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James writes...

Dear Greg,

My father and I recently started watching "Young Justice" and are enjoying it greatly.

I have a few questions:

1. I love the realistic depiction of powers; I do, however, have some questions about the Martians. I am a bit confused as to why Ms. Martian doesn't telepathically blast all her enemies at various points in the show--or why she doesn't telekinetically repel or control them all, similarly to how Parasite controlled Superboy. When fighting Slade on the Manta submarine, could she not, regardless of whether or not it would be advantageous, not force him to fall asleep or smash him repeatedly against a wall?
2. On a similar note, how do Rocket's powers exactly work? Could she defeat nearly anyone in a fight by enclosing them in a bubble (Superman, Batman, etc)? Obviously, the trick is to combat her with multiple opponents.
3. Is there a character who is considered the most central to the show; and why was the cast expanded so much in subsequent seasons?

Please continue the good work.


Greg responds...

1. I don't know how she could make him fall asleep. She could smash him against the wall repeatedly - assuming he didn't do something to stop her. He's a resourceful guy.

2. Her bubbles aren't completely impenetrable. Kinetic energy fuels them, but other types of energy can dismantle them.

3. Our original leads are central to the show. But we felt strongly that the world should keep moving. And so more characters appear all the time. (And we did quite a bit of expanding in the first season, as well. Keep in mind, we started with only three heroes: Aqualad, Robin and Kid Flash. Everyone else came after.)

Response recorded on March 10, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

On occasions when you say "NO SPOILERS" in response postings, is that your way of saying, "Some questions have a way of answering themselves if you wait and observe"?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 09, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to the end credits scene in which Superman was talking to Lois on the phone, I wonder how long it took for him to eventually realize that he would go back to Earth WITHOUT his shoes and if he'd be embarrassed by the late realization?

Greg responds...

Even if he knew instantly, he probably wouldn't have cared. But, yes, once he opened a boomtube in the middle of his and Lois' Metropolis apartment and showed up shoeless when nothing was really wrong, he was probably a bit embarrassed.

Response recorded on March 09, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

With Superman and Lois Lane's marriage, that means Superboy is Lois' brother-in-law and Jonathan's uncle, correct? And that also means Jonathan and Martha Kent are Lois' father-in-law and mother-in-law too, correct?

Greg responds...

Yeah. Was any of that in question? Jonny even refers to Superboy as Uncle Conner.

Response recorded on March 09, 2022

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The Greenman writes...

My Question is more logistical. I am curious of the process of V.A.s specifically of Star Trek association.

I have been waiting on some actors to appear, but assume some are too expensive. For example I believe that you reached out to Patrick Stewart for a past project and that aforementioned issue left him unaffordable for your desire. I look at others who I haven't expected to see appearing animation projects i.e. K. Mulgrew reprising Captain Janeway.

As a Teekkie myself, I have been hoping more actors show up. One I've been hoping is Erick Avari who has such a unique voice. I also assume the legendary George Takei is practically off limits. Your thoughts, and are you open to the NEW series of Trek actors?

Greg responds...

Taking your last question first, absolutely.

I haven't priced anyone recently. I try not to think about that. Generally speaking, availability is a way bigger issue than cost, especially since the pandemic.

I worked with Kate Mulgrew, of course, on Gargoyles. Would love to work with her again with the right part. There are actually a ton of actors I've worked with before that I'd be thrilled to use again. But timing and role don't always sync up.

I voice directed George Takei on Team Atlantis. But I'm pretty sure that was on one of the episodes that never was completed or saw the light of day. I'm sure I have a cassette tape with his work on it in my storage room somewhere.

Haven't worked with Patrick Stewart, but it would be an honor. And I love Erick Avari. Saw him play King Lear once on stage. He was fantastic. But you have to be thinking of someone at the right time for the right role. It's more of a crapshoot than you'd probably guess.

Response recorded on March 09, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

How were auditioned done for season four? Was any done during the lock down?

Who suggested Logan Browning for Onyx? She's so good!

Greg responds...

