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The following needs saying, so I'm taking time out from my very packed weekend - not to procrastinate, which would not be unusual - but to write up something that I think is important.

But first, some backstory...

I'm not particularly smart about very many things. I am in many ways a bear of very little brain. Ask anyone. I use an iPhone 4.0 because I literally believe that I don't have the brain space to deal with upgrading. I'm a slow reader. My dyslexia makes math difficult as I am constantly transposing numbers. I'm afraid of change. Etc., etc., etc.

But one thing - maybe the ONLY thing - I am smart about is STORY. Now, I've studied story for decades and decades in small ways and large. I also believe I have an innate gift for story. Like a great pianist, the gift itself would have been wasted without years of study and practice. I've had and done both.

What that means is that - when it comes to story - I have often (not always, but quite often) considered myself - with no modesty and tremendous arrogance - to be the smartest person in the room. In any room where this is a topic of conversation, but especially in any room where story was being professionally discussed. (You can see why - with an attitude like that - I'm so popular with animation executives and the like, and why I've been fired from so many jobs.)

Even on the many, many occasions when I have felt that I am among peers who understand story as well as I do, I never felt like they understood it better than I. As good, yes. Differently, sure. Stylistically, of course. But not better. I never felt anyone knew story better.

Oh, I've made mistakes, missed opportunities, slipped up, ad nauseam. I'm human and have never claimed perfection. I've collaborated with some brilliant and wonderful people. The list is nearly endless. But none of that ever shook my basic feeling that when it came to story, I was as smart or smarter than anyone in the room.

All that changed with YOUNG JUSTICE.

So let me state it for the record: when it comes to story, BRANDON VIETTI is the Smartest Human Being in the Room.

I'd love to tell you - BELIEVE ME, I'd love to tell you - that he learned all this at my ancient knee, and that if the student has surpassed the master, the master can at least take some satisfaction in that. But that, dear readers, would simply be a load of crap.

From Day One of YJ, as witness Kevin Hopps could attest, Brandon Vietti knew story, understood it deep, the way I do. And he was smarter about it than I.

The ultimate example of this dropped this past Friday.

Episode 307 of Young Justice: Outsiders, entitled "Evolution."

SPOILERS coming, so if you haven't seen the episode then please go watch it first before reading any further.

Like all YJ episodes this season, Brandon and I broke this story together. A pretty even 50-50 collaboration. There were certain things I wanted specifically to see, like the Cave Bear. Certain things I had researched such as that in (actual documented non-DC Comics) mythology, Nabu was the son of Marduk. And there were certain things that BV wanted in there, like the meta-human kid that Kalibak sacrifices. Certain things he had researched like The Art of War by Sun Tzu (a.k.a. Vandal Savage, a.k.a. Genghis Khan, a.k.a. Marduk, a.k.a. etc.)

And together, we created a pretty kick-ass story for the episode. I don't actually remember the day of the week, but for the sake of simplifying the story, let's say we finished breaking/building the story with index cards all neatly pushpinned into my office bulletin board on a Monday. Monday evening. We both felt pretty good about it, or at least I did, and we left for the day.

Tuesday morning, he comes in and says, "Something's missing."

I tell him he's crazy. There's nothing missing from 307. Nothing. It's a great damn episode. Maybe one of our best.

BV says no. Something's missing.

I say, "What? What's missing?!"

BV says, "I don't know yet. Something. Give me a day."

I roll my eyes in as pronounced a fashion as I possibly can and say, fine.

Wednesday morning he comes in and says, "I want to add a character."

I'm resistant. "It'll mess up the works, I tell him."

But he explains, and of course, he's right. Because Brandon Vietti is the Smartest Person in the Room.

The character he wants to add is Olympia. Olympia Savage. (I take credit for the first name only.) That's right. In our first version of this story, Olympia simply did not exist.

Try to picture "Evolution" without Olympia. Be honest. It's still a solid story. A few of the actual things Olympia does, we had Cassandra doing. But otherwise the plot remains almost completely unchanged.

But not the ending.

With Olympia in the story, the episode isn't merely a solid YJ episode. It's not merely a great YJ episode. To my mind, "Evolution" transcends YJ. It is a phenomenal, even revolutionary twenty-plus minutes of television.

And I tried to talk the guy out of it.

Of course, BV's contributions don't end there. He wrote the script, too, which is fantastic. And if you knew how much he contributed to every facet of production it would humble you. It humbles me, and as you can see above, I'm NOT a humble guy.

But screw all that. I'm not talking about pretty pictures, or color, or sound, or music or even dialogue.

This post is ONLY about STORY. And when it comes to STORY... BRANDON VIETTI will always be the SMARTEST HUMAN BEING IN THE ROOM.

I bow to his greatness. And trust me, I do not do that lightly.

To be honest, he's so good, it's pretty damn annoying.

But it's an honor to be his partner.

