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Derek writes...

When you were creating the other clans how did you decide which locations would have still have Gargoyle Clans over the others?

Greg responds...

Some of it was about logic (like the clan on New Olympus). Some about story ideas we had (like M.I.A.). Some about a desire for geographic distribution (like the Mayan clan in Guatemala). Sometimes it just felt right, like the notion that there would eventually be a clan in Paris at Notre Dame, site of some of the most famous Gargoyles in the world. Sometimes it was as silly as ... hey, they're animating the series in Japan and Korea, so let's put clans there. At some point later on, the ideas became more fixed and were explored (at least in my head) in much more detail.

Response recorded on May 26, 2010

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Chip writes...

We know that Ishimura has at least one gargoyle beast, considering the state of Beasts in London, I was curious, how many gargoyle beasts does Ishimura have?

Greg responds...

I haven't done the math. Not a ton, but more than a few.

Response recorded on June 13, 2008

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Chip writes...

When Taro kidnapped the Ishimuran Clan (and Goliath, Angela, and Bronx) what did he do about the Gargoyle eggs? Obviously there were eggs in the Ishimurian Rookery, did he leave them in Ishimura, or did he take them "Gargoyle World" with the clan?

Greg responds...

Good question... uh...

The answer's ... uh...


Response recorded on June 13, 2008

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

I finally got a hold of Bad Guys. It's great to see Yama, although I'm sad that we don't see more of the Ishimura clan. I was very much hoping we would.

Sora wants to go into exile with him, that is sweet of her. She'd rather be with him than with her clan? But he feels too ashamed to be around her.

Apparently Matrix can hovor/fly without any visible means of propulsion. I find it amusing that when it turns one arm into a gun, the gun has a handle on it, completely unnecessarily. I guess that Matrix has only seen guns that have handles, and thinks that is how they should look.

We see Vinnie in Japan, and he is trying to get to Ishimura. I wonder what Taro has hired him to do. Maybe hoping he'll join his ninja squad, or something.

Also, how does Yama suddenly gain altitude like that, since he can only glide and not fly? I'm honestly confused by this.

Yama looks pretty cool when he stands up on the skyscraper. He's really loaded himself down with weapons -- two katanas, a larger sword (a tachi?), a dagger, nunchakus, ninja stars, and another sword/dagger (a wakizashi?). Clearly he's expecting to be attacked and feels vulnerable outside the clan!

I'm impressed that the artist can show Yama's eyes glowing even in black and white. Not just the lack of irises but the light shining from them.

And his line about Robyn's accent is great! Also the look on his face as he says that, and his calling her Gaijin. All priceless.

Matrix declares that they serve Law and Order, as if that would explain everything.

Robyn tells him that she's a (former) hunter, which I didn't expect. And while she appears to have discarded her old attitudes at least partly, we do not see what her new attitude is toward gargoyles. She is still willing to threaten the Ishimura clan. Or is that what the Director ordered her to say?

Yama's reaction to that is strange. Desperation, but he doesn't look all that angry, in his face. And he agrees... but why? Just because he feels he is so desperate he has no choice? We do not see the moment when he makes this decision.

I find the square thought bubbles confusing. It is difficult to tell what is thought and what is out loud.

Surprisingly, this issue already moves away from Yama to Fang. Who has a name (and look there's the Yuppies).
Sevarius is clearly impersonating a real person who's known to the Labyrinth-dwellers... some guy named Fred. Is he impersonating Fang? But then Claw doesn't react as if he were. I'd think Claw would know what Fang used to look like.

I'm really liking the art. Yama's face is a little odd, but then he's got a difficult face to draw. The rest looks great.

It was really great to see Yama. I look forward to seeing more of him. The issue felt short but I enjoyed it. Thanks for the continuing story.

In honor of Bad Guys #2, where in Japan is Ishimura located? Which island is it on? Vinnie seems to think it is within a train ride of Tokyo, but then he could just be clueless.

Greg responds...

I honestly would have to do a bit more research before I could pin down Ishimura's fictional location.

Response recorded on June 11, 2008

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dph writes...

There is one question I have about the episode Bushido that I have been meaning to ask. After Elisa & the rest of the protectors of the Japanese clan are knocked unconcious, wake up, realize Taro has taken the gargoyles, and determine the location that Taro has taken the gargoyles, why does it take them seemingly to near sun-rise to get there? Was Taro's gargoyle theme park that far away from their village?

Greg responds...

ALL those steps took longer than you're making it sound, especially the waking up part.

Response recorded on June 23, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

June 22nd...

A crisis brings together representatives of four clans.

Lexington continues his journey.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

June 15th...

