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Max writes...

Hello, I’m a huge fan of young justice, and I’m just concerned it will be end and there won’t be any lingering content from it. Things such as Superboy and Miss Martian’s relationship aren’t really present in the comics. I love the world you’ve made with these characters and I want them to enter the more mainstream view of the characters similar to how the Teen Titans show solidified so many people’s views on who the characters are.I was wondering if you had any plans on ending the show or if there was news on it’s renewal?

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Anonymous writes...

Were there any purist beside danuuth who continued to serve ocean master?

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Myrdin writes...

1. Over at the Young Justice Wiki there is a question as to If the Justice League (or the associated under teams) get any sort of Wage. You have previously mentioned a 'stipend', but did not elaborate. Could it be considered significant enough to call a Wage?
2. Could you be persuaded comment on This question and maybe a few others) on the Wiki itself?

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Anonymous writes...

Why is Highfather in this universe called Iyaza, while in the comics he's called Izaya?
Was that a conscious name change for the character or was it an error to late to change?

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Anonymous writes...

FYI - just because someone is critical about how the show has changed to focus on social issues doesn't mean they're racist or homophobic. While there is a vocal minority that is just mad about seeing diversity in a superhero show, more often than not, what people mean is that the focus on social issues is coming at the expense of telling a good story and/or it feels like you're trying to address too many issues and it's coming off as performative.

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Michael Broder writes...

How old is Psycho-Pirate and what's his origin story?

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Matt Itelson writes...

Has anyone ever been benched from the Team before? (aside from Halo)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is Superboy (Kon-El/Conner Kent) considered to be the second adoptive son of Jonathan and Martha Kent; presumably since in-between the events of Seasons One and Two of Young Justice?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. What are the names of Perdita's parents?

#2. Just to confirm, Count Vertigo is Perdita's maternal uncle because he and Perdita's mother are siblings, correct? The reason I ask is because, in the Young Justice Wiki, Count Vertigo is referred to as Perdita's maternal uncle in his own character page, while Perdita is referred to as Count Vertigo's sororal niece on her own character page. I mean, what does that mean?

#3. When Miss Martian learned that Garfield and Perdita broke up, and Miss Martian talked to Perdita off-screen, did Miss Martian had to explain to Perdita that Garfield's self-destructive behavior was because of how badly he had likely been affected by Superboy's death on Mars (which I assume that Perdita was NOT aware of at all)? As such, do you think that Perdita would be able to forgive Garfield for his behavior if Miss Martian explains to her why he is acting the way that he is?

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Hayden Philyaw writes...

Does Gar view J'onn J'onzz as Family? If so does Gar view J'onn as an Uncle?

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