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Anonymous writes...

When was Nabu (Savage's son) born?

Greg responds...

I could've sworn I've answered this, but, fine: Nabu was born in 1836 B.C.E.

Response recorded on June 06, 2022

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Blurs writes...

Did Robin and Zatanna sleep together?

Greg responds...

A gentleman never tells.

Response recorded on June 06, 2022

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Fallenlegend writes...

Hey Greg!

I was one of the fans that keep asking an bugging about Mary Marvel (now Sargent) over the years and was pleasantly surprised to see you finally portray her.

I am actually extremely surprised how you caught on that obscure flaw of hers many fans don’t

Of how even in the old fawcett comics she was very very attached to her powers.

I recall there was an issue in the original fawcett run (Mary Marvel issue #4) were it is stated Shazam loses his powers every thousand years. And so did Mary herself.

So she extremely depressed and went crying to the point she felt useless for losing her powers, but still managed to save the day by her own power (similar to what you did) That in contrast to Billy who actually took losing his powers much better.

There are other examples in the comics, but usually she is the one to take it the worst of the marvel family when they get de-powered.

This also how she was corrupted im the infamous, and for some badly written, countdown comics were she got the black suit and went too drunk with power. And sacrificed her morality for power. Twice.

1.-My first question would be, am I right in the money, of you portraying her being too atached to her Shazam form being part of her “core true” and/or inspired by past stories?

Of course asking if she is ever going to transform is a spoiler so I am going to ask about her perspective instead. So my second question is

2-Does Mary consider giving up being Sargent Marvel as a permanent solution? As in does she gave up ever transforming? or just until she rehabilites and manages not too get drunk in power?

I am a bit sad we won’t see Sargent Marvel in action in the future, or the hole marvel family together, but still happy I got my wish on got to see your take on her.

Keep the great work!

Greg responds...

1. It all weighs in.

2. We'll have to see...

Response recorded on June 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Why did nabu bother testing zatanna’s students if he wasn’t planning on intervering anyway

Greg responds...

Well, I think he was trying to make a point to her. But I'll leave it up to your interpretation.

Response recorded on June 03, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

In "Teg ydaer" there is brief shot of the Elders (the gods & heroes that give Shazam his power). Their appearance is much like their appearance in the live-action Shazam! show from the 1970s. Was this a deliberate shout-out to that series?

Greg responds...

Of course. (I mean, you thought it might be an accident or coincidence?)

Response recorded on June 03, 2022

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Paul writes...

1) What is Sergeant Marvel's biological equivalent age? It was a surprise to see that she looked older than season 4 Mary, who would probably be about 20 years old.
2) What is Captain Marvel's biological equivalent age?

Greg responds...

1. Mary Bromfield was born in 2000.

1a. Sergeant Marvel was perpetually a biological 18.

2. Captain Marvel/Shazam is perpetually a biological 24.

Response recorded on June 03, 2022

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Paul writes...

Quick question about "Tea Ydaer!" (which was a fantastic episode!):

I remember that it was reported from Ask Greg Live several years ago (maybe it was in 2015?) that the plan for Lt. and Sgt. Marvel was to have them both wear pants and have stars and sashes on their outfits to indicate their "ranks". Now this is not a criticism AT ALL, as I thought Sergeant looked amazing in the latest episode, but I'm just wondering if there's a reason why the stars and sashes were ultimately not used for Sergeant? (Unless they were there and I just didn't notice them.)

As always, Greg, thanks for your response and for your work on this amazing show!

Greg responds...

I guess by the time we got around to designing her, I had forgotten about stars and sashes.

Response recorded on June 03, 2022

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NoOneSpecial writes...

1. What was the reasoning behind having the Team picking up souvenirs from their missions back in Season 1? I get that some items like the Helmet of Fate or Atremis' arrow would come into play later, but what was the initial intent behind it or the larger theme at work? Or was it done mostly for the reasons I stated?

2. By the end of Season 2, do the Team still collect souvenirs from their missions? Seems like they don't anymore since it's never brought up again.

