds...

I can't think of anything, honestly. Doesn't mean some random idea wasn't tossed out at some point, and I've simply forgotten. But nothing's coming to mind.

Unless you count the just-for-fun Gargoyles/Spectacular Spider-Man/Young Justice crossovers I wrote for various radio plays at various conventions, all of which can be viewed on YouTube.

Response recorded on February 04, 2022

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Crossoverparinglover writes...

This is something I was wondering about when thinking about S3 of YJ, where the League and heroes seems to be in a more stable popularity position than in S2, for example, though not as popular as they were in S1, but is the Justice League more popular in, for lack of a better way of putting it, free and moral countries?

...There is no better way of putting it than that. Biyalia is ruled by Queen Bee. Rhelesia's ambassador is a Wildstorm villain and was united by The Light, the African country has a Birds of Prey villain as dictator, and Russia...well regardless of how you see it I think 'the Superman is American' is a phrase.

These countries are where distrust of the League seems most prominent, which seems like that Lex was basically able to use a combination of countries who don't want stronger people overthrowing them (the dicatorships), and/or those who don't really like America (Russia) to hamper the League. If this distrust was widespread, IDK, I feel like there would be a different vibe.

If Superman stopped anywhere in America, Netherlands, Canada, Japan, Botswanna, etc, I suspect he'd be recieved warmly. The Justice League liked. Etc etc. The dislike is something that is more or less maintained in public eye by where bad actors can use power (U.N) and some level of public relations astroturphing, with a bit of help by Reach-based damages and a possibly outdated public relations apparatus for the Justice League.

Or am I a bit rosy and if, say, Superman stopped in the wrong part of America or Canada he'd get beer bottles thrown at him even in S3.

Greg responds...

Superman's popularity in America is pretty self-evident. But overall, the League's popularity was way down at the beginning of Season Three, though the factors you mention above certainly played a roll. It had improved significantly by the end of the season.

Response recorded on February 04, 2022

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Kyle writes...

Are we ever going to see a gradual LGBT teenage romance in the vein of Conner and M'gann or Wally and Artemis? I love Kaldur and Wynnde, as well as the representation of Halo, but I really want to see that slow burn romance that's kind of an arc in and of itself. Especially with LGBT male characters, we tend to be represented in the adult characters and already in relationships. It'd be so cool to see a S1 Wally/Artemis dynamic between two guys, especially if they're still figuring out their sexuality.

Greg responds...


But I hear you.

Response recorded on February 04, 2022

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Alex writes...

1. Is Roy Harper a descendant of Vandal Savage in YJ?
2. Does the Light still have the remains of his right arm?
3. Does Roy have a favourite clone?
4. Has he forgiven Ollie for leaving him on ice for 8 years?
5. Does Roy still use his bow and arrow?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

3. Do you mean does he prefer Jim to Will or vice versa? Well, if he does, I'm sure he's not going to tell anyone that. He's not that insensitive.

4. Most days, yes.

5. He thinks of himself as a living arsenal, so he'll use whatever weapon is convenient for the moment. But a bow and quiver are bulky items, so they aren't a part of his regular weaponry.

Response recorded on February 04, 2022

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Artemis's Boyfriend & University writes...

Greetings, Greg! I have some questions about Artemis's boyfriend and the university she teaches at, as seen in Episode 5 of YJ: Phantoms.

1. How old is Artemis's Boyfriend?
2. How long has he and Artemis known each other?
3. What is the name of the university/college Artemis works at?
4. Is this her first semester as a professor?
5. Does she teach multiple types of literature or just Classic Literature?

Thank you and I hope you're having a fantastic day! :)

Greg responds...

1. Artemis' boyfriend was born in 1989.

2. Not VERY long.

3. Royal University.

4. It depends how you define professor.

5. She teaches comparative literature.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

Is Jade/Cheshire a wanted criminal at this point? Is there a warrant out for her arrest?

Greg responds...

"A warrant"? No. Not "a warrant."

Multiple warrants, on the other hand, would be a separate question.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

What is the name of Mist's power?

Greg responds...

The name? She turns into mist. Maybe she's mistifying.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Ashley writes...

Hi, I'm a big fan of Gargoyles and have recently been binge watching it on Disney Plus; though I plan to skip the third season. I don't know if you are still answering these things, but I do have a question about The Mirror. Or more specifically Demona's transformation into a human every day. she once told Mcbeth that Puck's gifts always come with a price, but considering how mad he looked at the end of The Mirror when she was rejecting his offer, I got to wonder

If Demona hadn't made him mad, would the transformation still have been painful?

Greg responds...

Probably not. But you never know with Puck.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the opening for "Young Justice: Outsiders," each of the main characters have their designation numbers; which are shown changing from what they were when they first started to what they are in the present. However, in the case of Zatanna (who had three designation numbers throughout the series), for some reason, it is somewhat hard to see the altering designation numbers inside her "Z" character symbol; while the rest of the characters' designation numbers can be seen easily in comparison. Is there any specific reason for this?