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Rain on the Radio

This won't mean much to folks who aren't living in the Minneapolis area, but KFAI 90.3/106.7 will be serializing the AudioPlay version of RAIN OF THE GHOSTS across five consecutive Sundays, starting at 9:30pm on August 5th, 2018 on their Sound Affects weekly broadcast. There's more info about the broadcast here: http://www.greatnorthernaudio.com/sound_affects/schedule.html or here: http://www.kfai.org/soundaffectsaradioplayground. By clicking on the KFI website's "LISTEN NOW" button at the appropriate date and time, you can hear the Rain AudioPlay from pretty much anywhere with internet or WiFi.

I want to thank Jerry Stearns for making this happen.

For those of you asking... "AudioPlay? Rain of the Ghosts? What the heck is he talking about?" Here's a blurb:

Rain of the Ghosts
The adventures of Rain Cacique, a young girl descended from the indigenous Taíno people of the Caribbean. Rain lives on the Ghost Keys, a chain of islands on the edge of the Bermuda Triangle, where her parents own and run a Bed & Breakfast that is both Rain’s home and place of employment. Rain goes from making beds for tourists to learning she has the ability to communicate with ghosts. Rain has a mystery to solve, a mission to accomplish and a destiny to fulfill. Book written by Greg Weisman, who also produced this audio play. Twenty actors in the cast, including Brent Spiner, Marina Sirtis, and Edward Asner, with Brittany Uomoleale as Rain Cacique. Full sound effects and an original musical score.

If you're interested in hearing this at your own pace on your own schedule, it's available on Audible/Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Rain-of-the-Ghosts/dp/B01MU5XQ06/ref=sr_1_1_twi_audd_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1532394865&sr=8-1&keywords=rain+of+the+ghosts

I'm truly proud of this work and urge you to check it out - one way or another.

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RIP Steven Bochco

Rest in Peace, Steven Bochco.

I met Mr. Bochco only once. My brother and I were planning to write a book about Hill Street Blues, and after interviewing Grant Tinker, I interviewed Mr. Bochco for the book. Producing Gargoyles got in the way of finishing the research for the book, and unfortunately I never got back to it. But I enjoyed our conversation, and I still ADORE the man's work.

Hill Street Blues remains television's turning point. Few of the series you enjoy today, including #YoungJustice, #Gargoyles, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, etc. could or would exist without Hill Street Blues.

He will be missed.

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Grand Rapids Comic-Con 2017

Hey gang,

Here's my schedule for Grand Rapids Comic-Con this weekend:

187 Monroe Avenue NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

*02:00pm - 05:30pm - I'll be at Booth 017 . All signatures and selfies are free, but I will - as usual - be selling all sorts of fun stuff. I'm bringing 40 animation and radio play scripts from the many shows I've worked on (including - but not limited to - Gargoyles, WITCH, Kim Possible, Young Justice, Young Justice Invasion, Spectacular Spider-Man, Star Wars Rebels, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Transformers Prime, Ben Ten, Transformers Rescue-Bots, Shimmer & Shine, Men in Black, Starship Troopers, Team Atlantis, etc). I'm also selling Christopher Jones art prints for Gargoyles, Young Justice and Rain of the Ghosts. I'm selling my three published novels: Rain of the Ghosts, Spirits of Ash and Foam, and World of Warcraft: Traveler. And I'm selling the Rain of the Ghosts Audio-Play. The novels are ten dollars each. Everything else is $20 each. Cash only. Artist Mara Cordova will also be at my booth, helping out and selling her wonderful stuff too.

*06:00pm - 07:00pm - Television Production and Its Challenges. Monroe Rooms A-D w/Brandon Vietti . "Two of the most prominent television producers in animation today whose work includes "Gargoyles", "The Batman", and "Young Justice" will discuss the roles and challenges of their career as well as upcoming projects.

*07:15pm - 08:00pm - Booth 017. Signing & selling.

*10:00am - 12:45pm - Booth 017. Signing & selling.

*02:00pm - 03:00pm - The Science of Shipping. Grand Gallery E-F w/Comfort & Adam, Thom Zahler. ""Shipping" is when a fan imagines possible romantic relationships between two characters in a story. Shipping is big, but why do we do it? Join husband and wife comic creators Comfort and Adam and special guests Greg Weisman and Thom Zahler as we talk about all the reasons we love our ships; from biological drivers to emotional and intellectual hooks, from the vast history of literary fiction to the present day. But that's not all! In the second half, panelists and audience will be creating a new couple that Comfort and Adam will draw live!"

*03:30pm - 04:30pm - Transferring Comics To The Screen and Vice Versa. Grand Gallery E-F w/Christopher Jones, Jason Spisak, Brandon Vietti. "Directors, producers, comic artists and voice actors discuss the challenges of taking a comic book and transferring it to a television show or movie and the expectations that fans have in this delicate and complicated process."

*04:45pm - 07:00pm - Booth 017. Signing & selling.

