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Geek Tyrant Interview

For selfish reasons, I'm doing as much press as I can these days. So if you're not sick of me, there's a new interview up at Geek Tyrant:


As indicated by the URL, Joey Paur and I cover Gargoyles, Rain of the Ghosts and Star Wars Rebels. Check it out!

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Well, I'm about to head out of town to tour colleges with my wife Beth and my son Benny...

But before I go, here are a couple of podcasts to keep you entertained...

On the first, I discuss everything from Gargoyles to Rain of the Ghosts.


On the second, the focus is on the development and first episode of The Spectacular Spider-Man:


Had fun doing both! Hope you like 'em!

I'll be back at ASK GREG on April Fools Day!

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Comic Book Cast Podcast

I'm on the @ComicBookCast podcast with @TheDVDGrouch.

Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbdjyK0aLUQ&feature=youtu.be&a

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More reviews of RAIN OF THE GHOSTS

My new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, has been getting some great reviews. Here's just a sample:




If you haven't checked out RAIN, please consider it. If you've liked my work on Young Justice, Spectacular Spider-Man, W.I.T.C.H. or Gargoyles, I can guarantee you'll like this.

If you HAVE already read the book - and especially if you liked it - please consider posting a review on Amazon, and marking a few of the many 5-Star reviews as "Helpful".

Also, we're not that far away from the second book in the series. SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM is out July 8th. And I've started work on the third book: MASQUE OF BONES.

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Coffee With Kenobi Podcast

I'm a guest on the Coffee With Kenobi Podcast. It was a fun interview, covering Star Wars Rebels, Gargoyles 20th Anniversary, Young Justice, Rain of the Ghosts and Spirits of Ash and Foam. You can find it here:


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Diversity in pop culture has always been an issue that concerns me greatly. I've tried to do my share to increase diversity on series like Gargoyles, W.I.T.C.H., The Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice.

Now, that I've entered the world of publishing, my sister Robyn brought this article to my attention:


The article asks valid questions, and - yes, to toot my own horn - I'm going to provide at least a piece of the answer with my new books, Rain of the Ghosts and Spirits of Ash and Foam. Both feature protagonists of color. Rain Cacique is Native American, as is her grandfather Sebastian Bohique. Her best friends are Charlie Dauphin, who's African American and Miranda Guerrero, who is Hispanic-American. Many - if not most - of the other characters are also of color. This reflects the Caribbean setting of the novels, i.e. the fictional Ghost Keys and the actual mythology of that region.

The books are available here:


and here:


I urge you to check them out, and to suggest them at schools and libraries.

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Michael Chabon knows Gargoyles

So in my car, I've been listening to the audio book of Michael Chabon's novel: TELEGRAPH AVENUE, read by the amazing Clarke Peters (of THE WIRE and TREME). I'm a little over halfway through the book, which is set (largely) in a used record store in Oakland in 2008 and revolves around a diverse cast of characters. It's full of all sorts of pop cutlure references, but I was still pretty stunned when suddenly the narrator starts talking about GARGOYLES. Not generic gargoyles, but our GARGOYLES televsion series.

I was going to try to cut and paste the section here, but Amazon won't allow that. So you can check it out yourself here: http://www.amazon.com/Telegraph-Avenue-Novel-Michael-Chabon/dp/006149335X/ref=pd_sim_sbs_b_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=09RDPEC6XPYS8K9E3CQR

Or better yet, buy the book. I haven't finished listening to it yet, but so far it's definitely worth the price of admission.

The GARGOYLES' references begin on or about p. 293. (At least on the Amazon Look Inside function.) It's all pretty cool, and very specific. Though Keith David isn't mentioned by name, Goliath is, and his amazing voice is referenced, along with Goliath's backstory, etc. The character seems to have been part of a significant moment in the life of Julie Jaffe, one of the many protagonists of Chabon's book.

Chabon's written many books, including two particular favorites of mine: THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF KAVALIER & CLAY and THE YIDDISH POLICEMEN'S UNION. So the fact that our little series registers with him is fairly gratifying.

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Ikki Tousen Xtreme Xecutor

I am happy to announce that Funimation will be releasing the Ikki Tousen Xtreme Xecutor Season 4 DVD set officially on Tuesday, March 11, 2014.

Ikki Tousen Xtreme Xecutor not only has all 12 episodes of season 4, but also includes the bonus 90 minute movie, Ikki Tousen in Kyoto, and some amazing commentaries by many of members of the cast. I recorded one, but I don't know if they used it. (Sadly, they couldn't include everyone's commentary on the DVD, but they are making them all available online).

It was fun revisiting the character of Sousou. I hope you check it out!

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Had two great signings for RAIN OF THE GHOSTS over the last few days.

On Saturday, at Gallifrey One, I coerced a roomful of Young Justice panel attendees to buy my new novel. And I sold out!

Then last night, had a reading, discussion and signing at Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena. We had a full house, and again, we SOLD OUT!

I want to thank all the friends, family, fans and strangers who attended either or both and bought books and generally put a smile on my face.

But there are still books out there to buy, so...

RAIN OF THE GHOSTS is the first book in a nine-book series of adventure, intrigue, mythology and mystery with a touch of horror. Rain Cacique is a thirteen-year-old girl, who lives on the tropical island of San Próspero - one of the eight Ghost Keys - where she goes to school and works for her parents in the tourist service industry. She feels trapped. But she's soon going to discover that she has a special ability - she can talk to the dead - and a destiny to fulfill. The second book in the series, SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM, is already written and will come out on July 8th, 2014. The other seven books are in limbo, dependent - frankly - on sales of the first book.

If you've enjoyed my work on W.I.T.C.H., Gargoyles, Spectacular Spider-Man or Young Justice, I can guarantee you'll like Rain!

RAIN OF THE GHOSTS can be purchased here:


SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM can be pre-ordered here:



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RAIN OF THE GHOSTS Reading and Signing

RAIN OF THE GHOSTS Reading and Signing

As many of you know, I will be reading, discussing and signing my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, at Vroman's Bookstore, tonight, Tuesday, February 18th, 2014 at 7pm.

Here's the address:

Vroman's Bookstore
695 E. Colorado Blvd
Pasadena, California
United States

My wonderful wife is bringing refreshments, so if the book isn't incentive enough, come for the Sparkling Apple Cider, cheese, crackers, cookies, grapes and/or Red Vines.

Honestly, I'm more nervous about this appearance then I've ever been about pretty much any appearance ever. So there's more incentive: come and watch me sweat!

More information here:


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