Greg responds...

I assume your talking about Phantoms, rather than Outsiders. I have seen the main title many times, and I haven't had any particular problem reading Zatanna's three designation numbers. Certainly, it doesn't seem any more difficult than catching anyone else's numbers. At least not to me. In any case, all three of her numbers have been used on the show and aren't a secret. She was A-03, then B-08, then 25.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does Barbara know that Dick and Zee were together ?
2. If the answer to the first question is yes, how did she react when she learned it ?
3. Had Dick ever sleep with Zee ?
4. Are you ever going to give us a reason to why did Dick and Zee broke up ? Because the majority of the fandom has been wondering it since season 2 .
Hope you’re doing well and thanks for your time and answers.

Greg responds...

1. Yes. That's clear in issue #20 of the comic.

2. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. Ever? Sure. Given enough episodes or issues or whatever. Eventually.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. When did Barbara joined the Team ?
2. When she joined, were Dick and Zatanna still together ?
3. Did Barbara and Zatanna already happened to team up ( like just the two of them ) ?
4. How did Zatanna and Barbara meet ?
5. Would you say that they (Zatanna and Barbara) are good friends, very good friends or just friends ?

Greg responds...

1. I feel like I've answered this before, but okay: Team Year Four.

2. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

5. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 Does Lex Luthor genuinely see superboy as his son?
2 If the answer to question 1 is yes. How does lex view match simply as a failed experiment or also as his son?
3 Did the infinity inc members work for lex before he came up with the idea of creating his own outsiders or did he recruit them immediately after coming up with the idea.
4 Does Lex Luthor hate the outsiders or does he merely consider them very annoying to his interests
5 Was lex luthor aware of superboy and miss martian’s engagement? And if he was aware. Did have any thoughts about it or did he not care at all?

Greg responds...

1. Though I have my own opinions, I think I'll leave that to your interpretation.

2. Lex shares no DNA with Match. But I don't think he views any experiment as a failure. Some are simply learning experiences.

3. No spoilers.

4. I think once he calmed down, the answer is closer to option b.

5. I'm sure he and all the Light keep track of the young heroes at this point, and at some point he must have seen a surveillance photo of Megan wearing her ring.

5a. Again, I'm inclined to leave this to your interpretation.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Jeri writes...

What do you think of shipping? What's the most surprising pairing you've seen?

Greg responds...

1. If it makes fans happy, I have no objection. And I say that being very aware of the fact that sometimes fans ship characters so hard that when the show doesn't go that direction, they get upset. That's a tad frustrating. But I can live with it, if they can.

2. Um. Probably Demona and Elisa. I don't know where the heck that one comes from.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Are Mist and Livewire a couple in Young Justice Outsiders? Or are they friends?

Greg responds...

Well, they're definitely good friends. Beyond that, I'll leave the extent of their relationship to your interpretation for now. Or I could just say, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

1) Is Artemis an adjunct professor? Or, is it a tenure track position?

2) Having lived the life of a graduate student I can tell you a professorship is not a part-time job! Between teaching, research, administrative tasks, training, fighting, her responsibilities as an aunt and mentor, how does Artemis find time to do it all?

Greg responds...

1. I'd have to do research to figure that out for sure, but I lean toward tenure-track.

2. I'm going to point out that being a reporter is likewise a full-time job, as is being a C.E.O., and yet somehow Superman and Batman manage it. We're gonna need a LITTLE suspension of disbelief here, or the whole series is doomed.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Where to Turn...

This comment, posted on ASK GREG, was brought to my attention today, and I thought I should respond sooner rather than later...

Question received on Wed, February 02, 2022 12:26:33 AM
Anonymous writes...
I'm not really a fan of how you've increasingly used GLAAD and MPAC to shield yourself from criticism from fans. I've seen you use their support to say the criticism isn't a monolith more than once. Yeah of course it's not a monolith, but that doesn't mean the criticism isn't valid. It comes off a little -i can't be racist i have a black friend- Not to mention that these Hollywood institutions are often out of touch with everyday people, so you should listen to your fans as much as you listen to them. And as a cis white straight man, you dont ever have the right to tell someone who is LGBT or a POC that they're wrong. Just log off Twitter and stop responding. People are allowed to have their own opinions.

This is clearly a response to the following Twitter exchange:

Stop misrepresenting Islam and Muslims in your cartoons. The bare minimum is to educate yourself about the topic. Being a Muslim magician is oxymoronic the 2 are not compatible. Performing magic takes one out of Islam. One cannot be both like Khalid claims.
5:56 PM · Jan 28, 2022·Twitter Web App

Greg Weisman
We ran everything on that episode, which was written by @nidachowdhry and performed by @UsmanAlly, by @SueObeidi and the folks at @mpac_national. And they were happy with it. So perhaps - just perhaps - you should consider that not every Muslim agrees with you.

