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walkie writes...

I have a couple of YJ time travel related questions that may or may not run afoul of being spoilers.

1. When Neutron changed to being healthy and not having a collar at the end of 2x06, did he get the memories that he would have had in the new reality Bart created when he asked why it didn't all change? Or will he get those memories over time?

2. Why was he there in that moment? What reason would he have for being there if him sending Bart back was no longer necessary? Or does time travel work in the sense that it only takes hold from the moment someone travelled back from?

3. Was that new future itself transitive, ie did it result from only what Bart changed so far (as of the end of 2x06) and not take in what Bart would change later in the season? Or was the destroyed Mount Justice a direct sign that it didn't, as that happened later in 2x09?

4. This will probably get no spoilers, but if its the latter from Q3 and the destroyed Mount Justice is from 2x09, then does that mean that Neutron's judgement that nothing else changed could be (not is) wrong?

5. Once again, this will likely get no spoilers, but in the future that Bart is from can we assume the Light lost somehow against the Reach?

Thanks so much


Greg responds...

1. Because of his close-proximity exposure to Chronoton radiation, he will have to teach himself what happened. He will never truly experience the revised timeline as memories. In theory.

2. His exposure kept him there. Beyond that, I'm forced to answer No spoilers, for now.

3. It was all-encompassing within that timeline.

4. It was clearly wrong.

5. That's not a safe assumption. The Reach triumphing doesn't mean that the Light lost.

3. I don't know what this extra three was for.

Response recorded on March 08, 2022

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