*07:30pm - VIP PARTY - Atrium Ballroom.

Stop by and say hello. (If we've met before, please reintroduce yourself. I'm horrible with names AND faces, but I mean well.)

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Mythic Legions

Just a quick plug for the MYTHIC LEGIONS comic book I wrote based on the toys from the Four Horsemen: http://www.newsarama.com/33096-greg-weisman-brings-mythic-legions-to-life.html

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R.I.P. Miguel Ferrer

Just a few words about Miguel Ferrer, who passed away yesterday. I won't pretend I knew him very well, but he was always a pleasure to have in the booth. He was the voice of Silvio "Silvermane" Manfredi on The Spectacular Spider-Man, and Bo "Bibbo" Bibbowski and Tribune #1 on Young Justice.

Did I forget anything? Oh, yes. His brilliant portrayal of Vandal Savage in Young Justice, making him one of the most interesting and complex hero/villains I've ever had the pleasure of working on.

His talent - both in material I was involved in and in the many, many things I simply watched as a fan - was immense.

He will be missed.

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I'll be doing a reading, signing and Q&A of my new novel, WORLD OF WARCRAFT: TRAVELER at Chevalier's Books on Wednesday, January 11th at 7pm.

More info here: https://chevaliersbooks.com/2016/12/07/author-gargoyles-creator-greg-weisman-reads-signs-world-of-warcraft-traveler-a-new-book-series-for-middle-readers/

Please help spread the word!

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Want more YJ sooner?

Brandon Vietti and I are hard at work on Season Three of the Young Justice television series. But (a) we just got started and (2) making animated episodes takes a LONG time. (Ten months minimum. MINIMUM.)

So, if you want more new YJ stories sooner, the answer is pretty simple. Artist Christopher Jones and I are chomping at the bit to make more YOUNG JUSTICE stories in comic book form. Producing a comic book takes considerably less time than producing television episodes,so if we got a green light on a comic book series now, you could theoretically have new stories in a matter of months.

So the question is how do we get the green light for more YJ comic?. And the answer to that is pretty simple too. We just need to convince DC Comics that there's a market for YJ comics even before the third season premieres.

Which begs the next question: How do we convince DC of that?

And the answer is again simple. BUY THE COMICS THAT ALREADY EXIST!

Issues #0 - #25 of our companion YJ comic have been collected into four trade paperbacks. (And ALL of these stories are canon to the series, with time stamps and everything. In fact, stuff in Season Three will play off of stuff from Seasons One and Two AND from the comics.) The best way to show DC that you want more comics is to purchase these stories electronically on the DC APP, on COMIXOLOGY, or on iTUNES.

Now, I'm an old school guy, and I love having actual hard copies to hold in my hand. Unfortunately, the books are all out of print. So if you do find hard copies online or in a store, those are secondary sales, and DC won't know about them. So you need to buy them electronically. Put money in DC's pocket and they'll want more of that green. Buy a lot of YJ comics and it just follows that they'll order up more YJ comics.

If you already have those issues, give them as holiday gifts. And in any case, help us SPREAD THE WORD!

It's just logic. The more the existing comics sell, the more DC will want to make more. And if more sell fast enough, you'll be getting more YJ stories sooner!

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Convention Appearances 2017 - Update #1

Reminder: convention arrangements are often in flux, so the following may change.

But here's what I have scheduled so far in 2017:

February 17-19: Gallifrey-One in Los Angeles. I'll only be there for one day - probably Saturday, February 18th. http://www.gallifreyone.com

May 5-7: Wizard World Minneapolis. http://wizardworld.com/comiccon/minneapolis

June 16-18: Wizard World Sacramento. http://wizardworld.com/comiccon/sacramento

October 20-22: Grand Rapids Comic-Con http://www.grcomiccon.com

That's it, so far. I'm sure there will be others, particularly if Warner Bros decides to start sending Brandon Vietti and I "on tour" to talk about Young Justice. I'll try to update as I know more. BUT - ALL OF THIS IS TENTATIVE!!! ALL OF IT!!

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So the big news:

YOUNG JUSTICE is coming back for a third season! Yes, that's right! Warner Bros. announced it today! It's official. Here are some links to some articles on the subject:


Not too much more to tell. I start back at Warner Bros. on Monday, 11/14/16. Brandon Vietti and I, of course, had plans for Season Three way back when. Now, we'll get the chance to make those plans a reality!!

It's so crash!

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Today, I head down to Anaheim for my final convention of the year. It's BlizzCon 2016.

Anaheim Convention Center
800 West Katella Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92802
Scholastic Liason: Lindsey Johnson, 910-827-2673.

Their website is here: https://blizzcon.com/en-us/

Unlike other conventions that I attend, I won't personally be selling anything. Mostly, I'm going to be doing panels, Q&As and signings in support of my new novel, WORLD OF WARCRAFT: TRAVELER

Here's my schedule:

SIGNING 01:15pm - 02:15pm
Blizzard Booth 2042 w/artist Samwise Didier.

