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Anonymous writes...


Thank you for response and being honest with your beliefs. I think you have great taste in authors and we would probably have a lot talk about as long as we didn't discuss religion or politics.

Original ideas question so the moderators delete this:

I think the Team should open a travel agency and use the Bio-Ship and Zeta Tubes to compete with the already overpriced airlines.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When Vandal Savage sent an invitation to the other initial members of the Light to join him, were any of them ever initially hesitant/skeptical about the offer and asked Vandal Savage, "What's in it for me?"

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to Earth-16's James Gordon:

#1. Is his full name James Worthington "Jim" Gordon?

#2. When did he first joined the Gotham City Police Department?

#3. How many years has he currently held the position of commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department?

#4. When did his partnership with Batman first started?

#5. Is he a smoker like his mainstream DC Comics counterpart in the comics?

#6. Is he currently married or divorced?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to Earth-16's Courtney Whitmore:

#1. Was she born and initially raised in Los Angeles, California?

#2. Are her parents' names Sam Kurtis and Barbara Whitmore; with the latter initially raising Courtney all by herself after Sam and Barbara got divorced?

#3. Did she initially disliked her stepfather, Patrick "Pat" Dugan, after he married her mother? How long did this last before she finally accepted him?

#4. Does she and her family currently live in Blue Valley, Nebraska? How long have they lived there thus far?

#5. What are the names of the high schools that she attended; before and after she and her family moved from California to Nebraska?

#6. When did she graduated from high school?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. When exactly did "Stargirl" (the pop culture television show hosted by Courtney Whitmore) first aired on television in the Earth-16 universe?

#2. Just for clarification, is Earth-16 the only known version of the DC Universe thus far in which Stargirl and Courtney Whitmore are publicly known to be one and the same person (if her interview with Beast Boy in the Season 4 finale is any apparent indication; since he did addressed her by her real name even though she was in costume)?

#3. I know that you previously refused to confirm the names of Courtney Whitmore's family members in the Earth-16 universe in a previous posting. However, what do they think/how do they feel in regards to her being the hostess of her own TV show and in regards to her superheroics as Stargirl and as a member of the Outsiders?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What was the exact year that Vandal Savage first encountered the Justice Society of America/All-Star Squadron? How more times did he encounter them afterwards and when did those encounters happened?

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Tom writes...

Hello Greg. I have a few questions for you.
1. Were Shining Knight (Sir Justin) and Vigilante (Greg Saunders) members of All-Star Squadron?
2. Are Robin (Tim Drake) and Spoiler (Stephanie Brown) a couple now?
3. When did they become a couple?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 versions of characters from "The Sandman Universe" line of DC Comics?

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Hafiz writes...

This Hafiz guy who posts a lot in the Ask Greg queue seems remarkably dim. The oldest question of his in the queue is in response to an answer Greg gave on April 1st about Jor-El and Lara coming to Earth and becoming the Kent's. Dude, April 1st is April Fools Day in America and it's a day Greg cuts loose and answers questions in a facetious manner. (Fair(on my defense i'm bengali and I don't understand sarcasm))

In his most recent post, he wonders why democracies/constitutional monarchies are portrayed more favorably than absolute monarchies and that Saudi Arabia treats their people better than the US. I know there's universal health care in SA, but it wouldn't do me much good if I was beheaded for witchcraft nearly a quarter into the 21st century. I'd also rather not be sawed up in an embassy for criticizing the ruler of the country. Will that universal health care put me back together? (Saudi follows God's law not some man made nonsense)

It's also tiresome when he quotes scripture and verse to conform with his conservative view of Islam. He should call himself Atatollah Bore-mani. He also seems like a MAGA chud when he complains about wokeness. (Sorry I reject democracy. MAGA people are insane as just like the left. Morality is nonexistent in secularism,)

As much as he enjoys the show, I hope he realizes it's all fiction, like the Koran, and he should stop berating Greg. Hafiz reminds me of the guy who attacked Rushdie today. (If I were to portray jews as greedy thieves and blacks people as thugs would the masses just watch as something fictional for the sake of story or would they boycott my story? I would have to pay for libel. As for Salman Rushdie how is that he can slander peoples belief and publish lies and go unpunished? don't get me wrong I don't condone their behavior. Random Muslims can't resort to vigilantism but at the same time Salman Rushdie shouldn't resort to lie to trick the ignorant masses)
Greg Weisman always will be one of my favorite writers up there with George RR Martin, Mark Twain, and Edgar Allan Poe but that doesn't if he makes a blunder I'm going to idly sit by and let him go scott free especially if he responds to fans and I know he makes retractions

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Anonymous writes...

This Hafiz guy who posts a lot in the Ask Greg queue seems remarkably dim. The oldest question of his in the queue is in response to an answer Greg gave on April 1st about Jor-El and Lara coming to Earth and becoming the Kent's. Dude, April 1st is April Fools Day in America and it's a day Greg cuts loose and answers questions in a facetious manner.

In his most recent post, he wonders why democracies/constitutional monarchies are portrayed more favorably than absolute monarchies and that Saudi Arabia treats their people better than the US. I know there's universal health care in SA, but it wouldn't do me much good if I was beheaded for witchcraft nearly a quarter into the 21st century. I'd also rather not be sawed up in an embassy for criticizing the ruler of the country. Will that universal health care put me back together?

It's also tiresome when he quotes scripture and verse to conform with his conservative view of Islam. He should call himself Atatollah Bore-mani. He also seems like a MAGA chud when he complains about wokeness.

As much as he enjoys the show, I hope he realizes it's all fiction, like the Koran, and he should stop berating Greg. Hafiz reminds me of the guy who attacked Rushdie today.

Better put in my original idea, I think the Team should open a disco and invite the Dazzler from Marvel Comics to help run it.

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