Just before dawn, reporters gather outside to see Taro's "real gargoyles". Elisa and Constable Hiroshi break into the theme park and help Goliath and the other gargoyles escape. Realizing that he had been duped, Yama battles Taro, and leaves him to face the reporters alone. With no evidence of gargoyles, Taro is humiliated. Elisa returns to Ishimura after sunrise and departs for Avalon, taking the sleeping Goliath, Angela and Bronx along. It is night when they arrive, and the gargoyles soon wake up. That evening in Ishimura, the gargoyles hold a council meeting with their human neighbors. Yama is banished until his honor can be restored. And the gargoyles and humans agree to resume the study of Bushido.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

June 14th...

The travelers leave Avalon and arrive in Ishimura, Japan. There they meet the Ishimura Clan of Gargoyles who have lived in peace with their human neighbors for generations. At sunrise, Goliath, Angela and Bronx turn to stone alongside their new cousins. But minutes later, their human guardians are attacked by ninjas hired by Taro, a Japanese businessman who grew up in Ishimura. All the gargoyles are stolen. They awaken inside a Gargoyle Theme Park that Taro has built. Yama, second-in-command to Kai, the leader of the Ishimura Clan, tries to convince everyone to stay in the park. Goliath, Angela and Bronx attempt to leave, but are gassed and imprisoned by Taro. Beth Maza calls her father Peter and asks him to come to Arizona to investigate the local Xanatos Construction project.

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Jack Johnson writes...

Dear Greg,
How many of the Gargoyles from Ishimura have names? We know Kai, Yama, Sora, and from their past Katana, but what about the rest?

PS - got #4 today, and I loved it! Cant wait to see what Brooklyn's costume looks like, though I have a decent guess.

Greg responds...

They all have names by the moden era.

Response recorded on May 24, 2007

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dph_of_rules writes...

1a)Do you know at what point the Ishimuran clan was the last gargoyle clan living in Japan?
1b)if so, by what point?
1c)If the answer to 1b makes this question obsolete, please ignore it: During World War 2, were there any gargoyle clans living in Japan outside of Ishimura?

Greg responds...

1a. I honestly haven't done enough research to be able to answer this question yet.

1b. See above.

1c. I doubt it, but I'm not committing to that answer yet.

Response recorded on March 29, 2007

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robert torrres writes...

hi greg are there gargoyles in japan.?

Greg responds...

Yes. In Ishimura.

Response recorded on November 08, 2006

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Caze writes...

HOW (or better) WHY in "BUSHIDO" the japaneses Gargoyles speak in ENGLISH?????They should speak in JAPANESE, NOT ENGLISH!!!!! And the HUMANS TOO!!! A BIG MISTAKE, HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS?????
Anyone who read what i write and wanna speak with me , well, here is my email: cazedamtv@ig.com.br

Greg responds...

When we started the World Tour, I raised the point with Frank Paur that in some of the episodes we might want to do a bit with subtitles and foreign languages. The notion was rejected.

LATER -- after we recorded "Bushido", Frank came to me, having changed his mind. He wanted the Japanese (gargoyles and humans) to be bilingual. So that we'd open the episode with them talking in Japanese, until they meet the English speaking Gargoyles, at which point they'd switch to English out of politeness.

But the problem was we had already recorded Bushido, and so we needed authorization to pay for a re-recording. Our bosses wouldn't spring for the cash, basically. I thought it was too bad, but I can't say that I blame them. We had spent our money already. It's not like they cheaped out on us. They just refused to overspend because I hadn't pushed for something in the beginning and/or because Frank changed his mind too late.

Response recorded on August 30, 2005

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Anonymous writes...

Does Sora still love Yama? Even after his betrayal and banishment?

Greg responds...

Gargoyles mate for life, so yes. But that doesn't mean that they don't have a lot of problems to overcome.


Response recorded on November 16, 2004

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Galax writes...

How many Garoyles live in the Ishimura Clan?

Greg responds...

I'm guessing that Ishimura is a bigger than average clan, thanks to the fact that they're hiding in plain sight with human protection. But I hate to assign a specific number as someone always calls me on that stuff.

Response recorded on September 15, 2004

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Anonymous writes...

Almost every gargoyle clan we've meet in the show or that you've us about protects something. The Guatemalan clan protects the rain forest. The Loch Ness clan protects the Loch Ness Monster, the Manhattan, London and Ishimura clan naturally protects New York City, London and Ishimura respectively. And the Avalon clan protects Avalon while the Labyrinth clan presently protect the homeless of New York.

1. So what does the New Olympus clan protect? Mount Thanatos? The whole of New Olympus? Or have they abandoned their duty much like the London clan when they lost Griff(since you did say they were isolationists)?

2.What does the Pukhan and Xanadu clans protect?

3.What exactly do New Camelot and New Wyvern clans protect?

4.What abou the Queen Florence Island Clan(after they've been freed from their stasis)?

