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Thrawn7 writes...

I am contacting to ask if Mr. Weisman plans to attend any conventions where I can get my Gargoyles comics printed by SLG publishing signed and graded for my collection? I have them ALL with the graphic novels, with second readable copies. Thank you.

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George writes...

Hi Greg
I loved the show Spectacular Spider-Man and I have been watching to for a long time. I was just curious since you tried to make your show diverse what ethnicity Peter Parker was? I know he is white I am just curious if you ever gave him an ethnicity to relate to. Thank you.

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Stanislav Shtyrbulov writes...

So, i'll try to ask a question as much PG as possible.
So in Slg Comics, Coco says that to keep London Clan population in line, they don't let females lay an egg and isolate females, while they're in heat. So my question is - Does behavior of the Garg females change, when they are in heat? Is it kinda like Betazoid midlife phase from Star Trek, or it is something else...

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Andy writes...

Dear Greg,

Did you have anyone in mind for who could voice Katana and Nashville?


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Spider-Fan313 writes...

1. Greg, spectacular was absolutely my childhood, if there was even the slightest smallest chance in the universe, if you were asked to continue the spectacular Spider-Man animated series, would you want to?

2. If you were asked to be involved in another spider-man series separate from spectacular, would you be interested?

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Jim Harbor writes...

Hello Greg, thank you for showing polyamory in mainstream television. My question is about Dick and Babs.
1. Does Babs enjoy the fact that Dick has other partners?
I ask because in the comics it seems she was pretty into it. Thanks for answering our questions sir?

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Aidan writes...

Hey, Greg. I just wanna say I absolutely loved your work on The Spectacular Spider-Man. You helped shape my love for the character, and I can't be more thankful for that.I'm sorry for probably being the billionth person to ask you about what your plans for future seasons where, but anyway, here goes...

How exactly did you want to adapt the character of Morbius the Living Vampire, and what sort of plans did you have for the character, if any?


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Laurent writes...

Would Miss Martian do a mind meld with Garfield before Garfield dies so Miss Martian could carry Garfield's soul with her for the rest of her life because Miss Marian knows she ages slower than Garfield?

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Terry writes...

Can young justice Martians carry another person's soul by do mind meld with them like Spoke did to doctor MCCOY in star trek 2 wrath of khan?

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Cabrea writes...

As part of the young justice story why do you believe it was not an injustice to beast boy to have beast boy go down the path of depression to leading beast boy to lose his love relationship with Perdita as coup cause by beast boy believing he cause superboy to die on mars when you Mr. Greg knew supperboy was still alive and superboy was going to get back together with miss Marian at the end of season 4 of young justice?

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The Dynamite Comics

Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

The NECA Figures

Gargoyles Figures by NECA

NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.

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Gargoyles on Disney+

All seasons of Gargoyles are available for streaming through Disney+.

Buy The DVDs

Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

Season One
Season Two, Volume One
Season Two, Volume Two