3. Why did League allow the Team to hold onto the Helmet of Fate? Seems like that would be very dangerous souvenir to let the Team keep, whereas most of the other stuff is fairly benign.

Greg responds...

1. It was mostly a character beat for Wally.

2. I don't think so. Not consistently.

3. It was in the Cave, which meant it was still under League control.

Response recorded on June 03, 2022

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Mr.Felipe Barros writes...

Hi Greg, i wanted to say that i simply love your shows(YJ and Spider-Man are my favourites) everthing that you write specifically attracts me and you are probably one of my favorite writers :D. Anyway, recently i was thinking about characters age in Spectacular Spider-Man timeline so here are some questions:

1. How old is Black Cat? i think i saw some interview podcast that you said she was nineteen(but im not so sure) nevertheless, do you think is weird for her to kiss a 16 year old teenager? even though she problably thought he was older.

2. Did someone besides Flash Thompson in Peter class(like Harry or Gwen, or Peter himself) made 17 in the space of 6 months that the show is pass?

3. When Peter was bitten by the spider in the field trip of his sophomore year, he was sixteen already or was he fifteen and made sixteen after sometime later?

4. How are you theses days?

4a. Sorry for any grammatical mistake, im brazillian and english is a little dificult to write. Anyway, i wish the best for you :)

Greg responds...

1. She's 19. She didn't know Peter was 16.

2. I don't know. Though Kenny and Rand were seniors, so they were probably 17 or 18.

3. I don't believe we ever set a specific birthdate for Peter.

4. Can't complain. I mean, well, I do complain. All the time. But I really shouldn't complain.

4a. Your English is WAY better than my Portuguese!

Response recorded on June 03, 2022

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Ahadu Getachew writes...

Hey greg this is a two part question and i’m pretty this isn’t a spoiler question but when did Jason Todd become robin (Specifically how old was he) and how long was he on the team before he died? and thank so much for being the series back

Greg responds...

Jason Todd was born in 1999. He became Robin in Team Year Three. He died in the same year.

Response recorded on June 03, 2022

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Noble Maiden writes...

Hello Mr.Greg. I have been a big fan of your work since I was 13 To this date, I love Gargoyles (which I love making art of them and creating many OC) and recently became a fan of Young Justice.

I have many questions, but I won't take much of your time. There's one doubt that has been on my mind about Elisa Maza for a while now.

I know that in a Police Unit there are many departments for different types of crimes, from homicide to cybercrimes.
So it makes me wonder if Elisa has a specific department. Seeing how much she investigates Organized crime like Dracon and robbery, makes me wonder if she is a detective in Special Investigations.

I would truly appreciate an answer and I appreciate giving your time to answer all our questions.

Greg responds...

There are specialized units, but not everyone is assigned to them. Elisa is in the Detective Squad.

Response recorded on June 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. Exactly much money did Xanatos have to pay in order purchase Castle Wyvern? I mean, I know Owen said the cost was astronomical, but I'd still like to know the exact amount.

2. After Xanatos purchased Castle Wyvern, exactly how long did it take for the castle to be rebuilt on top of the Eyrie Building?

3. In part two of "Awakening," there seemed to be a moment where Xanatos appeared to look upset after the sun had set and the storm was occurring. Was the reason he looked upset at that moment was because he thought the castle was not high enough above the clouds and therefore he initially thought the stone sleep curse on the Goliath and his clan was not going to be broken?

Greg responds...

1. I dunno.

2. Well... check out the various entries in "This Day In Gargoyles History" in the Garg Universe Chronology section of ASK GREG, and you can do the math yourself.

3. I'm not sure he does look upset.

Response recorded on June 03, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

To what was Klarion referring to in 4.10 by "the oppositions new arrangements"? Are we already supposed to know what he is talking about? Or, does this fall into spoiler territory?

Greg responds...

By now, it's not a spoiler. It would've been when you asked the question. He was referring to Zatanna's plan to alternate host bodies for Doctor Fate.

Response recorded on June 02, 2022

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Musicfacter writes...