MEET & GREET 03:00pm - 04:30pm
Scholastic Booth 3044. I'll be signing special Traveler posters here.

Q&A 06:45pm - 07:30pm
Come chat with author Greg Weisman and illustrator Samwise Didier about Aramar Thorne and the new World of Warcraft: Traveler book series.
Community Amphitheater w/Samwise Didier.

SIGNING 07:45pm - 08:45pm
Blizzard Booth 2042 w/Samwise Didier.

MEET & GREET 11:00am
Scholastic Booth 3044.

BUILDING WORLDS 01:00pm - 02:00pm
Books, novels, and short stories have been a part of Blizzard's storytelling heritage for more than twenty years. Join us for a look inside the process of exploring our worlds through prose.
Panel Stage Hall A w/Robert Brooks, Matt Burns, Christie Golden, Chelsea Monroe-Cassel, Timothy Zahn.

PANEL SIGNING 02:15pm - 03:30pm
Blizzard Booth 2042 w/Brooks, Burns, Golden, Monroe-Cassel, Zahn.

SIGNING 06:15pm - 07:15pm
Blizzard Booth 2042 w/Samwise Didier.

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World of Warcraft Traveler

Hello everyone,

Please check out my new novel, WORLD OF WARCRAFT TRAVELER, available now at Amazon and bookstores everywhere.

I'm very proud of it. Here's a short blurb:

It's been years since twelve-year-old Aramar Thorne, a clever boy who is never without his precious sketch book, has seen his father. So when Captain Greydon Thorne comes ashore and asks his son to join him at sea, it feels as if someone has redrawn Aram's entire world. Once aboard ship, Aram struggles to get along--especially with second mate Makasa Flintwill, a tough teenaged girl who has been reluctantly placed in charge of him. Just as Aram starts to get his head above water, pirates attack, turning his world upside down once again. As Aram and Makasa try to find their way home, they encounter creatures both terrible and wondrous, and Aram will seek to understand Azeroth's denizens, forming unlikely friendships along the way. But the journey is hindered by Greydon's compass, which never points north. If the compass isn't leading Aram and Makasa home--to safety--to what destiny is it leading?

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I'm about to depart for to GRAND RAPIDS COMIC-CON.

303 Monroe Avenue NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Here's my schedule for the weekend:

02:00pm - 06:45pm
I'll be at my table, which is "ANIMATION ISLAND 13". (Well, the con opens at 9:30am, but I'll be driving down that morning to Long Beach from Los Angeles, so I'll get there as close to 9:30am as I can manage it.) I'll be signing and selling copies of my novels RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM for $10 each. If you buy both, you get a free RAIN OF THE GHOSTS art print, illustrated by Christopher Jones. I'll also be selling CD sets of the RAIN OF THE GHOSTS AudioPlay for $30 This is an unabridged four hour production with 20 actors (including Brent Spiner, Marina Sirtis, Ed Asner, Vanessa Marshall, Jim Cummings, Steve Blum, Thom Adcox and more), a full original musical score (by the composers of YOUNG JUSTICE and THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN) and sound effects. It's like a four hour movie in your head! Buy the CD set and you also receive a free print. If you ONLY want the print, it's $20. Plus I'll also be selling original Christopher Jones art prints of YOUNG JUSTICE and GARGOYLES for $20 each. Finally, I'll be selling copies of my animation scripts (from series including GARGOYLES, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, YOUNG JUSTICE, STAR WARS REBELS and many others) for $20 each. All transactions are cash only. Signatures - if you bring something of your own for me to sign - are FREE!

06:45pm - 07:45pm
River Overlook D.
Greg Weisman - writer, story editor, voice actor, producer and co-creator of YOUNG JUSTICE - discusses the popular animated series and answers your questions about the characters, stories, people and process that went into making it's unique take on the DC Universe's Earth-16.

07:45pm - 08:00pm - BOOTH 434

10:00am - 02:00pm

02:00pm - 03:00pm
River Overlook A&B.
Everybody loves a hero - they're the characters you root for and the people you want to be. Six-time Harvey Award nominated husband and wife Action Faction Comfort Love and Adam Withers lead this seminar in two parts: first, you'll learn what makes great heroes in both writing and in art. Then, Comfort & Adam will invite the audience to participate in creating a new hero which will be designed and drawn live. Comfort and Adam will be joined by Greg Weisman and Thom Zahler.

03:00pm - 06:45pm

10:00am - 11:30am

11:30am - 12:30pm
Grand Gallery A-C.
The producer of "Gargoyles" and "Young Justice" discusses the job of a television producer from concept to premiere and answers questions on how the magic happens.