1. I'm trying to remember if we did auditions for any character for season four... I'm not sure we did. Oh, wait. Yes. But that character hasn't appeared in the first thirteen yet.

2. Yes. The one character I'm thinking of we auditioned by sending copy out to agents, etc., and getting readings back.

3. I'm fairly certain that was Jamie Thomason. And I agree, Logan was amazing in the role!

Response recorded on March 09, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. If Roy asks Ollie to get rid of his goatee, will Ollie do it?
2. Do the members of Arrow family like the chili Ollie make?
3. Are Dinah and Babara good friends?
4. What was Green Arrow doing in Season 3, he let Arrowette work with the Bat Team but what was he doing in the season?
5. In the very first episode, why would Green Arrow tell Red Arrow (still speedy at that time) the Hall of Justice isn't the real base instead the watchtower is?

Greg responds...

1. The question feels moot to me because why would Roy do that?

2. Um... sure.

3. I would think so.

4. He was also working with Batman's group. And doing his own thing. And successfully reconciling with Dinah.

5. Information is power. The rest I'll leave to your interpretation.

Response recorded on March 08, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

The second arc is titled after works of literature... because Artemis is a lit professor.
The third arc is titled after backwards spells... because Zatanna.

But what are the first arc episodes titled after? I can't see the connection between the titles and the main players.

Greg responds...

Fair question.

At the time, I had the idea of doing one-word adjectives as titles that expressed an emotion that one or more characters was feeling, which seemed to fit with the telepathic nature of M'arzz. I think in the arcs that followed, Brandon helped us hone in a bit more on something more specific for each arc's title schema.

Response recorded on March 08, 2022

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Imaad R writes...

Hi Greg! I'm such a big fan of you and the spectacular team's take on Spider-Man. I grew up with Spectacular, (and young justice!) and it came back as a big inspiration in my life as an artist and writer after insomniacs fantastic games and rereading the classic comics from when I was a kid. You have created my favorite versions of these characters by modernizing them and giving them that classic feel in ways that blow my mind. Im a pretty classic spidey fan (i love lee/ditko/romita) despite being in my teens and I value cohesion like your take did. I have a question however from an aspiring writer to a professional;
If I think that a version long passed (yours) was the best version of something, what can I do to personally find a way to make my own take, despite having a similar mindset? Should I be afraid to be similar?
I would really value your opinion and again, thanks for your fantastic and inspiring work. Really hoping to see more of your stuff!

Greg responds...

Well, first off, thanks.

Secondly, as a professional, I really wouldn't spend much time (even much idle brain time) adapting something that you don't own, unless you're (a) being paid to do it or (b) you have a reasonable hope of being paid to do it. And even for (b), I wouldn't recommend doing very much work until someone said, "Yes! I love where you're going with this. Let me pay you to go further." Instead, I'd recommend coming up with your own original thing. Blow us away with that. And then maybe will want to trust you to adapt something that is theirs, e.g. Marvel with Spider-Man.

But finally, to get to your question, I guess I wouldn't sweat it too much. If I adapt Lee/Ditko or Lee/Romita comics, I'm still borrowing from what came before. And I'm not stopping there, nor am I shy about "stealing" from any of the source material from any era. Because, that's NOT stealing. It's adapting. I'm sure my adaptation had many similarities with others that came both before or after Spectacular. Of course it did. We're all going back to the same source material. So how could it not?

Response recorded on March 08, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Which misconceptions about Captain Atom and his supporting cast annoy you the most?

Greg responds...


1. The conflation of Captain Atom with either (a) Doctor Manhattan or (b) Wildfire of the LSH. Cap is neither an empty shell full of energy as Wildfire is, nor does he have the godlike transformation/transmutation powers of Manhattan.

2. The idea that you can blow Cap up and his destruction releases the equivalent of an atom bomb. He's tapped into the quantum flow, but if he had built up enough power from the flow to be able to generate that kind of explosion, the excess energy would have instantly transported him into the future.

