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Anonymous writes...

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. This quote is not from my I Know Why a Caged Bird Sings but rather from Dust Tracks on a Road
Book by Zora Neale Hurston, so why was this quote used or should I just chalk it down to a goof by Artemis Crock Comparative Literature Teacher.

Greg responds...

The error is mine. The quotation IS in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, but I didn't realize that it didn't originate there. Me culpa.

Response recorded on May 02, 2022

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King_Joey writes...

1. Are the prosthetics that Cyborg has made of materials from the Reach device that exploded next to him? I ask because he told Beast Boy that Blue Beatle helped him discover a weapon in his are and Blue Beatles armor is all nanotech.

2. Does this mean that the Fatherbox that made those prosthetics repurposed the material from the Reach device to make those prosthetics?

3. So Cyborg is Apokoliptian tech, possible made of Reach material depending on how you answered the first two questions, with Mobius tech software? I am asking is his Operating System Mobius tech since the Fatherbox soul is gone or did the Chair change the hardware somehow?

Greg responds...

1. I don't think so. But it'd be a good question to discuss with Brandon Vietti. But I think for the most part that Cyborg's prosthetics are New God tech.

2. Again, I don't think so.

3. Apokoliptan tech with Mobius software sounds about right to me.

Response recorded on May 02, 2022

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Masterdramon writes...

Howdy Greg! Hope that you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving (though at the rate the queue's been filling up lately, you probably won't see this question until 2022, LOL).

I'd like to take a brief break from the flood of YJ questions (with a smattering of Gargoyles and Spidey) to poke your brain as a scholar of the Bard. I know you've stated in the past, most particularly in this post, that you find it impossible to select a single favorite Shakespeare play:


However, I'm curious if you happen to have a LEAST favorite play, or at least ones that excite your senses less than others.

For me, while my scholarship and experience is nowhere near as vast as yours (I've read most, but only seen a couple live...not a lot of Shakespeare festivals in Hawaii, unfortunately), if pressed I would have to say I have difficulty finding much value in TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA.

There's little in it that isn't done better in later, stronger comedies, and Proteus lacks the nuance or poeticism of his other villainous figures, even ones intentionally designed to be odious like Iago or cast as such for political (Macbeth) or cultural (Shylock) reasons.

(Made all the more baffling by the fact that he gets a suitably protagonist-y happy ending, with the woman he cheated on and tried to rape five minutes prior no less.)

Just curious if there's something you feel I'm missing, taking in this play solely from the page. While there are obviously some plays that get my mind whirring more than others, TWO GENTLEMAN is the only one I ever came away from outright disliking.

Well, interested in whatever thoughts you're willing to offer. All the best, Greg!

(YJ: Phantoms to kick ass every week, BTW!)

Greg responds...

Two Gentlemen is not a favorite. You'll notice on the above link I didn't mention it. I'm not a huge fan of Merchant of Venice or Taming of the Shrew, either, though I have seen at least one tremendous production of each, that made me see those plays in a new light. I suppose someday I might see a tremendous production of Two Gentlemen, as well. But I'm not holding my breath.

I'm not a big fan of All's Well That End's Well, although the last production I saw (which was just as problematic as every other production I saw) gave me an idea for what I think I could do with it - so I try to keep an open mind.

I've only seen Timon of Athens once. And it's not pleasant. And I've never seen King John, though I hope to fix that this October in Ashland, Oregon.

And even the plays of Shakespeare that I like the most are all far from perfect. I don't really look for perfection, anyway.

Response recorded on April 29, 2022

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insert generic username here writes...

Hi! I’ve been watching Young Justice since 2014 and have been a big fan for years I have a couple of questions, which I hope aren’t spoilers bc I don’t want to ask for any.
1. How did Will choose his name?
2. Why is it that in season 1 when Kid Flash, Robin and Kalder were captured by Cadmus that they were going to clone them and delete or kill the source but after they cloned Roy they kept him alive. They said that the reason they amputated his (Roy) arm was to have an endless supply so why did they want to keep him but not the other three?
3. Do you have a favorite or rather one you are most proud of out of all the character arch’s through out the seasons?
3a. If so who’s is it?
3b. And from what season?
(My favorite character arc’s are probably Artemis in season one, M’gann in S2 and Nightwing in S3 and idk yet for s4 but they are really good from the episodes I’ve seen so far)

Greg responds...

1. The original Roy's full name is Roy William Harper. So the clone Roy thought that was his full name, as well. After the original Roy came back, the clone started going by his middle name, William - or Will for short.

2. By that time, the technology had advanced enough that Dr. Desmond no longer felt the need to keep the source bodies.

3. My brain doesn't work that way. I love 'em all.

3a. See above.

3b. See above.

Response recorded on April 29, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

Would someone who is accustomed to dealing with vertigo, such as an experience acrobat like Nightwing, be better at coping with Count Vertigo's power?

Greg responds...

Maybe. But It's hitting the inner ear and the central nervous system directly, so...

Response recorded on April 29, 2022

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BatFan2099 writes...

Not brownnosing, but I'm a big fan of Young Justice and a few of your other shows. I'm also an admirer of continuity, which is what drew me to this website. All of your comments about the show have been proven right and shown in the series itself at some point or another in ways that others have failed to do. How are you able to keep track of all this?

Greg responds...

Well, if we're being literal, not EVERYTHING has been correct, but I try.

In terms of method, it's fairly simple. I keep lists. I have timelines for almost every show I've ever done. I update all these documents constantly and consistently - and sometimes belatedly.

Response recorded on April 29, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

How old is K'arr M'angg?

Greg responds...

K'arr M'angg was born in 1858.

Response recorded on April 29, 2022

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CandidRock writes...

1. If you had 26 episodes as usual in season two what more stories would you like to have told?

Greg responds...

More Red Tornado, for starters. But beyond that, it's hard to say. We knew it was 20 from the moment we got the green light. So it's not like we built a 26 episode season and then cut six episodes. We built it as a 20 episode season.

Response recorded on April 28, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Why does Barry Allen have green eyes but when he's the Flash in season 3 his eyes are blue?

Greg responds...

Maybe asking the green-red color deficient guy isn't your best bet. Assuming you're correct, then there's clearly an error of some kind in play. But we do have our color stylists pay attention to eye color and we make every attempt to be consistent.

Response recorded on April 28, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

What is Jim’s day job and does he have a girlfriend?

Greg responds...

I assume you mean Jim Harper.

1. Nowadays, he works for and is a partner in Bowhunter Security.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on April 28, 2022

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