12:30pm - 02:00pm

02:00pm - 03:00pm
River Overlook A&B
Creating great villains is essential for making great stories - whether you love their every appearance or just love to hate them. Six-time Harvey Award nominated husband and wife action faction Comfort Love and Adam Withers lead this seminar in two parts: first, you'll learn what makes great villains in both writing and in art. Then, Comfort & Adam will invite the audience to participate in creating a new villain which will be designed and drawn live. Dirk Manning, Greg Weisman, and Stuart Sayger will join Comfort and Adam with this panel..

03:00pm - 03:30pm

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Spectacular Radio

For fans of THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, I've been doing a podcast where we go through the series, episode by episode, with guest starts including Josh Keaton (Peter/Spidey), Ben Diskin (Eddie/Venom), Supervising Director Vic Cook and others. The entire first season of "SPECTACULAR RADIO" is up now, here:


Plus, check out Spidey-Dude.com, which also does the podcasts Mayday Mondays (based on Spider-Girl) and Clone Saga Chronicles!

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Hey gang,

Heading off to yet another convention. This time it's...

Long Beach Convention Center
300 East Ocean Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90802

I'm there this Saturday and Sunday. Here's my schedule:

09:30am - 03:00pm - I'll be at my table, which is "ANIMATION ISLAND 13". (Well, the con opens at 9:30am, but I'll be driving down that morning to Long Beach from Los Angeles, so I'll get there as close to 9:30am as I can manage it.) I'll be signing and selling copies of my novels RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM for $10 each. If you buy both, you get a free RAIN OF THE GHOSTS art print, illustrated by Christopher Jones. I'll also be selling CD sets of the RAIN OF THE GHOSTS AudioPlay for $30 This is an unabridged four hour production with 20 actors (including Brent Spiner, Marina Sirtis, Ed Asner, Vanessa Marshall, Jim Cummings, Steve Blum, Thom Adcox and more), a full original musical score (by the composers of YOUNG JUSTICE and THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN) and sound effects. It's like a four hour movie in your head! Buy the CD set and you also receive a free print. If you ONLY want the print, it's $20. Plus I'll also be selling original Christopher Jones art prints of YOUNG JUSTICE and GARGOYLES for $20 each. Finally, I'll be selling copies of my animation scripts (from series including GARGOYLES, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, YOUNG JUSTICE, STAR WARS REBELS and many others) for $20 each. All transactions are cash only. Signatures - if you bring something of your own for me to sign - are FREE!

03:00pm - 04:00pm - The Star Wars Perspectives
Join Greg Weisman (Star Wars Rebels), Craig Miller (Director of Fan Relations for Lucasfilm from 1977-1980), Brian Miller (Star Wars artist), and Mike Mayhew (Star Wars comic book artist) as they discuss the different aspects of Star Wars that they have been involved in. Unique perspectives and experiences are brought to the table in this can't-miss panel! Moderated by Blair Marnell, Q&A to follow.

04:00pm - 07:00pm - I'll be back, signing & selling, at my ANIMATION ISLAND 13 table.

10:00am - 01:00pm - Signing & Selling at ANIMATION ISLAND 13.

01:00pm - 02:00pm - Young Justice: Panels to Pixels
Greg Weisman, Peter David, Todd Nauck and Kevin Hopps discuss everything Young Justice from the comics to the animation. Moderated by Ken Rolow, Q&A to follow!

02:00pm - 05:00pm - Signing & Selling at ANIMATION ISLAND 13.

Hope to see you there!

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Hey gang,

I leave tomorrow for Comic Con Palm Springs: http://comicconpalmsprings.com/index.php

Palm Springs Convention Center
277 North Avenida Caballeros
Palm Springs, CA 92262

Here's my schedule for the weekend:

03:30pm - 08:00pm. I'll be at TABLE G12, where I'll be selling copies of my novels RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM for $10 each. If you buy both, you get a free RAIN OF THE GHOSTS print, illustrated by Christopher Jones. I'll also be selling CD sets of the RAIN OF THE GHOSTS AudioPlay for $30 This is an unabridged four hour production with 20 actors (including Brent Spiner, Marina Sirtis, Ed Asner, Vanessa Marshall, Jim Cummings, Steve Blum, Thom Adcox and more), a full original musical score (by the composers of YOUNG JUSTICE and THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN) and sound effects. It's like a four hour movie in your head! Buy the CD set and you also receive a free print. If you ONLY want the print, it's $20. Plus I'll also be selling original Christopher Jones art prints of YOUNG JUSTICE and GARGOYLES for $20 each. Finally, I'll be selling copies of my animation scripts (from series including GARGOYLES, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, YOUNG JUSTICE, STAR WARS REBELS and many others) for $20 each. All transactions are cash only. Signatures - if you bring something for me to sign - are FREE!

10:00am - 12:00pm. Back at TABLE G1.

12:30pm - 01:30pm. WONDER WOMAN 75th Anniversary Celebration
In Smoketree C with Amanda Deibert, Susan Eisenberg, Phil Jimenez, Yanick Paquette & Cat Staggs.
I'll be moderating, as we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the most popular female super hero to grace the pages of DC Comics!

