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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to the Earth-16 version of the Justice Society of America/All-Star Squadron, what is the chronological order of recruitment of its members (with dates included, if possible)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of the superhero team known as Gen 13?

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Tavarius writes...

At the end of season 4, when the Super Martian wedding finally unfolded, Miss Martian had forgone her freckles, and Superboy sported a new haircut. Are these looks permanent, or exclusive to the wedding?

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Tavarius writes...

Johnny Kent and Superboy have the same physiology of being half Kryptonian, half Kryptonian. So why does Johnny seem to have a more complete power set than Superboy?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

You have previously mentioned that the Earth-16 version of the Justice Society of America disbanded due to pressure from the United States government in wanting the heroes to reveal their identities. But who SPECIFICALLY within the United States government came up with this suggestion? Also, did Harry S. Truman (the 33rd President of the United States) also agreed with this suggestion; if so, how exactly was he convinced/persuaded?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Exactly how many times have the Earth-16 version of the Justice Society of America/All-Star Squadron saved the world before most of the members of the Justice League were born?

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Anonymous writes...

Miss martian and superboy and beast boy died before legion of superheros were form so what as conner's age and m'gann's and Garfield logan's age then these three people died in young justice universe?

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Small Girl writes...

By the end young justice season 4 why did beast boy still view the outsiders as his friends or not blame them for his breakup with peridia because if the outsiders got black canary to help beast boy with his mental health problems before Perdita came to see him at the Hub Garfield and Perdita would still be together?

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Anonymous writes...

In season 3 episode 15, Eduardo/El Dorado sys he used to hate his powers and pray they would go away, but over time learned to accept and love them. I know you’ve already confirmed that Ed is gay, but was that scene intentionally written as a metaphor for him embracing his sexuality, or was I just reading into that a bit too much?

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Really? writes...

tHeRe’S nO bLiNd SpOt I’m DoInG tHiS oN pUrPoSe AnD i LiKe It

Really? No blind spot? You’re perfect? You don’t need to do any introspection? You didn’t even attempt to understand why making a Muslim character explicitly religious in a Western show is a completely different thing than making a Christian character religious. Context is clearly not a concept you comprehend. And you totally glossed over my point that none of the main 6 characters never talk about their religion and that religion wasn’t part of the show until you made a Muslim character. But ok. Keep living in denial of your Islamophobic tendencies. You’re going to get a rude awakening if you venture outside of this deluded fandom that thinks you can do no wrong.

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