3. Anyone who divorces the Captain's story from the love of his children. That's his raison d'être. Period. That's not to say he can't participate in an adventure that has nothing to do with his kids. A League mission or what not. But if the story is about him, then everything with him is about his kids. He is a dad first. A super-hero and/or a soldier second/third.

4. Anyone who forgets that Cap is a man out of his time. It's not quite as big a deal as the kid thing. He has adapted. But it's important to remember that the 1960s was not that long ago to him.

5. General Wade Eiling is often mischaracterized from my point of view. This is a man with an agenda, but he's still (in his mind) a patriot. He's got a temper, but he's pragmatic not irrational. He'd never, for example, voluntarily place his brain inside the Shaggy Man. That's just silly to me. He's basically a proto-Xanatos. Wade's not as charming as David. But he's that smart and always armed with contingencies.

6. There are probably a lot of other things, too, if I thought about it too much. But the BIG ONE is...

7. The pronunciation of "Eiling." It's EE-ling, like an electric eel. All those people who pronounce it EYE-ling are just objectively wrong.

Response recorded on March 08, 2022

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walkie writes...

I have a couple of YJ time travel related questions that may or may not run afoul of being spoilers.

1. When Neutron changed to being healthy and not having a collar at the end of 2x06, did he get the memories that he would have had in the new reality Bart created when he asked why it didn't all change? Or will he get those memories over time?

2. Why was he there in that moment? What reason would he have for being there if him sending Bart back was no longer necessary? Or does time travel work in the sense that it only takes hold from the moment someone travelled back from?

3. Was that new future itself transitive, ie did it result from only what Bart changed so far (as of the end of 2x06) and not take in what Bart would change later in the season? Or was the destroyed Mount Justice a direct sign that it didn't, as that happened later in 2x09?

4. This will probably get no spoilers, but if its the latter from Q3 and the destroyed Mount Justice is from 2x09, then does that mean that Neutron's judgement that nothing else changed could be (not is) wrong?

5. Once again, this will likely get no spoilers, but in the future that Bart is from can we assume the Light lost somehow against the Reach?

Thanks so much


Greg responds...

1. Because of his close-proximity exposure to Chronoton radiation, he will have to teach himself what happened. He will never truly experience the revised timeline as memories. In theory.

2. His exposure kept him there. Beyond that, I'm forced to answer No spoilers, for now.

3. It was all-encompassing within that timeline.

4. It was clearly wrong.

5. That's not a safe assumption. The Reach triumphing doesn't mean that the Light lost.

3. I don't know what this extra three was for.

Response recorded on March 08, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

I'm wondering why Robin is on the Outsiders when the rest of the batfam/his former squad is on the Team? I'm guessing Robin is the only bat protege known to the public, but I'd think Tim's skills would be more useful on the covert team.

Greg responds...

Tim's skills would be useful on any squad. But Robin has been a public hero since Dick's days, and Tim felt he could do more good by being with the Outsiders.

But this question allows me to point something out that I think Brandon and I thought was obvious but given some fan response might not have been. Some fans seem to believe there's some kind of hard divide between the Team and the Outsiders. That if you're with one group then you can't even hardly communicate with the other group. That's simply not the case. Some members of both squads live at the Premiere Building. They're all friends to varying degrees. And it would just be silly not to exchange intel and/or help each other out. For example, you saw Looker and Terra - who are both Outsiders - attempt to help Tigress and the Team with the Cassandra Savage/Onyx Adams situation at Green Arrow's Vault.

So if the Team required Tim's skills, of course he'd help. Even go on a mission with them, if necessary.

Response recorded on March 07, 2022

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Family writes...

Why is Desaad supplying Intergang with Apokoliptan and Genesisisan technology?
When Martian Manhunter said that he knows that Batman knows that trauma tends to linger, does that mean that he knows about Batman's past?

Greg responds...

1. Alliances can prove useful.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on March 07, 2022

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Sam writes...

How big was Demona’s Clan by the Battle of Rathveramoen?

Greg responds...

I've never counted. But it was a decent size. Less than 40 gargoyles, but not a lot less.