01:30pm - 02:30pm. REAWAKEN GARGOYLES
In Smoketree A with Thom Adcox (voice of Lexington).
Explore the nocturnal world of the popular animated TV series of these creatures that are stone by day and warriors at night!

02:30pm - 07:00pm. TABLE G12.

09:30am - 12:00pm. TABLE G12.

12:00pm - 01:00pm. INSIDE YOUNG JUSTICE
In Smoketree C with Thom Adcox (voice of Klarion), Phil Bourassa (Emmy-winning lead character designer), Jason Spisak (voice of Kid Flash) and Brandon Vietti (Producer).
Revisit the lives of a group of teenaged protégés attempting to establish themselves as proven superheroes as they deal with normal adolescent issues in their personal lives.

01:00pm - 04:00pm. TABLE G12.

Hope to see you there!

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Hey there folks,

I'm about to depart for Wizard World Chicago Comic Con: http://wizardworld.com/comiccon/chicago

Donald E. Stephens Convention Center
5555 North River Road
Rosemont, IL 60018

Here's my schedule:

03:00pm - 08:00pm - I'll be at BOOTH A31, where I'll be selling copies of my novels RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM for $10 each. If you buy both, you get a free RAIN OF THE GHOSTS print, illustrated by Christopher Jones. I'll also be selling CD sets of the RAIN OF THE GHOSTS AudioPlay for $30 This is an unabridged four hour production with 20 actors (including Brent Spiner, Marina Sirtis, Ed Asner, Vanessa Marshall, Jim Cummings, Steve Blum and more), a full original musical score (by the composers of YOUNG JUSTICE and THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN) and sound effects. It's like a four hour movie in your head! Buy the CD set and you also receive a free print. If you ONLY want the print, it's $20. Plus I'll also be selling original Christopher Jones art prints of YOUNG JUSTICE and GARGOYLES for $20 each. Finally, I'll be selling copies of my animation scripts (from series including GARGOYLES, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, YOUNG JUSTICE, STAR WARS REBELS and many others) for $20 each. All transactions are cash only. Signatures - if you bring something for me to sign - are FREE!

BOOTH A31 12:00pm - 06:00pm

BOOTH A31 10:00am - 06:00pm

Here's the description: Accomplished comics writers Greg Weisman (Gargoyles; Young Justice), Dean Haspiel (The Fox; Beef With Tomato), Jai Nitz (Dream Thief; El Diablo for Suicide Squad) and Danny Fingeroth (How to Create Comics From Script to Print; Spider-Man) talk about how to put together a compelling comics story. Plus, they'll answer your questions about both the creative and business sides of the comics writing profession, including how to find an artist to work with (hint: a comics convention is the number one place!) and how to write exciting dialogue!

BOOTH A31 10:00am - 02:30pm

Description: 2016 is a landmark year for three key comics characters. 75 years ago, WONDER WOMAN debuted in 1941, establishing herself as the first important female superhero! 60 years ago, in 1956, the modern FLASH first appeared, starting not only his own career, but ushering in what has come to be known as "The Silver Age of Comics!" And in 1966, 50 years ago, the BATMAN "camp" TV series debuted (starring Adam West and Burt Ward), marking what is seen as both a high and low point in the history of the character! Comics and animation writer/producer Greg Weisman (Young Justice; The Batman) and comics historian Danny Fingeroth (Superman on the Couch; Disguised as Clark Kent) take you on a slideshow-guided tour of the histories of the heroes and the highlights of their careers in comics, on TV and in the movies! Join the celebration! .

Hope to see you there!

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Evil Geeks Podcast Fun!

Check out the latest podcast I did:

Website: https://evilgeeks.com/2016/08/01/ep-163-talking-toons-with-greg-weisman/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EvilGeeks/posts/1059457520816588

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Bringing YJ Back

Here's a short primer on how fans can help to bring Young Justice back for a third season:


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CONvergence 2016

I leave tomorrow for CONvergence 2016 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Okay, really Bloomington, MN, but close enough.) CONvergence is one of my favorite cons. And I have the honor of being their first fan-funded guest. Here's my schedule for the long weekend:

GUEST RECEPTION 07:00pm - 09:00pm
Atrium 4

"Why Gargoyles is Still Relevant" 12:30pm - 01:30pm
Atrium 6 w/Christopher Jones, Patrick Fisher, Alana Profit, Chandra Reyer.

RADIO PLAY AUDITIONS 02:00pm - 03:00pm
Plaza 3 w/Christopher Jones.

"Physics of Time Travel" 03:30pm - 04:30pm
Edina w/Renate Fiora (m), Dan Berliner, Melanie Galloway, Jim Kakalios.

"Fancy Bastard Pie Competition" 08:30pm - 09:30pm
Garden Court - Southwest w/GPS.

FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016
SIGNING 11:00am - 12:00pm
Autograph Table B.