First off, I agree that people are allowed to have their opinions. I never said otherwise. I NEVER said that Xaar was "wrong". I clearly wrote that perhaps not every Muslim viewer agrees with him, her or them, and I clearly have evidence to back that statement up. Yet, you seem to have no problem mischaracterizing what I wrote. Likewise, you seem to have no problem disrespecting me, and by implication disrespecting the Muslim writer of the episode, disrespecting the Muslim actor who performed the role of Khalid, and disrespecting the Muslim organization that works daily to improve how Muslims are depicted in the media. (And for no particular reason, disrespecting GLAAD while you were at it.)

Meanwhile, as a pragmatic matter, I'm not exactly sure what alternative you're preaching.

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that you are right about MPAC and GLAAD being "Hollywood institutions" that "are often out of touch with everyday people." [And to be clear, I disagree with that statement strongly. I even take some umbrage at the notion that MPAC's Sue Obedi is not "everyday people," or the implication that I'm not.] But again, for the sake of argument, who else should I be consulting when I and the rest of the YJ crew make a concerted effort to accurately and respectfully depict Muslims? The fans? How would that work in advance of us making something for the fans to see. Should I poll a random selection of fans? And would that make everyone happy? As it currently stands, I've received complaints on this point from only two "fans". The relatively anonymous "Xaar" and the completely anonymous you (and that's assuming that you yourself are not Xaar, i.e. that you are not the same person slamming me twice on two separate forums). The dozen or so other comments I've received from self-stated Muslim fans have all been highly positive. So do I need 100% agreement in order to do ANYTHING? Or can I go with the prevailing sentiment expressed by most fans (a.k.a. everyday people), MPAC, the writer and the actor?

See, the thing is I'm not hiding behind MPAC or GLAAD. But I am respecting their opinions - and relating those opinions to you and the rest of the fandom, because I think its pertinent information.

Mostly, as a self-admitted "cis white straight [animist Jewish] man," I'm admitting I'm NOT an expert on being a cis biracial straight Muslim man. So instead, I WENT to experts. That's how this works. And I don't see how else it could work. Or are you suggesting that I should only write about cis white straight [animist Jewish] male characters, and never attempt to add diversity to the projects I work on? Cuz, frankly, that's not going to happen, and I don't really think anyone wants that - unless what they really want is a DIFFERENT "crime" with which to hammer me.

As for logging off Twitter, there are days (like today) when I want nothing more. But (a) I feel the need to promote the projects I've worked on, both for the sake of my own career and for the other people who've worked so hard on those projects, and (b) if, as you say, people are entitled to their opinions, then I figure I'm also entitled to mine. So I'm not going to allow you or anyone like you to chase me off. Certainly not over the sin of YOU misquoting ME.

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Anonymous writes...

How old is Damien.
Is his last name Wayne or al Ghul?
How old if Onyx?

Greg responds...

Damian al Ghul was born in Team Year Eight.

Onyx Adams was born in 2004.

Response recorded on February 01, 2022

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Verdragon writes...

Why was Ted Kord's memorial hologram in the Cave Grotto rather than on the Watchtower?

Greg responds...

At the time, there was no memorial grotto in the Watchtower. That changed after Mount Justice was destroyed.

Response recorded on February 01, 2022

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Clark Cradic writes...

Any DC characters you're not allowed to use for any reason? I know some legal issues prevented certain characters from showing up in previous DC shows, so has that particular hurdle happened for you as well?

Greg responds...

It happened with four characters during season one of YJ, but the restriction was lifted DURING that season - too late to change anything that season. Since then, each of the four characters (Troia, Cassie Sandsmark, Ted Kord, Darkseid) have appeared on the series. We haven't had any other restrictions since.

Response recorded on February 01, 2022

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Jason R Carter writes...

What's the status of Ollie and Dinah's relationship as of the end of Team Year Eight?

Greg responds...

They have rocky moments, but they love each other.

Response recorded on February 01, 2022

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emmy the vampire slayer writes...

hi, greg ðŸ'‹

is megan in season 4 a transgender allegory? the scene where she says that form isn't who she's inside is a VERY trangender thing. was that on purpose or not? in season 1, when you were asked about this, you said you didn't have a trans metaphor in mind for megan, but things changed, i guess. (or not)

i think she works a lot better being a allegory for a trans person than for a person of color to be honest. but she can be both, i guess.

oh, and do dogs live longer in YJ? you said they live longer in gargoyles because they should live longer in real life, so in your universe, they do.

ps: i'm not saying you shouldn't like your show. you should, it's good :)

Greg responds...

1. I think it's become both. Fans told us that they related to Megan as a trans allegory, so we went with that, while maintaining her growing out of the desire to be part of a "passing" allegory.

2 I believe I said Gargoyle Beasts live longer than dogs. But maybe you could show me a link to whatever wild thing I said. In any case, no. In YJ, a normal dog has a normal dog lifespan.

Response recorded on February 01, 2022

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