Response recorded on March 07, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! First of all, I love Young Justice dearly; it’s such a nostalgic show with an incredible rewatch value too. Needless to say, I’m watching season 4 with the same interest as I did back when I was a kid. Hot me totally hooked up. But I also have 3 questions about the current season:

1. In this week’s episode, Artemis is in the park waiting for her sis, an «international assassin » and her boyfriend asks her « Oh is he a handsome international assassin? » to which she answers « Who says it’s an he? » which is followed up by his « Strangely, I’m even more jealous now ». Is this some kind of confirmation for a bisexual Artemis?

2. For how long did Dick live with Bruce before leaving and getting his own apartment? And does Bruce send him like... monthly support money too or something?

3. Would you say Jason Todd’s death happened before the Chalant break up or after or is it too spoilery of you to tell?

Greg responds...

1. It's not in and of itself, no. Which is not to say she isn't bisexual. Or that she is. The answer to that is NO SPOILERS. But I do think it's a mistake to read too much into a bit of teasing suggestive dialogue between flirtatious significant others.

2. Dick lived at Wayne Manor full-time until he graduated high school. And he still has a bedroom there.

2a. Bruce set up a trust fund for Dick, which he expects Dick to manage.

3. No spoilers.

Response recorded on March 07, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

Do characters such as Superman, Wonder Woman, and Shazam/Captain Marvel have genuine super-speed (e.g. the ability to perform actions at super-speed, superhuman reflexes ... etc.) like the Flashes? Or, do they just fly and run at great speeds?

Greg responds...

Hmm. Good distinction. I'd say they all have super-human reflexes, Superman especially, but not true super-speed like the Flashes have, where they can literally watch the world slow down as they ramp up.

Response recorded on March 07, 2022

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Ress writes...

A. Who trained Arsenal to use the katana?
A1. Can Arsenal still use his bow and arrow?

B. How good is Arrowette compared to Arsenal?

C. Why does Tigress call Arrowette and Arsenal to the library instead of Green Arrow or Black Canary?

D. Does the Arrowfam have family dinners?

E. Is Jim Harper friendly with Ollie?

F. Since Red Arrow didn’t take the news of Artemis becoming GAs new sidekick very well, was it the same case when it came to Arsenal when Arrowette became new sidekick to GA?

Greg responds...

A. No spoilers.

A1. Yes, but he's lost some precision.

B. At what?

C. Green Arrow and Black Canary aren't on her Team. Arrowette and Arsenal are.

D. I'm gonna say YES!

E. Yeah.

F. No. He was fine with it.

Response recorded on March 04, 2022

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Sam writes...

I have a few questions about Demona one of my favorite characters in the show and the one I pity most.

1) How much money does Demona have?
2) Does she know Thailog is still alive by hunters moon?
3) What is her position in Nightstone Unlimited before and after Thailog’s betrayal?
4) What was her real reaction to learning who Angela was?

Greg responds...

1. Quite a bit.

2. I'm not sure she ever took it for granted that he was dead.

3. Dominique Destine was co-C.E.O. with Alexander Thailog.

4. I'll leave that to your imagination ... for now.

Response recorded on March 04, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

In "Rescue Op" Barbara's computer finds a match for something which she considers "intriguing". What was it?

Greg responds...

You're testing my memory. Hold on...

Okay, I'm back. It was the info about Jaqqar Marlo's manner of death. I thought that was fairly obvious from the episode.

Response recorded on March 04, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Within Earth 16 is it possible for one to be both a metahuman and a proficient magic user? Almost everyone so far seem to be one or the other.

Greg responds...

That's not true at all. The homo magi are a subset of the meta-human population.

Response recorded on March 04, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. Within the universe of Earth 16 can magic users simply cast spells to replicate some of the powers that metahumans and aliens have, even if in a limited capacity? I.e. someone using magic to levitate someone or create fire to achieve the same effects that a telekinetic or a metahuman with fire based powers have.