RADIO PLAY AUDITIONS 12:30pm - 01:30pm
Plaza 3 w/Christopher Jones, Khary Payton.

"Writing by Ear" 02:00pm - 03:00pm
Bloomington w/Patrick Marsh (m), Emma Bull, Aimee Kuzenski, Jim McDoniel.

"Don't Call Them Sidekicks: The Enduring Power of Teenage Superheroes" 03:30pm - 04:30pm
Bloomington w/ Christopher Jones, Jessa Markert, Khary Payton, Sylus Rademacher.

"Drawing with the Masters" 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Plaza 2 w/Christopher Jones, Ruth Thompson.

"Why Diversity Needs to be Deeper than Marketing" 08:30pm - 09:30pm
Edina w/ Trisha Lynn (m), Kate Norlander, Jonathan Palmer, Dirk Ykema.

"Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome Live Podcast" 10:00pm - 11:00pm
Edina w/Windy Bowlsby, Melissa Kaercher.

"Building Worlds for Fiction" 09:30am - 10:30am
Plaza 1 w/Michael Carus (m), J.M. Lee, Melissa Olson, Lynne M. Thomas.

"Why We Need Representation in Superheroes" 11:00am - 12:00pm
Edina w/ Christopher Jones, Bri Lopez Donovan, Khary Payton, Lynne M. Thomas.

RADIO PLAY REHEARSAL 12:30pm - 01:30pm
Atrium 6 w/ Christopher Jones, Jim Kakalios, Khary Payton and a cast of tens.

RADIO PLAY PERFORMANCE 02:00pm - 03:00pm
Atrium 6 w/ Christopher Jones, Jim Kakalios, Khary Payton and a cast of tens.

"Superficially Strong Female Characters" 05:00pm - 06:00pm
Edina w/ Crystal Huff (m), Kathryn Sullivan, Chrysoula Tzavelas, Joan Marie Verba.

"One on One with Christopher Jones" 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Edina (m) w/Christopher Jones.

ANIMATION BLUE 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Atrium 6 w/Christopher Jones, Lyda Morehouse, Khary Payton, Jenna Powers, Edmund Tsabard.

SUNDAY, JULY 03, 2016
YOUNG JUSTICE 09:30am - 10:30am
Atrium 6 w/Christopher Jones, Khary Payton.

SIGNING 11:00am - 12:00pm
Autograph Table B.

RAIN OF THE GHOSTS 12:30pm - 01:30pm

READING 02:00pm - 03:00pm
Rm 2201.

ONE ON ONE 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Atrium 6 w/Melissa Kaercher.

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Here's a podcast and a half I did...

Here's the interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXwsojrctzM

...aaand here's the separate chunk of the interview all about how people can support YJ Season 3.


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It's that time again:

So in a tryce came the documentary depicting many a Chinese doll and also the three wise men (who may or may not have been kings) that needed sixty-two dollars between them to redeem the coupon, which offered up solace and not a little irony to anyone who hadn't yet seen the crew chewing on leaves that weren't tobacco, but might have been sage and still left horrible stains in the dirt floor of the lean-to where I left my ski poles after the overnight with the cranes that were kept on the lake domestically for the purpose of tourism but who could also speak Latin on occasion when prompted by offers of cheese or jerky -- though not just any jerky, it had to be salmon jerky -- which isn't always easy to come by when you've agreed to leave before closing on summer days in the springtime of your life, which has been known to last longer in people who aren't concerned about under-inebriation or over-intoxication or both: it's the balance which is everything when nothing else will do and no one else will participate in the extravaganza that's been created by the giant invisible flying monkey brain that is modern life in the Twenty-First Century, counting since the (approximate) birth of Christ -- as long as the lack of the number zero doesn't disturb your math sensibilities as, frankly, it does mine, though I like to think I've made peace with that and with the Skrull too, since I haven't picked up an issue of that book in about nine years, which wasn't an intentional or explicit act of cold turkey so much as a sliding away followed by a none-too-impressive epiphany -- far from the best epiphany I've ever had, say, compared to Tintagel or Lego, not to mention the birth of certain children, which couldn't get more personal than the zany antics of the semi-erotic flea circus, which used to travel the stars waiting for an invitation to land at your door, since you are the personal target of the extra-lunar probe that counted all the seahorses that Aquaman used to make the giant seahorse that he could actually ride, though no faster than he could swim himself on his own power -- and no, we're not talking Super Friends here, but something older, more primal, something that was born back when the Ptero-whatever streaked across the sky leaving behind contrails made not of smoke but of pure and unadulterated grace, a commodity in which we are sorely shy as a planet, and yet which we find in the most unlikley of places, including but not limited to contracts which dictate how we will interact with each other but do it in such a way that no normal human being could possibly wrap their heads around the language and internalize the meaning, which we declare to be progress or civilization and which is not meant as a criticism so much as a detachment of troopers marching on a hill that you wouldn't pay five ducats -- FIVE! -- to buy yourself, or so I told myself and Hamlet night after night, but now Hamlet is a Thief on FX and I haven't seen him face to face in over twenty years, which sometimes seems quite normal but sometimes blows me away, not that I want to move backwards at all, though I'm not sure that I'm truly moving forward and I'm convinced I'm not moving sideways, though the metaphor of the sidewinder is appealing, not in the cliché sense of something sinister and left-handed, though I do throw with my left hand, I can bowl just as badly with either hand, and even though I'm 42, I quite prefer to have bumpers instead of gutters, where the rain gets backed up and sometimes flows over the lip and creates leaks in the roof and drips, drips, drips down into the shiny metal bowl that's usually used for something much more pleasant like mixing cookie dough to create chewy wonderful ... well.. cookies (I mean "duh") that taste a little bit like home even when you are home and it is raining, or maybe ESPECIALLY when you are home and it is raining and the water overflows and the ocean fills and the giant seahorse peaks out and winks at the cranes, which is exactly what the documentary crew was hoping to capture when they first took out their cameras and shot the whole thing from three different angles across six different days and still never saw the giant invisible flying monkey brain, because it was, to put it mildly, invisible.

