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Convention Appearances 2017 - Update #1

Reminder: convention arrangements are often in flux, so the following may change.

But here's what I have scheduled so far in 2017:

February 17-19: Gallifrey-One in Los Angeles. I'll only be there for one day - probably Saturday, February 18th. http://www.gallifreyone.com

May 5-7: Wizard World Minneapolis. http://wizardworld.com/comiccon/minneapolis

June 16-18: Wizard World Sacramento. http://wizardworld.com/comiccon/sacramento

October 20-22: Grand Rapids Comic-Con http://www.grcomiccon.com

That's it, so far. I'm sure there will be others, particularly if Warner Bros decides to start sending Brandon Vietti and I "on tour" to talk about Young Justice. I'll try to update as I know more. BUT - ALL OF THIS IS TENTATIVE!!! ALL OF IT!!

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