2. Can human magic users and Martian magic users learn and use each other's magics? Like S’yraa S’mitt using Zatanna's backwards incantations?

Greg responds...

1. In theory.

2. That seems harder, but not necessarily impossible. Every individual's magic has its own signature. So each one's power is largely unique. But with study and effort and aptitude, who knows?

Response recorded on March 04, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. How do Garfield's powers register new species for him to shapeshift into? What's stopping him from taking say a Martian's, a Kryptonian's, or a Bioship's form?

2. Is there any particular reason why Martians only have one nation and not hundreds like humans have on Earth?

3. Was Paula Nguyen and/or her family (asking about her family from before she married Crusher) displaced by the US's imperialist actions in Vietnam?

Greg responds...

1. Ask the Monkey God, assuming you believe in the Monkey God.

2. Basically, that's a Martian history question. So aside from the obvious answer, NO SPOILERS, any response would be a complicated socio-political essay, that I'm not prepared to write at this time.

3. Not that I don't believe that the U.S. committed imperialistic actions in Vietnam, cuz I do, I find the way you phrased the question - whether intentionally or not - reductive. The short answer is that her family was displaced by what Americans call the Vietnam War.

Response recorded on March 03, 2022

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walkie writes...

1. Is Cluemaster's name Arthur Brown?
2. Is Stephanie Brown's mothers name Crystal Brown?
3. This will 99% get no spoilers, but I'll try, is orphan's father David Cain?

Greg responds...

1. Sure.

2. Um... No spoilers.

3. Does it matter?

Response recorded on March 03, 2022

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walkie writes...

Hi, wanted to say that I'm a big fan of YJ!

My questions mostly relate to season 3 continuity stuff, specifically the whole Batman reading Slade's micro expressions thing, and more specifically Atremis's knowledge of it.
She said that "we" have known since before they found her, implying that Nightwing/Batman told her what batman had seen. Does that mean that she was aware of the whole anti-light thing too, and if so was she made aware specifically because of that reason? (since she didn't know that Nightwing was talking to Oracle in the first episode, I assume she wasn't aware of it at that time, and since she's never named among the conspirators). Also, if she didn't know, did she just get told that Tara is a mole because Batman saw Slade's micro expressions so without asking why Batman was involved with Tara in the first place? And where was she during the episode where Jefferson basically blew the lid on the whole plot? I assume that if she wasn't already fully aware of the whole plot, she was made so before the full reveal to the rest of the team and league at the end of the season?

Sorry for the long paragraph, I just have been unsure on the depth and duration of Artemis' knowledge of the whole anti-light thing for a while.

Greg responds...

1. No. Artemis didn't know about the Anti-Light. But it's not surprising for her to hear that Batman told Nightwing something useful.

2. No one thought Batman went out of business. The fact that he was on Santa Prisca, investigating the League of Shadows' new base fit with the cover story that he had quit the League.

3. She clearly knew by the time of the big meeting in the Watchtower, where Nightwing officially spilled the beans. Almost everyone knew by then. I'm not sure exactly when she found out, but it was sometime between when Jeff figured it out at the Premiere Building and when Nightwing made it official at the Watchtower.

Response recorded on March 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1) When did Fire become a superheroine on Earth-16?

2) When did Magog become a superhero on Earth-16?

3) When did Steel become a superhero on Earth-16?

4) When did Wildcat become a superhero on Earth-16?

5) When did Dinah Drake become a superheroine on Earth-16?

Greg responds...

1. Beatriz da Costa debuted as a heroine during Team Year Six.

2. Team year Six.

3. Team Year Six.

4. 1942.

5. 1964.

Response recorded on March 03, 2022

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

Why is Barbara going by "Oracle" now?
When Will asks Dick who he's here to recruit this time, who did Dick recruit the other time and for what?
When did John Henry Irons become Steel?
When Jaculi murdered the king and queen was there a control chip on him?
When was Gabrielle Doue hired at the palace?

Greg responds...

