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Paul writes...

Since Onyx and Cassandra Savage were both present in the Vault at the end of "Tale of Two Sisters", were they given A-designations?

Greg responds...

No. The vault isn't a League facility. The Zeta-Tube in the Vault requires designations. But entering and exiting through the door does not, as long as there's someone willing to run an override.

Response recorded on February 24, 2022

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Anonymus writes...

Hi Greg!

I was wondering, what do you do in your spare time? I've seen that you read comics and watch some shows, but does it ever get tiring for you, with you being a show writer and creator?

Thanx! :D!

Greg responds...

Um... it does, actually. Especially since the pandemic started, giving me MORE time to read comics and watch shows. I find I have less patience than I used to. And even though I'm still reading and watching a lot, I'm doing it much slower, watching and reading a lot less these days, PER DAY.

I also listen to audiobooks, mostly detective fiction, when I drive. But, again with the pandemic, I don't drive nearly as much as I used to. No daily commute, for example.

I've started walking a lot - only this year. I used to do the treadmill a couple times a week while watching an OLD movie (often but not always something in the TCM vein). I'm still doing that, but now I'm also taking long walks in the neighborhood four times a week, while listening to old songs I like. And once a week I walk into the village to go to the ATM, mail letters, maybe get a smoothie or pick up prescriptions, etc. So now I'm walking seven days a week, rather than two.

This is important, because I put on something like thirty pounds over the first 18 months of the pandemic. So I'm also DIETING. Which - no surprise - I really hate. But it's working. I've lost about ten. I'm plateauing now, but I'm hoping to push through.

Very recently, I started doing Wordle. I have a sixteen day streak going, I think. That is, I'm sixteen for sixteen. (And now I've probably jinxed that.)

I talk to friends and family and even see them occasionally. Talk to my kids, who live on the opposite coast. Spend a lot of time with my wonderful wife.

And I work.

I love to sleep, but I'm not good at it. I'm nocturnal, but the world is diurnal, so that often curtails my sleep-time, as I go to bed around 2am, give or take, but often have to get up at a reasonable hour none-the-less in order to do business and get paid. So I take naps occasionally.

What else?

I think that's about it, these days. I have a very good life. It's probably very dull. But it works for me. Though I am ready for this Pandemic to go Endemic already.

Response recorded on February 24, 2022

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Suzie writes...

I have only one question. Now I have a pretty good idea what was said, but after all this time I just want official confirmation. When Wally was finally told about Miss Martian and Superboy's relationship what exactly did Artemis whisper in his ear when she told him. Word for Word please.

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination. Word for word.

Response recorded on February 24, 2022

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Jason R Carter writes...

Where was the real Orion while M'comm was impersonating him?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 24, 2022

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Fisher writes...

Is Eduardo Dorado Jr. out to his father? If so, what team year did he come out?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I haven't thought about that, honestly.

Response recorded on February 24, 2022

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Curious Canadian writes...

When episodes from seasons 3 and 4 air on television in Canada (or other non-streaming locations around the world), do you get to decide when commercial breaks are inserted or is that decision made by the broadcaster?

(PSA: I hope all my fellow Canadian Young Justice fans are remembering to support Season 4 on Teletoon every Sunday!)

Greg responds...

I hope so, too.

We have suggested Act Breaks in our scripts, but I doubt anyone is looking at those. I'm not even sure how they could.

We made a decision to present the best possible version of the show for first-run streaming in the U.S., knowing that down the road, things like commercial breaks and/or the series being edited for content and/or for time to fit in a specific time slot (with commercials) could happen.

Response recorded on February 24, 2022

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Verdragon writes...

So how exactly did you wind up doing additional voices for the Square Enix game "The Last Remnant"?

Greg responds...

I barely remember. But New Generation Pictures' Jonathan Klein, a former student of mine, has hired me on occasion, ever since I directed 3x3 Eyes for him.

Response recorded on February 23, 2022

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Family writes...

How long has Iris been hosting the get-togethers of heroes and their kids?
Does Lobo live on Rimbor?
Has he fought the League before?
Did he attend the six Leaguers' trial?
How did Queen Bee know that he failed to kill Forager?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. A while now. It began after the twins were born, more informally.

2. He's more of a nomad.

3. Members of the League.

4. No.

5. The Light has observers.

Response recorded on February 23, 2022

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

I've got some questions about membership.

Are Lia Briggs and Livewire on the Outsiders?
When did Robin and Windfall join the Outsiders?
Is Mist on the Team?

Greg responds...

1. Looker and Livewire are indeed members of the Outsiders.

2. Robin and Windfall joined the Outsiders in Team Year Nine. Though months apart.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on February 23, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

When was K'rii St'ferr born?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 23, 2022

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