5.What about the Notre Dame Clan?

Greg responds...

1. I think they have become too insular. It's something I would have made an issue of, given the chance.

2. Pukhan Clan is more interested in protecting their concept of justice. Xanadu Clan protects the endangered Gargoyle Beast species.

3. New Wyvern is very traditionalist. So they protect Wyvern and it's surroundings. By contrast, New Camelot is very internationalist.

4 & 5. Haven't gotten that far in my thinking yet, but at the least they'll protect the Island and Paris, respectively.

Response recorded on May 28, 2004

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folklore writes...

Dear Greg, great job you deserve more compliments than i can offer, but my question is why were the gargyles from the different regions of the earth so different except for the japanese and your staring characters? well thanks for your time if i get it. bye

Greg responds...

I think the Ishimura clan was just as different from the gargs as many of the Mayan clan. I'm not going to get caught up in migration patterns or genetic explanations that are just going to trip me up later. In any case, most of the differences you observed are fairly superficial anyway.

Response recorded on January 28, 2004

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Roxz writes...

why does Brooklyn always end up alone? Im starting to feel sorry for him.

Greg responds...

Well, he doesn't in my mind. He eventually winds up with a Clan Ishimura Gargoyle named Katana. Someone he meets while TimeDancing.

Response recorded on November 04, 2003

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F7 Addict writes...

I finally got to see Bushido. I must compliment you on the effect caused by facing opposite the sun. I never realized just how used to their position relative to the sun I was. The backdrop when they turn to stone threw me. Sweet!

Greg responds...

Thanks, although I'm not sure you're right on target. They were facing into the building as opposed to facing out toward potential danger. Since they were still all around the building, at least a quarter of them were still facing the sun.

Response recorded on June 06, 2003

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Adam Carlson writes...

How many gargoyle clans were there when the show was ended?
Do any of the other Avalon gargoyles join Angelia in the real world?

Greg responds...

1. In 1996, the following clans were extant (although some were far from healthy in numbers):

Loch Ness
New Olympian

2. Eventually, others would visit. But I don't immediately see anyone else taking up permanent residence outside Avalon.

Response recorded on April 22, 2003

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Gipdac writes...

I read a Japanese legend about the Tengu - winged, gnomelike creatures, that studied martial arts.
Was this one of the legends that inspired the Ishimura Clan?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 12, 2002

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matt writes...

i didn't notice it til recently, but in your Gargoyles 2198 proposal you wrote, "2. The Ishimura Clan. Ishimura, Japan. These gargoyles have lived in peace (and until recently, in secrecy) with their human neighbors for centuries."

1. how recently was the Ishimura Clan revealed to the world?

2. did the other gargoyle clans even know about their exictence (not including the Manhatten Clan)?

3. were they the last gargoyle clan to be revealed to the world?

4. did their remaining a secret have anything to do with the events of "Bushido"?

Greg responds...

1. Haven't decided.

2. Haven't worked out those details.

3. Not necessarily.

4. See above.

Response recorded on July 22, 2002

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Anonymous writes...

Care to explain why the gargoyles in the British isles are so different since in London we have animal headed ways, in Loch Ness aquatic gargoyles and in wyvern the generic ishimura/guatemala kind?

Greg responds...

'Generic ishimura/guatemala kind', huh? Don't agree with that.

But no, I don't currently care to explain it.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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matt writes...

1. as gargoyles in Japan have been living with humans for centuries, have they been using names throughout most their history, or all of it?

2. was there ever a time that the Ishimuran clan didn't use names? if so, when?

3. did Katana have her name when Brooklyn first meets her?

Greg responds...

1. "Most of their history" would be a hell of a long time. But some of it.

2. Yes. Long ago.

3. Not saying.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Do the other clans existing throughout the world all speak English so well? Are they fluent in a more native tongue? I didn't expect Golaith, etc. to be able to communicate so easily with foreign clans or did this just have to do with the simple fact that the TV show was being watched by a majority of Americans? (Basically the same as asking why all the aliens in Star Trek English fluently)

Greg responds...

I would have liked to have done more with foreign languages during the world tour, but that was actually vetoed by our bosses.

We'll assume for now, just for now, that Zafiro, Kai and the others had reason to learn English.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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matt writes...

you said that Yama is blackmailed into joining The Redemption Squad cuz the Director knows the secret of Ishimura. now obviously Yama at least partially still wants to "come out" to the human world about gargs, you've even said that in a way Yama is right about that, but is the Director as un-trustworthy as Taro was? would the Director really reveal the secret? or does Yama want to be revealed to the world, but wants to get back in the good with Sora and his clan?

Greg responds...

Yama is done making decisions FOR his clan. At least in his own mind. He's more interested in protecting them, in restoring his honor, etc.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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