1. She has a different role, and the name suited her.

2. No spoilers.

3. Team Year Six.

4. Nope.

5. Team Year Seven.

Response recorded on March 03, 2022

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Webster, A writes...

Happy to see Black Spider back in action in the latest season of Young Justice. Given how his skill set is so different from the comic Black Spider, who's idea was it to make the show's incarnation Peter Parker's evil twin? With how similar Black Spider is to Spectacular Spider-Man, even sharing the same voice actor, did any of the higher ups attempt to stop the character's creation in fear of upsetting some lawyers?

Greg responds...

1. It was my idea, basically. But I disagree that he's that different from the comic Black Spider. Admittedly, there have been multiple interpretations of that character, even multiple individuals who have used that name. But classically, he was always a Spider-Man pastiche.

2. Nope. The existing DC character seems to have given us cover.

Response recorded on March 02, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Is Rictus male or female?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 02, 2022

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Verdragon writes...

How hard is it to clean up Black Spider's webs?

Greg responds...

What's the rule? After an hour, they just dissolve?

Response recorded on March 02, 2022

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SkyGoyle B0X writes...

Hey Greg I'm a big fan of how the Martian race is depicted in YJ that they have a less human looking natural form, that they have less shared powers with Kryptonians and the world building for them.

1) If it's not a spoiler request when between seasons did Conner and Gar first meet M'gann's folks?

2) Did J'onn meet M'aatt before he got sent to Earth or after he first came back to Mars?

3) I couldn't help but notice how excited M'aatt looked when he spoke about building an alter with Conner. Am I right in guessing this was either the first time he got to do so or he didn't get to do this for a lot of his G'arrunn kids?

4)I'm admittedly not the most well read individual but I know enough pop culture to tell you guys drew on a lot of different inspirations for the Martian race and culture. What were the main influences?

5) Did M'gann have any other default forms between seasons before settling on the one in Phantoms?

Greg responds...

1. Pretty soon after the end of Season Two.

2. Before.

3. I'm forced to answer No Spoilers to this.

4. There may have been fewer than you think, at least consciously. We made decisions back in Season One about what the Martian powers would be, what the Martian castes were and where Martians lived on Mars. As you noted, some of those decisions were made to differentiate Martians and Kryptonians. Brandon and I felt that when the Manhunter from Mars was first introduced, his species was quite distinctive. But over time - adding things like Martian vision, turning fire into his kryptonite, making him the last surviving Martian, etc. - he became a Superman knock-off. We also weren't fans of the idea that there was an entire Martian race that was just BORN EVIL!! So we made decisions that felt better for us. This season, we then extrapolated off those decisions to bring our version of M'arzz to life. I'm sure there were influences, including from DC Comics and Edgar Rice Burroughs and others, but they were less conscious for us. It was more about pushing forward on decisions we had already made.

5. No spoilers. But the answer is basically no.

Response recorded on March 02, 2022

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Paul writes...

Is Looker Scottish or Irish? It sounds as though she has a Celtic accent, but I can't place which one it is (sorry)!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

In Outsiders, was it your intention for Khary's voicing of Amistad to be comedic?

Greg responds...

Yes, in that moment. Anyway, it made me laugh.

Response recorded on March 01, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Is the Vault the same place that Roy raided in "Satisfaction"?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2022

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Paul writes...

1. In the latest episode, "Artemis Through the Looking Glass", it appears as though El Dorado has the designation D-07. Since he was never a member of the Team, did he ever have a B-designation?

2. Since Cyborg was never a member of the Team, did he ever have a B-designation?

3. Regarding the D-designations (for the Outsiders), were these created/implemented immediately after that squad was formed (December of Team Year Eight)? Or was it a while before they came up with the idea to have their own group of designations with their own assigned letter?

Greg responds...

1. He did briefly. He also had an A designation for a while before that.

2. He did briefly.

3. Not instantly. D-designations went into service on February 25th of Team Year Nine.

Response recorded on March 01, 2022

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Ana Cristina writes...

Was Roy father a ranger?

Greg responds...

No origin spoilers.

Response recorded on March 01, 2022

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