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Wizard World Sacramento Comic Con

Here's my schedule for Wizard World Sacramento Comic Con. Note that all panel blurbs come from the official website: http://wizardworld.com/comiccon/sacramento

Sacramento Convention Center
1400 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
03:00pm - 06:45pm - SIGNING at BOOTH A5
I'll be selling copies of my novels RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM for $10 each. If you buy both, you get a free RAIN OF THE GHOSTS print, illustrated by Christopher Jones. I'll also be selling CD sets of my RAIN OF THE GHOSTS AudioPlay for $30 This is an unabridged four hour production with 20 actors (including Brent Spiner, Marina Sirtis, Ed Asner, Vanessa Marshall, Jim Cummings, Steve Blum and more), a full original musical score (by the composers of YOUNG JUSTICE and THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN) and sound effects. Buy this and you also receive a free print. If you ONLY want the print, it's $5. Finally, I'll be selling copies of my animation scripts (from series including GARGOYLES, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, YOUNG JUSTICE, STAR WARS REBELS and many others) for $20 each. All transactions are cash only. Signatures - if you bring something for me to sign - are FREE!

07:00pm - 07:45pm - 25 YEARS OF DISNEY'S DARKWING DUCK! (ROOM 104)
That's right... it's been 25 years since the terror that flaps in the night, Darkwing Duck, first appeared in a cloud of smoke on television screens, as part of Disney's beloved programming block, the Disney Afternoon! In celebration of this milestone anniversary, the masked mallard, Launchpad, Gosalyn, and all DW's villains have returned in an all-new comic series from Disney Comics, and publisher Joe Books! Join comic creators Aaron Sparrow and James Silvani as they discuss the road it took to get here, as well as what's next for the terror that flaps in the night! Moderated by Gargoyles creator Greg Weisman.

10:00am - 05:45pm - SIGNING at BOOTH A5
Selling and signing. Stop by to make a purchase or just to say hello.

Greg Weisman has had-and continues to have-an incredible career as writer, producer, executive and editor for countless comics (including Captain Atom, Star Wars Kanan and Starbrand and Nightmask) and cartoons (including Gargoyles, The Spectacular Spider-Man, Young Justice and Star Wars Rebels). He's also a prose novelist (Rain of the Ghosts and Spirits of Ash and Foam), whose latest work-World of Warcraft: Traveler-is due out in November. Today, Greg talks about his career and how he got to work on so many cool projects. Danny Fingeroth (The Stan Lee Universe; Deadly Foes of Spider-Man) moderates.

SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2016
10:00am - 01:45pm - SIGNING at BOOTH A5
Selling and signing. Stop by to make a purchase or just to say hello.

02:00pm - 02:45pm - GARGOYLES - WE LIVE AGAIN! (ROOM 203)
Twenty years after new production ceased, the groundbreaking Disney animated television series Gargoyles still has a massive and loyal fan following. Come hear series creator Greg Weisman talk about the history of Goliath, Demona, Xanatos and the rest with Joe Books' Aaron Sparrow. Plus - spoilers! - find out what's next for everyone's favorite Defenders of the Night!

03:00pm - 03:45pm - SIGNING at BOOTH A5
Selling and signing. Stop by to make a purchase or just to say good-bye.

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Really had a great time all last week at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon.

Went up with my dad, daughter, son and a couple of friends. We saw eight plays in four days, and every single one was - at minimum - highly enjoyable. And some just blew me away.

We saw:

Great Expectations
Twelfth Night
The Wiz
The River Bride
The Winter's Tale

Some truly amazing work. Plan on going back in September to see the three plays we missed: Yeomen of the Guard, Richard II, Timon of Athens.

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Toonami Squad Podcast

Toonami Squad podcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV9GjwtrQpI

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