Hello Greg, I've already asked one question concerning M'gann but I wanted to ask another. Hopefully we aren't limited to the amount of questions we can ask. If so, I'd like this question to take precedence over my previous question as I'm particularly curious about it.

Given as ancient as Vandal Savage is and how far and wide he has traveled, is it the case that he is the Y-Chromosomal Adam of this Universe? If you are not familiar with this term, I'm asking is it the case that he is the most recent patrilineal ancestor (and maybe ancestor in general) that all human beings share? Is every being currently alive with human admixture - such as Superboy or Jonathan Kent - a direct descendant of Vandal Savage/member of his bloodline? I imagine that he is a direct ancestor of almost all humans who have ever lived as well .

Greg responds...

No. Not for all humans. I guess you could say he's that for all meta-humans, though, including the Homo Meta, Homo Magi and Homo Mermanus.

Response recorded on June 02, 2022

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Liam writes...

1: Was matches Malone a real person or did Bruce simply choose that name since it sounded Irish?
1b: was he a Gotham city criminal?
2: how exactlyis a martian bio suit made? Is it a process similar to the bio ship msting or is it made by martians themselves?
3: are perry white and Marvin white related?
4: what exactly caused Terra to change her costume to her new one in season 4? Was it meant to be a tribute to Brion or markovia? Or it her distancing herself from her brother?
5: Is Dinah Lance identity public knowledge? If it's not how does she protected considering she's running around maskless.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

1b. See above.

2. It's harvested.

3. No spoilers.

4. I honestly don't recall.

5. No.

5a. So's Superman.

Response recorded on June 02, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Did the meteorite create the metagene or was the metagene already within Vandal Savage and the meteorite only activated it?

Greg responds...

It's a good question.

Response recorded on June 02, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the end credits scene of "Odnu!," Saturn Girl and Chameleon Boy were seen on Earth watching of "Space Trek 3016." The last time the Legion was seen was during the first story arc of the fourth season of Young Justice, and they had not been seen until the end credits scene. The question is if the Legion is hanging around on Earth now, does that mean their mission on Mars was a success or a failure? If it was the latter, then why are they bothering with watching "Space Trek 3016"?

Greg responds...

By now, you probably know the overall answer to your question. (And honestly, I can't imagine when you asked it that you could have expected me to answer with anything other than NO SPOILERS.) As to why they were watching Space Trek specifically, during their lunch break... I guess they're fans.

Response recorded on June 01, 2022

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Jurgan writes...

On the Voices from the Eyrie podcast, you talked about how Xanatos isn't petty, and something funny occurred to me. You know who can be extremely petty? Goliath. For starters, he does have a thirst for revenge. I remember a discussion once in the CR about the characters' vices, and we decided Demona and Goliath have the same one, that being vengence. The difference is that Goliath usually keeps it under wraps, probably because he's able to admit when he's in the wrong and de-escalate.

However, G's pettiness shows up in other ways, too. In Deadly Force, he looks very smug about blowing up Xanatos's fancy guns. He gets jealous and overly protective of both Elisa and Angela at times. But my favorite is in The Edge, where he shouts at Xanatos for a while and then runs off, but not before smashing his street lamp. I don't know if that moments was intended to be funny, but it makes me bust out laughing every time. What did you think you were accomplishing, Goliath? Just venting, I guess. And then it even gets a follow-up in The Cage where Derek knocks Xanatos's desk lamp over. He can also be quite petty, or maybe it was just his cat DNA compelling him to push things off of tables.

Anyway, just a bit of disjointed praise/analysis. Summary: You can make characters more compelling by giving the heroes some villainous traits and the villains some heroic traits. This show is still teaching me stuff a quarter century later.

Greg responds...

Thanks. That was the plan. Glad it worked/is working. ;)

Response recorded on June 01, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

What was the last straw child mentioned to klarion?

Greg responds...

Zatanna's plan to alternate hosts for Fate.

Response recorded on June 01, 2022

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B writes...

What does Shagon look like under the mask? Older Matt?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure there's ANYTHING under the mask.

Response recorded on June 01, 2022

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